Tonic Sol-fa

d: d: d: r:
m. m: re. m:-
r. r: de. r:-
d. d: l. s:-
d: d: d: r:
m. m: re. m:
f. r. d:- t:- d:-:

m. f. s:-
m. s. d:-
l:- s:-: 7
d: d: d: r:
m. m: re. m:
f. r. d:- t:- d:-:

1. "I will make you fishers of men,
Fishers of men, fishers of men
I will make you fishers of men
If you follow Me.
If you follow Me, If you follow Me;
I will make you, fishers of men,
If you fo-low Me."

2 Hear Christ calling, "Come un-to Me,
Come un-to Me, Come unto Me;"
Hear Christ call-ing, "Come un-to Me,
I will give you rest
I will give you rest, I will give you rest"
Hear Christ call-ing, Come un-to Me,
I will give you rest".
