The name, “Apostolic Faith,” is truly a fitting description of this international, continuously growing evangelistic organization which holds to the faith and the teachings of the Apostles, and has for its motto: “Earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3).
This religious movement which established its headquarters in Portland, Oregon, in I907, had its origin in the early part of the Twentieth Century during a world-wide revival cradled in the great Welsh Revival.
The wellspring of the founding of this evangelistic organization was the Outpouring of the Spirit in I906, which centered in the city of Los Angeles, California, and spread throughout the world in answer to the prayers of hundreds of spiritually hungry people.
Though this church, as an organization, has been in existence only a little over a half century, its doctrines are in no sense new. Man-made philosophies, new theories, or modernistic interpretations of the Scriptures have no part in the doctrine of this church.