
Lesson 175 - Junior

Memory Verse

"Whatsoever the LORD pleased, that did he in heaven, and in earth, in the seas, and all deep places" (Psalm 135:6).


Fighting for Gibeon

The Children of Israel were gaining possession of Canaan. Great fear filled the hearts of the inhabitants of the land when they heard of the miracles of Jericho and Ai and of the surrender of Gibeon. Because of that fear, the five kings of the Amorites went together to resist God and His people. There was no repentance in their hearts, only a fear which inspired them to retake Gibeon. It was a great city with mighty men and had escaped destruction at the hands of the Children of Israel because the Gibeonites had surrendered. The hosts of the Amorites encamped about Gibeon to make war against it because the Gibeonites had made peace with the Israelites. The Children of Israel had been commanded to spare none of the inhabitants of Canaan. By craftiness and deceit, the Children of Israel were tricked into making a treaty, which spared the Gibeonites. The children of Israel had failed to ask advice of God. They had failed to pray concerning such an important matter as a peace treaty. Yet God held the Children of Israel to their agreement. When the Amorites made war upon the Gibeonites, the Children of Israel were called to protect them.

God's Help Promised

Because Joshua and the Children of Israel were keeping their league, God promised that not one of the enemy would stand before them. God promised to deliver the Amorites into Israel's hand, so the enemy could neither make resistance nor escape.

The Children of Israel did not delay. Quickened and encouraged by the Word of the Lord, they went to battle against the Amorites. They did not sit back and wait for God to do the fighting. They believed God and did their part.

Scattering the Enemy

The enemy was discomfited by the Lord. What confusion and terror there must have been! The hosts of the five kings of the Amorities, no doubt, had confidently gone to battle against the Israelites. But the confidence of the Amorites did not last long, for they were fighting against God's people who had a promise from the Lord. The enemy was depending upon its large army, its equipment, and skill. Yet against the God of Israel they were powerless and were scattered.

The Israelites were not content just to drive the enemy away from Gibeon, for then there would be the possibility of a repeated battle to protect the Gibeonites. The Children of Israel chased the enemy and slew many of them.


God helped the Children of Israel, too. As the Amorites were fleeing, God sent great hailstones from Heaven. Do not think this just happened " God sent the hailstones in judgement against the Amorites. This was no ordinary hailstorm, for only the Amorites were killed. We do not read that any of the Israelites were killed or even hurt by the hailstones. God directed them so that they hit to kill. The hailstones killed more Amorites, than by the sword in battle. God disposed of the enemies who seemed to be escaping, for He fought for Israel.

Notice that the enemy was not put out of battle just temporarily. Some people say No to the enemy of their soul and at the same time imply that some other time they might be interested. When some children are invited to questionable places they say, "Not tonight." Giving the impression that they will go some other time. Consequently, they are tempted by the enemy of their soul time after time. By saying, "I never go to that place," or "I do not care to do those things," there is no encouragement for the occasion to be repeated. The Lord did not injure the enemies; He destroyed them.

A Prayer

No doubt the Children of Israel were tired, for they had travelled from Gilgal all night ([JOS:10:9]) and had fought during the day. Yet Joshua was not eager to sleep. In the sight of the Israelites he prayed -" for it was more of a prayer than a command. He prayed boldly, with assurance and faith. Although it seemed a strange prayer, God must have inspired it, for it was answered. No sooner was it spoken than it was done. God lengthened the day while the Children of Israel "avenge themselves upon their enemies." The earth stopped its rotation and the sun actually stood still in the heavens. So did the moon, to keep harmony in the sky. Darkness did not overtake the Children of Israel as they pursued and slew the enemy.

A Long Day

The sun and moon stood still for the space of about a day while God fought for Israel. The long day has been confirmed by the history of nations other than that of the Jews. The Aztecs of Mexico have a record of the long day, as well as the South Sea Islanders, Egyptians, and Chinese.

True science agrees with this Biblical account of a lengthened day. Scientists of standing, through their study of the solar system, have established the fact that the earth is a day out of schedule, a day has been lost out of time. According to the figures of an accomplished astronomer, the accounts in the tenth chapter of Joshua and in the thirty-eighth chapter of Isaiah furnish the missing time to the minute.

When the long day ended, the sun and moon resumed their courses. God had created these two great lights ([GEN:1:16]), and surely to His word they were obedient, for God controls the universe. Never was there such a day before it nor after it that God listened to the voice of men in that respect.

No doubt this day had an alarming effect on other inhabitants of the land, too. Among the heathen are those who worship the creation of God rather than God the Creator. Some even worship the sun and moon. A miracle such as God performed for Israel -" the lengthened day -" would show those worshipers of the sun and moon that their gods are subject to the God of Israel.

Hiding in a Cave

In some way the five kings of the Amorites managed to escape both the hailstones and the sword. Even though they fled and hid in a cave, they did not escape long. The Apostle James, in the fourth chapter and the seventh verse, instructs a Christian: "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." In like manner, when the Children of Israel began to fight, the kings of their enemies gave no resistance -" they fled.

Some people would have been content to permit the kings to escape but Joshua was not satisfied until the root of the trouble was destroyed. When Joshua was told that the five kings were hiding in the cave, he told his men to roll great stones to the opening of the cave and guard it so the kings could not escape.

Complete Victory

After the battle came to an end, all the Children of Israel returned in safety and peace ([JOS:10:21]). Apparently none were slain, wounded, nor even missing.

Joshua commanded the five kings to be brought from the cave. Captains of the men of war put their feet upon the necks of the enemy kings, as a symbol of complete victory: the enemy was under their feet. That is the place to have the enemy of your soul, or the scene may change and you will find yourself in Satan's control.

From a place of honour as kings of the Amorites they came to a place of defeat, disgrace, and death. The cave to which they trusted became their prison and grave. The five kings were not spared; they were hanged and then buried in the cave which had been their hiding place.

There is no hiding place from God today either. He knows where everyone is taking shelter against the wrath of God in judgement. Some people have hoped to have security in the amount of wealth they have accumulated. Other work hard to be promoted to a good position, for in that they hope to be secure. Still others have placed their hope of security in their own ability, or in their friends. All these things have been known to fail in the time of need. None of these things will recommend one to God. That very thing on which they depended for safety, may be the thing that separates them from God and Heaven. Instead of a hiding place, these worldly things can be the cause of their spiritual death. A Christian may have a good position, ability, friends, or wealth, but his hope is in the Lord. Where are you? Are you covered by the Blood of Jesus or is your trust in that which will fail?

May Joshua's words to the Children of Israel be the spiritual encouragement to God's people today, too! "Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight."


1. Why did the five kings of the Amorites make war on Gibeon?

2. Why was Israel expected to fight for Gibeon?

3. Why was the day lengthened?

4. How was the day lengthened?

5. Who fought for Israel?

6. Why did God send hailstones?

7. What happened to the five kings?

8. Instead of a hiding place, what did the cave become?

9. What is meant by the expression: "Put the enemy under your feet"?