[DEU:31:14-15]; [DEU:32:48-52]; [DEU:34:1-12].

Lesson 143 - Junior

Memory Verse

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me" (Psalm 23:4).



Moses had been called by God to fill a great place. Moses was the leader of the Children of Israel, as well as the lawgiver ([JHN:1:17]). He was called of God, chosen, and faithful ([NUM:12:7]; [HEB:3:2]). Moses was the great intercessor for the Children of Israel; that is, he stood between them and God to plead for them. Many times God extended mercy to the Children of Israel because of the prayers of Moses. One time when they had sinned, Moses prayed that God would forgive them; or if not, to blot out his name from God's Book. He loved the Children of Israel so much that he was willing to sacrifice himself that they could be God's people. The Lord told Moses, "Whosoever hath sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book" (Exodus 32:33). God did forgive the Israelites because of Moses' prayer, but they were plagued, and suffered for that sin.

Man of God

Moses was called a man of God ([DEU:33:1]), and well he could be, for the Lord talked with him as friend to friend ([EXO:33:9], [DEU:33:11]). Moses saw the glory of the Lord. No man could see God's face and live ([EXO:33:20]). God put Moses in the "clift" of a rock and covered him with His hand. Moses looked upon God's back as he passed by -" a wonderful privilege which no other person was permitted to have, so far as we know.

Servant of God

The Lord worked for Moses and Moses worked for the Lord. Of all the titles that Moses could have had, perhaps the greatest was "The servant of the LORD" (Deuteronomy 34:5). Jesus Himself took the form of a servant ([PHL:2:7]), and taught His disciples that he who would be great would be the servant ([MAK:10:43-44]).

We may think of a servant just as one who worked for another, but a real servant did more than that. A servant was under the rule of his master and was devoted to him. A servant was not concerned about himself; instead, his master's wish and will were done regardless of what it meant to the servant. Some servants have been known to give their lives for their masters. The Bible tells about some of the duties of servants -" to be obedient ([EPH:6:5]), faithful ([COL:3:22]), respectful ([1TM:6:1]), and to please in all things ([TIT:2:9]). As God's servant, Moses must have done all these things.


When God called him into His service, Moses felt that he could not qualify. He was very humble and told the Lord that he was "slow of speech, and of a slow tongue" (Exodus 4:10). When Moses had been assured that God would be with him, he denied himself in order to be God's servant. "He that humbleth himself shall be exalted" (Luke 14:11). Moses was a servant of the Lord, but God exalted him until "there arose not a prophet since in Israel like unto Moses" (Deuteronomy 34:10).

"Thy Will Be Done"

Moses was resigned to God's will in death as well as in life. Not every man knows when he is about to die, but God told Moses. Immediately Moses thought about the Children of Israel and asked God to appoint a lead-er for them lest they would be as sheep without a shepherd ([NUM:27:16-17]). Moses did not complain nor argue with God, neither about his successors nor his death. God appointed Joshua to succeed him. Moses encouraged Joshua and gave the leadership into his hands in front of all the people ([NUM:27:22-23]; [DEU:31:7-8]).

Moses lived a long life but not as long as some of his forefathers. Moses was 120 years old when he died, while his father Amram was 137 years old, his grandfather Kohath was 133 years old, and his great-grand-father Levi was 137 years old ([EXO:6:16-20]). Moses had lived a life of service, and when God said that he would like no more, Moses was satisfied to do God's will. His work was finished: he had led the Children of Israel to the borders of Canaan; he had delivered them a song of God's mercy and vengeance, and he had blessed the tribes in farewell.

God had taken good care of Moses, for even at the age of 120 years his eyesight was good, as was his general physical condition. Moses did not linger on a sickbed. He walked up the mountain to be with God.

A View of Canaan

The Lord had promised Moses a view of the land of promise into which the Children of Israel were going. As Moses climbed to the top of Mount Pisgah, no doubt he was happy, for he was obeying God. Instead of sorrowing because he was leaving the Children of Israel, Moses was probably happy to go to be with the Lord.

From the high mountain peak, Moses could see the lands, far and near, that were to belong to the Israelites. From the land of Gilead, east of the Jordan River, to the west as far as the sea; from all Naphtali to the north even unto all the land of Judah to the south -" plains, valleys, and cities -" Moses saw the land that followed with milk and honey.

Buried by God

From earthly Canaan where he would never go, Moses lifted his eyes to Heaven which he was about to enter. "The righteous hath hope in his death" (Proverbs 14:32), and "to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21).

Moses was not alone there on the mountain, for God was with him ([PS:23:4]). God cared for Moses and perhaps did not entrust men to bury him, lest they would make his sepulchre a place of worship. The Psalmist said, "Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints" (Psalm 116:15).

Mourning for Moses

The Children of Israel mourned for Moses thirty days as they had also mourned for his brother Aaron ([NUM:20:29]). Naturally they would miss him, his prayers, and his counsel. As children of God, they expected to see him again and did not sorrow "even as others which have no hope" (I Thessalonians 4:13).


1. How old was Moses when he died?

2. Why does no man know where his grave is located?

3. What great sight did he see before his death?

4. Tell of Moses' physical condition.

5. What work had Moses finished before his death?

6. Why did not Moses draw back at the thought of dying?

7. How long did the Children of Israel mourn for him?