[DEU:11:26-32]; [DEU:27:11-26]; [DEU:28:1-68].

Lesson 136 - Senior

Memory Verse

"I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live" (Deuteronomy 30:19).

Cross References

I Israel Divided Between Gerizim and Ebal

1. Mount Gerizim is used as the mountain of blessing, [DEU:11:27], [DEU:11:29]; [DEU:27:11-12].

2. The law is written and Mount Ebal is used as the mountain of curses, [DEU:11:28-32]; [DEU:27:4-8], [DEU:27:13].

II The Law and the Curses for Its Disobedience

1. "Thou shalt not make the any graven image," [DEU:5:8]; [DEU:27:15].

2. "Honour thy father and thy mother," [DEU:5:16], [DEU:27:16].

3. "Neither shalt thou steal," [DEU:5:19]; [DEU:27:17-19].

4. "Neither shalt thou commit adultery," [DEU:5:18]; [DEU:27:20-23].

5. "Thou shalt not kill," [DEU:5:17]; [DEU:27:24-25].

III Detailed Description of the Blessings for Obedience

1. Prosperity is promised, [DEU:28:1-6], [DEU:28:8], [DEU:28:11-14].

2. Military victories are assured, [DEU:28:7].

3. Religious distinction shall be theirs, [DEU:28:9-10].

IV Detailed Description of the Curses for Disobedience

1. Poverty and famine are threatened, [DEU:28:15-20], [DEU:28:23-24], [DEU:28:38-40].

2. Disease shall smite them, [DEU:28:21-22], [DEU:28:27-29], [DEU:28:35], [DEU:28:58-61].

3. Military defeat, despair, and dispersion shall overtake them, [DEU:28:25], [DEU:28:30-34], [DEU:28:36-37], [DEU:28:41-57], [DEU:28:62-68].


In the Plain of Moreh

When Abraham first came into the Land of Canaan he stopped by the plain of Moreh where the Lord appeared unto him and promised the land to his seed. Abraham built an altar and worshiped there. Beside this same plain of Moreh rose Mount Ebal where Moses commanded Israel to build an altar on which the Law was to be inscribed. Here Israel was to offer peace offerings, and to eat, and to rejoice.

From the Biblical account, we can visualise this scene as Joshua carries out the commandment of God. Half the people are standing along the slope of mount Ebal, which rises to a height of 800 feet behind them. These are here as a reminder of the curses for disobedience to the Law. The other half stand on the edge of Mount Gerizim, to sanction the blessings of God for obedience. The Levites, standing about the Ark in the valley be-tween, look to Gerizim and shout, Blessed is the man that maketh not any graven image. Amen, echoes through the valley as it comes in unison from the multitude upon Gerizim. Turning to Ebal, the Levites can be heard repeating, Cursed is the man that maketh any graven image. The Amens that follow from Ebal reveal the responsibility placed upon all taking part in this ceremony. The blessings and curses are alternated until all the people have said Amen to the whole Law.

Fulfilled Blessings

The history of Israel verifies in every detail the truth of God's Word as set forth in the blessings and the curses. As long as they obeyed the Law they prospered. During the rule of David, Solomon, and others who led the people in the worship of the true God, Israel became a powerful and rich nation.

David gathered billions worth of our money in gold alone for the building of the Temple. Solomon made silver and gold at Jerusalem "as plenteous as stones." When the Temple was dedicated the king offered a sacrifice of 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep. God had said, "Blessed shalt thou be in the city, and blessed shalt thou be in the field." All the kings of the earth sought an audience with Solomon, to hear his wisdom. The promise was, "And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shalt be above only, and thou shalt not be beneath."

When Gideon with 300 men stood around about the camp of Midian, "all the host ran, and cried, and fled." The Word of God was ever thus fulfilled: "The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways." The queen of Sheba realised that the Lord was with Israel when she uttered these words, "Blessed be the LORD thy God, which delighted in thee to set thee on his throne, to be king for the LORD thy God: because thy God loved Israel" (II Chronicles 9:8). The Lord had declared, "All people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD."

The blessings of God were conditional, and were fulfilled whenever Israel met the conditions. The spiritual blessings that God gives today also hinge upon obedience. "If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin" (I John 1:7).

Fulfilled Curses

The Lord knew that Israel would be prone to disobedience, and He went to great lengths to explain in detail just what would happen when they disobeyed Him. He set before them life and death. The way was very plain. They need not be under the curse; God did not want them to go that way. Ezekiel cried out, "Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?" (Ezekiel 33:11). People today are not ignorant of the toll of sin, but thousands insist on continuing in the way that leads to hell. Jesus still offers the way of eternal life to all those who will come unto Him.


"If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, . . . I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians" (Exodus 15:26). If for no other reason than to enjoy good health, it would have abundantly repaid Israel to obey God. Many loathsome diseases are described with which the Lord would smite them if they disobeyed. The history of Israel records many such diseases. Jesus said that there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha.


"The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway." This happened repeatedly when Israel sinned against God. The following is quoted from Judges 6:3-6 as an example: "And so it was, when Israel had sown, that the Midianites came up, and the Amalekites, and the children of the east, even they came up against them; and they encamped against them, and destroyed the increase of the earth till thou come unto Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass. . . . And Israel was greatly impoverished."


It was because of the sins of Israel that Elijah stood before Ahab and proclaimed, "As the LORD God of Israel liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word" (I Kings 17:1). Israel had been told that the rain of their land would be powder and dust. "And thy heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under the shall be iron."


"So we boiled my son, and did eat him: and I said unto her on the next day, Give thy son, that we may eat him: and she hath hid her son." Thus was the complaint made by a woman of Israel to the king. God had warned Israel that if they disobeyed, the tender and delicate woman among them should eat her own offspring. Surely the Word of God is fulfilled!

Military Defeat and Dispersion

When Israel served God, God fought for them. He brought the elements to play against their enemies. The prophetess, Deborah, could say, "The stars in their courses fought against Sisera." It was far different when Israel sinned -" they fled when none pursued them. They were carried away captives to Egypt, to Assyria, to Babylon, and were scattered among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other. Even to this day they remain, "an astonishment, a proverb, and a byword, among all nations." Israel has fallen; salvation is come unto the Gentiles. Israel is referred to as the natural olive branch, and the Gentiles as a wild olive branch that has been grafted in; but we are warned: "If God spared not the natural branches, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God: on them, which fell, severity; but toward thee, goodness, if thou continue in his goodness: otherwise thou also shall be cut off" (Romans 11:21, 22). The time of the "fullness of the Gentiles" is upon us and God is again turning to Israel according to His promise. "There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob" (Romans 11:26).


1. Was the charge that Moses gave in [DEU:27:11-13] carried out?

2. Which of the Ten Commandments are covered by the curses in chapter 27?

3. Find examples where Israel reaped the material blessings promised them.

4. Name three military victories that God gave in accordance to His promise.

5. When was Israel considered the "head" and "above" other nations?

6. What portion of Scripture tells of a famine in Israel?

7. Was cannibalism ever practiced in Israel?

8. Name some of the countries unto which Israel was scattered during Bible times.

9. Find a promise that refers to the final restoration of Israel.

10. Name some of the nations in modern history to which the Jews have found no ease, according to [DEU:28:65].