This church is considered unique in some of its characteristics. In the matter of finances, they follow the example of the Apostles and make no solicitation to individuals for funds. Their place of worship is ofttimes referred to as “a church without a collection plate.” Freewill offerings and tithes are given without coercion and no names are required on the envelopes dropped into the offering box which is placed on the back wall of the church auditorium. These tithes and offerings, together with contributions received through the mail, cover the expenditures and upkeep of the local church as well as aiding in the world-wide evangelistic and missionary work.
Thousands of letters, and thousands upon thousands of pieces of literature are mailed free of charge, postage prepaid, to all parts of the globe where Christian literature is permitted.
Another noticeable characteristic in this church is the conservative attire of its members. Those who take active part in the Gospel activities avoid extreme styles and fashions, including facial make-up, anything gaudy, or that which would make them one-in-appearance with the worldly, pleasure-seeking throng.
Worldly amusements and sinful pleasures such as dancing, card playing, theater going, smoking, drinking and such things have no part in the life of these Christians.