(S.S. 2.28)
Tonic Sol-fa

s: s: m': r: d: t: l:
s: l: s: m:-
d: t: l: s: r: l:
s: m:-:- 7
s: s: m: r: d: t: l:
s: l: s: m:-
d: t: l: s: t: d: r: d:-:-

s: t: r:-:- s: d: m:-:-: r: d: t: d: r:
d: l: s:-:- 7
s: s: l: s: m: f: fe:
s: d: r: m:
s: f: m:-:
m: m: r: d:-:-:-

1. The grave could not hold my Re-deemer
and Lord
But as He had promised and said
The third day's bright morning fulfilling
His word,
My Saviour arose, from the dead

Chorus: He arose, He arose
Just as He had promised and said
The grave could not hold my
Re-deemer and Lord
He a-rose from the dead.

2. The grave could not hold Him
The Soldier in steel
Were guarding the tomb where He lay

And tho on the stone was the
go-ver-nors seal
An angel did roll it a-way.

3. The grave could not hold Him, a conqueror
He is risen triumphant o'er sin
Now death and the grave have no terror for me
In Him I the vic-to-ry win
