Have You Been Made Free?
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Have You Been Made Free?

Have You Been Made Free?

It is the truth that makes free. Jesus said, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:36. You may think you are free to do as you please. But the children of God know what true liberty is. They are the people whom the Son of God has made free. They are free to do as they should do. They are free to obey the dictates of a tender conscience. They are honest and sincere before God, and that prompt them to follow Jesus and His teachings throughout the New Testament.

That is the liberty the world needs today. The world is under the iron heel of Satan. The sinner is a slave of sin. Paul says, “To whom ye yield yourselves servant to obey, his servant ye are.” Romans 6:16.

Do you want to serve God? When you are willing to say, “Lord, I surrender, I yield to Thee,” God is ready and willing to save you and set you free, and put the joy of this everlasting salvation in your heart.