THERE is nothing that brings the power and glory of God into the life of a child of God as consecration does. God demands our all – our time, our thought, our everything. Would to God that every soul would move up on the line of consecration; that every heart would cut loose for God and throw his very life into the Gospel in these last awful days of apostasy. It will abundantly pay in rivers of blessing on your own soul, to say nothing of the channel of blessing you will become to humanity.
Consecration is the route to everything we get from God. The sinner who comes to God with repentance must give his life to God and promise Him that come what may he will serve God with his whole heart and life. It is then the Blood is applied and that soul becomes a new creature in Christ Jesus. His covenant is made with God for time and eternity. This is justification.
But consecration is hardly begun. Your heart hungers for sanctification, and you make a deeper consecration. You present your body a living sacrifice unto God. You consecrate deeper than words can tell; the sanctifying power of the Blood comes down upon your soul and you have the witness that the Blood sanctifies you wholly.
There is still a deeper consecration that must be made to receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. And it does not stop here. God requires you to go down before Him continually, that you might retain these wonderful experiences and go on unto perfection in God.
God will give you your desire, the deepest desire of your heart, when you make a full consecration. When He multiplied the widow’s oil, it never ceased flowing so long as there was an empty vessel. God wants empty vessels. The Fountain is not running dry. God’s power is not exhausted. He is looking for empty vessels to fill with the precious oil of the Holy Spirit. Empty your mind, your heart, your soul, and let God come in.
Abraham’s Consecration
God told Abraham to take his son, his only son Isaac, and go up to Mount Moriah and offer him to the Lord. He had made a consecration to God. If you have anything in your life that you fear to trust in the hands of God, you have not made a perfect consecration. Abraham had made a complete and perfect consecration; and he believed that God was able to raise his son even from the dead, “from whence also he received him in a figure.” He took that son and bound him on the altar to slay him. And when God saw that Abraham surely intended to take the life of the child in obedience to God’s command, He called unto him out of Heaven, “Lay not thine hand upon the lad.”
God Will Try Your Consecration
As soon as your consecration is complete and God can trust you, He may put you to the test, and you will then know whether you were fully consecrated. Many believed they had committed all to God, but when they were put to the test, they failed to keep their offering on the altar. When you have that consecration wrought out in your soul, God can send you where He will, try you as He may. Your heart-strings may be wrung but you will say, “God, I promised and I am in Your hands to do Your bidding.”
After you have offered your body a living sacrifice, God will surely test the consecration. When you made it the fire came down and the power of God rested upon your life. You perhaps lifted your hands to Heaven, and with shining face, and the tears streaming down, you had the wonderful witness that God had met you in your consecration. Today when there are no tears, no feeling, no lifting of the hands, you must step out in faith, and stand, and see God move things out of the way.
Thank God for the wonderful days when He veils His face. He would never have a perfect people if He did not try them. Feeling the glory and blessing and the smile of Heaven is not what makes us a tried-out people.
Many people are saying, “O God, if You will give me more of Your power, and draw me closer to Your bleeding side, that I might have more power and anointing on my life, that I might give a more perfect service to You, take my life and do what You will.” This is the cry of God’s people. It is a real privilege to make such a consecration to God.
Keep Your Vows
Sincere seekers will go to the altar and make their vows to God and say, “God, if You will give me the desire of my heart, I will give You my life and everything I have or ever expect to have.” God demands such a consecration in order that you may receive the sanctifying power and the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire upon your life. And when you make it, you must keep it or God will withdraw the power He gave you. God is demanding that His people make these consecrations and then measure to them.
He will try your consecration. He will have you polished by permitting tests to come, and they may be all you can stand. It will mean everything to keep in the spirit when things do not go just right and the power of the enemy is pressing the soul; and, thank God, there is grace for the one who is willing to submit to the mighty hand of God. He will take you through. He will fortify you for the real fight if you submit to the purging – the chastening hand of God.
A True Heart
The sweetest thing on earth is a true, consecrated, honest heart – a heart that is made pure by the Blood of Jesus Christ. The confidence of God rests in the man or woman who has a perfect heart, true and honest before God and man. He will swear to his own hurt rather than deceive his own soul. He will stand unflinchingly for the truth, even suffering loss and great persecution, but he will not fail to speak the truth in his heart.
God knows the heart. It is strange that some people think they can cover up little sins, evade the truth a little, look at someone with a little envy, depart from righteousness in their business dealings, and yet retain the Spirit on their lives.
As we keep the love of God in our hearts – the love that is described in the thirteenth chapter of First Corinthians – it will keep us down at His feet. Our bodies God created; our souls He saved; and if we are sanctified, He sanctified us. If we have love in our hearts, He gave us that love. We have nothing of ourselves. It is all the gift of God.
When Jesus veils His face, when the clouds hang low, then you must step out with a living heart-faith and see God open the way before you. When God permits some test to come to your life, it is then you have an opportunity to prove God, and He to prove you as He did the Children of Israel. He does not want you to murmur, but to look up and praise Him for permitting you to suffer this light affliction for His sake.
Make your consecration so deep that God can trust you under every circumstance.
“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).
(Our Ensign)