Tonic Sol-fa

d; d, d. d.
t. l. s:
l; l, l. l. s. f. m:
d; d, d. d.
t. l. s:
l: t: d:-

1. Come, ye children, sweetly sing
Praise to your Saviour king;
Hearts and voices gladly bring:
Praise His name!

2. Jesus is the children's Friend,
Loving, faithful to the end;

Richest gifts from Him descend,
Joy and peace.

3. For our sins we deeply grieve,
But Thy promise we believe
"Him that cometh l receive"
Lord, we come.

4. Help us love Thee more and more,
Serve Thee truly evermore,
Till Thy mercy we adore In
Heav'n above.
