God Still Performs Miracles
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God Still Performs Miracles


Do you need healing for your body? Are you wondering where to turn? God still heals the sick and afflicted. Many have found healing through turning to the Lord.


Appendicitis and Cancer

      Years ago, a young woman came with her parents from Kansas to Portland, Oregon, on a visit, and while here she attended the Apostolic Faith Church. The second day in the city she was stricken with a severe case of appendicitis. The ministers were called to pray for her and God healed her. Best of all, she gave her life to the Lord.

      Her story continues: “After I was married, a cancer was found in my body, and I suffered with it for a year and a half. The doctor said that I would die if I did not have an operation, but I believed God would heal me.

      “The ministers prayed for me, but when I did not receive an immediate healing – even felt worse the next day – I wondered if the Lord was requiring a deeper consecration from me. I rededicated my life to Him, and asked Him to let me live to care for our little daughter. The Lord answered and completely healed me of that cancer. It has never reoccurred.

      “A few years ago, when my husband and I were planning an extended trip, I was told that I had a bad case of diabetes. I had hardly been able to sleep, and did not feel able to travel. The doctor told me I would probably go blind. But we decided to start our trip and trust God for my healing.

      “We attended the Midwest Camp Meeting, and there the ministers anointed me with oil and prayed for me. The Lord instantly healed me and I slept soundly all night.

      “After completing our long trip and returning home, a thorough physical examination verified my healing beyond a doubt. I have never had a trace of diabetes since then. It is good to trust the Lord.” – Gertrude  Damron


Kidney Failure

      “Some years ago I lay on my deathbed in the hospital. The doctors held little hope for my recovery. They had no record of anyone’s having lived as long as I had after a total kidney failure.

      “The only possible hope they held out for me was a transplant or a kidney machine, but the doctors did not believe my heart was able to take either. About this time, my mother-in-law called the Apostolic Faith Church, asking them to pray, and they put me on their prayer list. The very same day, my kidneys started functioning and continued to function normally. The Lord completely healed me. The doctor could not understand what had happened. He had never heard of anything like this.

      “Through this sickness, the Lord talked to my heart, and when I yielded to the call of His Spirit, He saved my soul and gave me peace and joy. I can say that these are the happiest days of my life. No trial that comes can take away the joy or my hope of everlasting life.” – Lloyd Garlock



      A man who had been an epileptic from the time he was a child gives thanks to God for his complete healing.

      “I was saved as a small boy and gave my life to the Lord the best I knew how, but I did not have faith then for the healing of my epilepsy. The only way I could live a normal life was to take medication daily. But even while taking medication, I had no assurance that I would not have another seizure. One Christmas Day I decided to believe God’s promise for my healing and trust Him. I put my case completely into His hands and took no medicine.

      “One day went by without any trouble, then two. Twenty days passed and I had had no problem. My faith grew stronger and stronger. Finally sixty days had gone by and I was still free from any seizures. By that time I knew God had healed me when I first believed and put my trust in Him.

      “Years have passed now. Today I am a well man, able to support my family, and to live a normal life. I give God the praise.” – Chuck Baker


Back Injury

      “Some years ago, I was driving out of Salem, Oregon, in the pouring rain. A driver, going between seventy and eighty miles an hour, hit me head-on. I thought I was going to meet my Maker, but there was absolutely no fear in my heart, because I had made my peace with God years earlier.

      “God spared my life, but my backbone was twisted out of shape. For the next 25 years, I lived in pain 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I slept very little at night, and many times walked the floor in pain.

      “Last spring at a men’s prayer meeting, I told some of the others, ‘I can’t ask you to pray for my healing. I feel God may have left this pain on my body so I will always remember He saved my life. But do pray that God will help me to sleep. As I get older, I find it’s harder to get along with so little sleep.’ One of the men said, ‘Maybe you can’t pray for your healing, but we can.’

      “A few months later, I was praying before a church service for some of my loved ones who needed a physical touch from God. As I was praying, the mighty hand of God came down and touched my body.

      “The next morning I woke up about 3:30, and started to thank God for His love. As I prayed, I knew something was unusual but couldn’t think what. Suddenly I realized that I was totally free of pain. God had healed me completely. How I thank Him for His healing power!” – Elvin Phillips