[NUM:9:15-23]; [NUM:10:11-13], [NUM:10:29-36].

Lesson 91 - Senior

Memory Verse

 "We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it you:  come thou with us, and we will do thee good:  for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel" (Numbers 10:29).

Cross References

I The Sign of the Cloud

1. The cloud by day and the pillar of the fire by night lead the way, [NUM:9:15-23]; [NUM:10:11]; [EXO:13:21-22]; [EXO:14:19-20], [EXO:14:24-25]; [EXO:40:34-38]; [PS:78:14]; [PS:105:39]; [ISA:4:5-6].

2. The cloud lifts and Israel marches from Sinai, [NUM:10:12], [NUM:10:33-34]; [DEU:32:11-12].

3. The cloud rests and Israel camps at Paran, [NUM:10:12-13], [NUM:10:33-34]

II The Invitation of Moses to His Brother-in-Law

1. "Come thou with us," [NUM:10;29]; [ISA:55:1-3]; [JHN:7:37]; [REV:22:17].

2. Worldly ties draw Hobab, [NUM:10:30]; [MAT:19:21-22].

3. There is a place for Hobab to fill, [NUM:10:31]; [1CO:12:8-27].

4. A reward awaits Hobab, [NUM:10:32]; [1CO:2:9].

III The Morning and Evening Prayer

1. "Let thine enemies be scattered," [NUM:10:35].

2. "Return, O LORD, unto the many thousands of Israel," [NUM:10:36].


A Schooling Period

For almost a year Israel had been camped at Mount Sinai. During this time the people received the laws from God by which they wee to be governed in the Promised Land. It was time well spent while they were all together and could be schooled in the way of the Lord. It was here that the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle were constructed, the priesthood inaugurated, and the people informed concerning the way in which God would have them worship.

The Cloud

The presence of God rested over the Tabernacle in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. When God wanted Israel to move, the cloud lifted and went before them. As long s the cloud remained on the Tabernacle Israel stayed in camp, whether it was two days, a month, or a year ([NUM:9:15-23]). No doubt at times the marching grew tiresome, while at other times Israel may have grown restless in camp, but God was their Leader. Not always does a Christian know why God leads as He does, but those who follow Him are richly rewarded. Many times God blocks a path even though His own people cannot see the dangers ahead. Other times God urges people on when they see no reason for moving. Philip the evangelist was called from a revival in Samaria to go out into the desert, but God had His purpose: a hungry soul wanted God ([ACT:8:26-40]).

The March

Now the time for the march has come. God gives the signal. The cloud lifts from off the Tabernacle. There is a movement in the east side of the camp as the standard (a banner which could be seen from afar) of Judah is raised and their host begins the march. Falling in behind are Issachar and Zebulun who are included under Judah's standard to form a division. While this is going on, the Levites are taking down the Tabernacle and preparing for the march. The families of Gershon and Merari (Levites) follow behind the division of Judah with the external structure of the Tabernacle so that it can be set up as soon as the halting place is reached.

From the south side of the camp comes the division of Reuben, with their standard raised high, and makes a right turn into the spot where Judah was camped. Behind them come the Kohathites bearing the Ark and instruments of the Sanctuary. By the time they arrive at the next camp the Tabernacle will be erected. From the west comes the standard of Ephraim with their division marching straight ahead, while the standard of Dan is raised in the north and their host make a left turn to bring up the rear.

What an impressive sight it would be to view from the height of Mount Sinai the grand armies of Israel passing in review -" 600,000 men besides women and children! Here again we see that God is the author of order and not of confusion.

A Goal

While the camp of Israel was thus astir, Moses said to Hobab, a relative, "We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it you." Moses and Israel had a definite place toward which they were travelling. They had a promise from God that He would give them the land.

We, too, have a promise of better country. "But now they desires a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city" (Hebrews 11:16). Are you wandering aimlessly in life with no definite goal and no assurance of reaching Heaven? How useless is such a career! The child of God has an aim, a promise, and a Guide to insure his safe conduct to that City which God has prepared.

"Come thou with us, and we will do the good: for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel." We need not hesitate to ask anyone to come with us in this Christian way, for the Lord has "given unto us exceeding great and precious promises" (II Peter 1:4). We are to have "new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness." If the Pharisees could "compass sea and land to make on proselyte" and make him twofold more the child of hell than themselves, should not we, the children of God, be the more earnest to win souls from sin? Are we heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ, and do we yet hesitate to invite our comrades to come with us?

Early Ties

"And he said unto him, I will not go; but I will depart to mine own land, and to my kindred." Earthly ties are not easily severed. Until one catches the heavenly vision there is much to allure a person to earthly things. How often it is said, "I have too much to give up." It reminds one of a boy who was offered a new bicycle in trade for a tin whistle. The boy wanted the bicycle all right, but was not willing to give up the whistle, and so declined the offer. People today are turning down eternal life for things as valueless to them as tin whistles.

Moses did not take "no" for an answer from Hobab, but pointed out to him the place there was for him to fill. There is plenty of room for labourers in God's kingdom. Jesus said, "The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few" (Luke 10:2). Moses promised Hobab, "What goodness the LORD shall do unto us, the same will we do unto thee." Jesus promised, "He that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal" (John 4:36).

Leadership Needed

God was to guide Israel by cloud and pillar, yet Moses asked Hobab to be unto them instead of eyes. If God was to lead them, what need had they for Hobab's eyes? Some have thought that this shows a lack of confidence in God on the part of Moses. It need not be considered thus. There was much that an experienced man in the wilderness could point out, such as pasture, water, dangers, and fuel, after God had selected the place for Israel to camp. We still have need for leaders and overseer who have knowledge and wisdom, even though we are lead by the Spirit of God.

Who Will Go?

Did Hobab go with Israel? What is your answer to the Gospel call? Can you afford to turn down the invitation, when "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him" (I Corinthians 2:9).

Come Thou With Us

Once a man of Midian, wandering,

Came to the hosts of Israel

With whom the Lord would dwell.

"Come with us," said Moses,

"and we will do thee good.

God hath spoken good concerning Israel."


Come thou with us and we will do thee good,

Share with us the land of milk and honey.

Come thou with us for we are Canaan-bound.

O, come share our joys without money.

To this land of Promise we are bent,

And our Leader is our Saviour.

In His Name we fight,

For it is a good land,

A land of springs and hills,

That Jehovah watches over day and night.

So we say to all men everywhere,

"Come with us for God is with us.

Join our happy band!"

To the wayside wanderers, distressed,

and weary, too ---

"Come, abide with us in this our Beulah land."


1. Look up all the Scriptures regarding the cloud in the wilderness.

2. How long were the Children of Israel at Mount Sinai?

3. Make a list of the advantages of answering the Gospel call.

4. What is to be gained by refusing the call?

5. What do you find in the Bible about letting family ties interfere with following Jesus?

6. Did Moses want Hobab to find the camping places for Israel?

7. Do you believe in giving personal Gospel invitations to people? If so what are you doing about it?

8. What "good" had the Lord spoken concerning Israel?

9. What did Moses do morning and evening?

10. How did Israel know when to break up camp?