[MAT:15:21-31]; [MAK:7:31-37].

Lesson 96 - Junior

Memory Verse

"Great is thy faith:  be it unto thee even as thou wilt" (Matthew 15:28).


Asking for Help

Jesus had gone into the wicked cities of Sidon and Tyre, where a woman came to Him asking for help. She was not an Israelite but a Gentile, sometimes called a Syrophoenician woman, because she lived in the Phoenician part of the country of Syria. Jesus had been sent by God to the Israelites, or Jews, God's chosen people. When Jesus sent out His disciples their instructions were to preach to the Jews, not to the Gentiles ([MAT:10:5-6]). Later on, the disciples preached to the Gentiles, too ([ACT:15:7]), because Jesus had come to His own people but they did not receive Him ([JHN:1:11]).

Perhaps this woman had heard of the many people who had been healed by Jesus. She had faith that He could heal her daughter, who was seriously ill. We are not told just what disease or affliction the devil had put on this girl, but it did not make any difference, Jesus is able to heal all manner of disease. There is no disease nor sickness, no matter how serious, that can withstand the Blood of Jesus.

No Encouragement

This woman called after Jesus for mercy. The disciples tried to quiet her because she was not a Jewish woman. Perhaps she thought He did not hear her, since Jesus did not answer immediately. In so doing, He gave her faith a chance to work as He put it to a test. Some people would have taken the silence to be a denial of her request, but she was not easily discouraged. Finally Jesus told her that He was sent to the house of Israel, the Jews. But she was persistent, and asked again. She acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah, or the Promised One of the Jews, for she called Him the "son of David." She believed that He was the Son of God, sent to be the Saviour ([LUK:2:11]; [JHN:3:16]).

Her prayer was not long but it was definite, for she stated her need and told Him what she wanted. She worshiped Him and said, "Lord, help me." God can hear a short prayer as well as a long one. It was the manner in which she prayed that touched the heart of the Saviour. Her prayer was, "Help ME." She realized HER need; while others were being healed by Jesus, she did not want Him to pass by her and her daughter.

A Sinner's Prayer

Many sinners have been saved when they prayed like this woman. Some have not said any more than she did, but they came with a repentant spirit. They knew that they needed help and that God was the only One who could help them. As they admitted their guilty condition before the Lord and asked for help, the peace of Heaven dropped into their soul. They knew that they were forgiven and saved from their sins.

Jesus' answer to her was an example to show her that she was not worthy or deserving, because she was not an Israelite, and the Gospel was not yet sent to others. He said it would not be right to take bread from children to feed a dog. She understood what the Lord meant and was not offended because He had classed her with a dog. Some people take offence so easily by putting the wrong meaning to words, and they go away with their feelings hurt. By so doing they miss the blessing that God has for them, just as the daughter would not have been healed had this mother gone away offended.

The woman did not want to take from the Jews something that they wanted, as her answer shows. To the Lord she said that she wanted that which was left over, or what the others had rejected. No one would object to feeding crumbs to a dog. In her humble way she asked if she might have some of His help that others had failed to receive.

Reward of Faith

Her argument did not win the Lord; it was her faith that brought the blessing of healing for her daughter. By her persistence and continued prayer, she showed that she had faith. Jesus said that she was a woman of much faith, and that her request was granted. Because she went to Jesus, and prayed with faith, her daughter was healed instantly. The disease was gone; a burden of care and anxiety was removed from the mother. No doubt, as she recalled her conversation with Jesus, she realized that she would not have received her request if she had given up easily. How happy she must have been that she was determined, and that she continued to ask until her petition was granted.

Some people give up just before they get the blessing. They may be seeking God for healing for their sick bodies, or seeking God for salvation or one of the deeper experiences. Perhaps God is testing their faith, but they go away with their prayers unanswered instead of holding on a little longer. Let us purpose to be like this woman who showed her faith in the Lord by her perseverance, determination, and continuance in prayer.

Glorified God

Later Jesus went to a mountain near the Sea of Galilee, and many people came to Him for healing. They were afflicted in so many ways, and seriously, too. There was no help for those who could not see, or could not hear, or could not speak, or could not walk no help except in Jesus. It is no wonder that they glorified God when they saw these helpless people actually seeing, hearing, speaking, and walking at Jesus, command.

"Be Opened"

In the seventh chapter of Mark, we read of a man who could not talk plainly, neither could he hear. Jesus took him away from the crowd of people so that they could be alone. He touched the man's ears and tongue, the afflicted parts of his body. Jesus looked into Heaven as He prayed: "Be opened." Immediately the man could both hear and speak. The people were astonished at the miracles that Jesus performed. The Syrophoenician woman was not astonished because she had faith; she expected the Lord to heal her daughter.

We do not cease to marvel and praise God for the miracles that He performs today, but we are not astonished at them. There is a double cure in the Blood of Jesus, a cure for physical sickness as well as soul sickness. He can, and does, heal the sick as well as save the lost ([ISA:53:5]). When God's people are sick and afflicted, they are instructed to trust in the Lord. He will raise them up through the prayer of faith ([JAM:5:14-15]). "I am the LORD that healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26). "Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all" (Psalm 34:19).

Spiritually Deaf

There are many people in the world today who are much like this man. They are spiritually deaf and dumb. They neither hear the words of God, nor do they speak about God and His blessings. With their natural ears they can hear, but they do not listen to the voice of God. Of course, they cannot speak praises and the glories of God until they hear about them and then take heed to what they hear.

There are some who even go to church and listen to the sermons but they do not spiritually hear the Word of God. The enemy of their soul, Satan, has closed their ears to the Gospel. There is no other remedy for spiritual deafness, but Jesus can heal and He can save. They need to go to Jesus, be alone with Him, that He might open their ears so they will hear the truths of the Gospel. Then the praises of God will flow from their lips, for their tongues will also be loosed. Their testimony will be: "He hath done all things well" (Mark 7:37).


1. Why did the woman call after Jesus?

2. Why did she call Him "Son of David"?

3. Because she continued to pray, what did she receive?

4. How long did it take Jesus to heal the daughter?

5. What afflictions had the others who came to Jesus for healing?

6. Why were the people astonished?

7. What did the people do after Jesus had healed the afflicted?

8. What is required when one goes to Jesus for healing?