Mother also heard the preaching on the baptism of the Holy Ghost along with the other doctrines of the Word of God. An intense hunger seized her heart and she sought that experience earnestly and faithfully. She craved to be an effectual instrument in the hands of her Lord and Master. She once again rededicated her life and consecrated deeper and deeper.
In telling of her receiving this mighty baptism of the Holy Spirit, the enduement of power for service, she said: "Three days after I was sanctified, as I sat in my chair at one of the services, a sound like a rushing, mighty wind filled the room, and I was baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. Rivers of joy and divine love flooded my soul. God also gave me the Bible evidence of receiving this experience in letting me speak in another language. He permitted me to speak in the Chinese tongue which was understood by a Christian Chinese who was present. But the greatest joy in my heart was the knowledge that I had received power to witness for Christ, power to tell others what great things God can do in a human life."
When Mother told me all these things I could not fully understand them, for I was yet quite young; but I began to comprehend more fully the power of God when she was healed of her apparently incurable diseases and was restored to perfect health. It is encouraging to one's faith to hear her tell of this marvelous healing.