[NUM:24:17; [ISA:7:14]; [ISA:9:1-7]; [ISA:11:1-5]; [MIC:5:2]; [JER:31:15].

Lesson 103 - Junior

Memory Verse

"And thou shalt call his name JESUS:  for he shall save his people from their sins"  (Matthew 1:21).


Star in the East

Many years ago a beautiful, bright star appeared in the sky. The wise men of the East saw the star and believed that it meant the birth of the King of the Jews ([MAT:2:1-2]; [NUM:24:17]). Perhaps they had studied the Scriptures and found that the prophets had foretold of a coming King. No doubt they had read that a child would be born who would be in charge of the government ([ISA:9:6]; [ISA:7:14]). It was time for the King to be born ([DAN:9:25]), and no doubt the star was bigger and brighter than any of the others that they had ever seen, so they journeyed to Jerusalem where Herod the king lived ([MAT:2:1]). Imagine their disappointment when they found no baby in the palace. But Herod called the scribes and priests, and asked them what they knew about the birth of a king. They told him that the prophet had said that Christ would be born in Bethlehem ([MIC:5:2]; [MAT:2:4-6]).

Gifts for Jesus

The wise men hurried to find the Baby. As they left the palace, there was that beautiful star, and it was moving toward Bethlehem. How happy they were, for it guided them to the young Child. As they drew near and saw the Baby and His mother Mary, they worshiped Him.

They had brought gifts, so they opened their treasures of gold, incense, and myrrh. These were expensive gifts but they wanted to give the best they had to Jesus. That first Christmas morning God gave to the world (that includes us) the richest treasure in Heaven, His Son ([JHN:3:16]). As the wise men worshiped and gave Him gifts, so we should do the same. Our gifts are not silver and gold nor costly jewels, but the very best that we have our lives and our love.

No Room for Jesus

Jesus' parents, Mary and Joseph, had left their home in Nazareth, and had gone to Bethlehem to be taxed. Since they were of the family of David ([LUK:2:4]), they went to the city of David (Bethlehem). Many years before, the prophets had said that Christ would not only be born in Bethlehem ([MIC:5:2]), but that He would come as a Branch of the family of Jesse ([ISA:11:1]). Jesse was the father of David ([ISA:16:11-13]). Jesus Himself later stated that He was from the house of David ([REV:22:16]).

There must have been many people there, for all the rooms in the inn were taken, but Mary and Joseph found shelter in a shed where the animals were kept. When Jesus was born He was laid on the hay in a manger. Of all those people, not one offered his bed to Jesus. What a shame that the Prince of Peace had no bed but the hay! But some people today have no room for Jesus in their hearts and lives. They have sent Him away as the innkeeper did, saying, "No room." Have you made room in your heart for Jesus?

One day, soon, Jesus is coming to earth again. Some people will see and worship Him. They are ready and expecting Him. Not many saw Jesus when He was born in a manger. They were not looking for the King as the wise men were. They were not expecting Him, so they missed Him. Those who are not expecting Him this time will miss Him, too. May we be like the wise men looking for Jesus! If Jesus came today, would you be ready to meet Him?


The wise men were not the only ones who saw the Christ Child, for some shepherds had already gone to worship Him. As they were watching their sheep, the hillsides were lighted with the glory of God, and an angel gave them the good tidings of the Saviour's birth. The heavens seemed filled with angels, praising God and saying: "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men" (Luke 2:13, 14).

When the angels left, the shepherds realized that God had sent the message to them. They hurried to Bethlehem to see the newborn Babe, whom they found lying in the manger. The shepherds believed the angel and found the Christ Child just as the angel had said. They stood in reverence, and no doubt bowed to worship the Holy Child. They went away giving glory and praise to God. They told others what they had been told, and what they had seen and experienced. They were just like those today who meet Jesus. They wanted to give the good news to others.

Baby Named

The Baby was given many names. Before He was born, God said that they should call Him "JESUS," for He would save His people from their sins ([MAT:1:21]). When God talked to Joseph, Mary's husband, He told him that Jesus would also be known as "Emmanuel", which means "God with us" ([MAT:1:23]; [ISA:7:14]).

In Isaiah 9:6, we read that He would also be called "Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Some songs we sing refer to Jesus as the "Lily of the Valley," "Rose of Sharon," ([SON:2:1]), "Rock of Ages" ([1CO:10:4]), and the "Good Shepherd" ([JHN:10:11]). Do you know of any other names that He is called?

A Scheme that Failed

Herod had asked the wise men to let him know when they found the Christ Child. Deceitfully he said that he wanted to worship Him, too. But God knew what was in Herod's jealous and wicked heart, so He warned the wise men. They did not return to Herod but went home another way. When Herod found out that he had not fooled them he was angry, for he was a sinful man and very wicked. He planned to kill Jesus, so he sent forth a law to kill all the children under two years old. He thought that in that way he would surely destroy Jesus, the King of the Jews. Herod was afraid that he would lose his position so he planned to do away with Jesus. The people were filled with sorrow and sadness all because of one wicked and jealous man. Just think how we would weep if all the children under two years old were destroyed today!

This was the time of which the Prophet Jeremiah spoke when he said that there would be much sorrow and weeping for the children who were not ([JER:31:15]; [MAT:2:16-18]). One cannot scheme against God and win. The plan of Herod's hard and murderous heart to destroy Jesus had failed. God had warned Joseph to take the Baby and Mary into Egypt, where they lived until the death of Herod. In that manner the Scriptures were fulfilled, for we read that God called His Son out of Egypt ([HOS:11:1]).


1. In what city was Jesus born?

2. How did the wise men know where to find Him?

3. How did the shepherds know that Jesus was born?

4. Why was He born in a manger?

5. What kind of man was Herod?

6. Name some things that the prophets foretold concerning Jesus' birth.

7. What gifts are you giving to Jesus this Christmas?