
Lesson 65 - Junior

Memory Verse

"He rose again the third day according to the scriptures" (I Corinthians 15:4).


The Empty Grave

Christ had triumphed over all His enemies. The grave could not hold the divine Son of God. He had said He would rise on the third day; and when that day dawned, no power of man -- the stone before the tomb, the Roman seal the soldiers who guarded the grave -- could hold back the resurrected Saviour. He had paid the price of our redemption and had won for us eternal life.

The disciples could not believe the report of the women who said they had found the sepulchre empty, and that they had seen angels who told them that Christ had risen. They seemed to have forgotten all that Jesus had said about His rising again. They had believed Jesus would deliver them from the Roman government; but now He was dead, and they were so grieved that they apparent never gave His resurrection a thought.

The scribes and Pharisees did not believe in Jesus, but they had heard that He had said He would rise the third day, and they remembered it. They wanted the grave sealed securely so that no one would steal His body and claim He had risen. But the disciples had forgotten. Even when they found the tomb empty they did not realise what had happened.

Slow to Believe

When two of Christ's disciples were on their way to Emmaus that Sunday night, they thought their last hope had fled. A "Stranger" caught up with them and wanted to know why they were so sad. They were surprised that He did not seem to know about all the excitement that had stirred the people of Jerusalem, and they told Him about the irregular trial of Jesus and His cruel crucifixion. The Stranger reproved them because they were so slow to believe what the Scriptures had said about the Christ. His Kingdom was not of this world, and it was needful that He die to redeem mankind, but He would rise again. Those Scriptures had been fulfilled, but still their understanding was dim, nor did they recognise the Man Who was walking with them, and explaining the Word.

When they came to the village to which they were going, and He seemed to be going on, the disciples asked Jesus to come in and dine with them. He accepted; and when the meal was ready, He took His place at the head of the table and asked the blessing upon the food they were about to eat. Then the disciples recognised Him as the Lord -- and He vanished from their presence.

Back to Jerusalem

They were so excited at having seen Jesus alive again that they quickly started back to Jerusalem. It was about seven and one half miles, and it was night, and they had to walk, but nothing could hold them back. They had seen Jesus alive!

They came to the room where the Apostles were gathered, but before they had an opportunity to ten their good news, they were told that Peter had also seen Jesus. While they were excitedly talking about this great miracle, Jesus appeared among them. He did not scold them, nor even remind them that they had forsaken Him in the garden. Rather, He blessed them and said, "Peace be unto you." He did not want them to be afraid, but to believe in Him. He showed them His hands and feet, and the side that the Roman soldier had pierced with the sword. They could not doubt that He was Jesus.

But what kind of body did He have? He had been dead, and they thought He might be a spirit. But Jesus asked for food, and sat down and ate with them. He had a glorified body that could pass through ways; yet He was not a spirit ([LUK:24:39]).

The Gospel to All Men

For forty days Jesus appeared among His disciples, encouraging them, giving them instructions for the founding of the Church. He was about to go to Heaven, and leave them to preach the Gospel. He promised He would send the Comforter Who would tell them what to say, and would give them mighty power and holy boldness before sinners. They were to begin their ministry in Jerusalem, but were also to preach to all the other nations. That was hard for the disciples, especially Peter, to understand. They thought that salvation was for the Jews only, but Jesus told them that all men could be saved if they repented and believed in His shed Blood.


1. How was the tomb sealed? How did Jesus get out of it?

2. What were the two men on the way to Emmaus talking about?

3. What did the Stranger tell them about the Scriptures?

4. When did the two men recognise the Stranger?

5. What happened when they got back to Jerusalem?

6. What instructions did Jesus give His disciples?