<P>[PS:8:1-9]; [PS:19:1-14]; [PS:119:1-24].<SPAN style="DISPLAY: none">&nbsp;</SPAN></P>

Lesson 234 - Junior

Memory Verse

"The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth his handywork" (Psalm 19:1).


A Tribute to God

David gives here a tribute to our God whose splendour and greatness are worthy to be praised and adored. The name of the Lord is choice and valuable because it excels all else through the whole earth. It is superior to anything in the heavens or skies.

The Lord is the Creator of all things. Many times He talks to men through His handiwork. He reveals Himself to people by the things He has created. There are none of any language and speech who do not hear the voice of God, as they look upon the things of nature [PS:19:3]). "Let the floods clap their hands: let the hills be joyful together before the LORD" [PS:98:8];[PS:98:9]). "The mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands" [ISA:55:12]).

God's Glory in the Heavens

The things that are seen every day speak of the glory of God. Consider the heavens. They "declare the glory of God" [PS:19:1]). They are the work of God's hand, and His name is above them in splendour. The beauty of the skies brings much enjoyment to men. The soft tints of blue are a background for the many colours of the rainbow, God's promise that the earth shall not again be destroyed by a flood [GEN:9:11]).

Have you ever noticed the clouds that look like soft tufts of snow-white cotton which float across the sky and disappear into nothing? Do you not enjoy watching the colours of a sunset which change from brilliant hues to a delicate tinge? God made them. They declare His glory even though a sound may not be uttered.

The heavens are useful as well as beautiful. The sun goes forth upon its path, called its orbit, each day, always in the same direction, and so regular that for many years there was no other means of telling time than a sundial which marks the sun's shadow. The sun regulates the length of day and night in all parts of the world. The sun gives heat as well as light, "and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof" [PS:19:6]). The sun, with its night helpers -- the moon and stars -- also regulates the seasons and the climate. God planned all this and controls it. Some people worship and give glory to the lights of the heavens; but let us glorify and praise the God who is the Maker and Director, the Father of lights [JAM:1:17]).

God's Glory on Earth

The things on the earth show the work of God 's hand, too. Have you ever seen a storm, during which mighty trees were swayed and even uprooted? Or have you looked upon the ocean waves stirred by a wind? God "commandeth, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof" so "they mount up to the heaven, they go down again to the depths." God "maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are still" [PS:107:25-29]).

God's Glory in the Small Things

Even the small things, which are weak and common tell the glory of God. We are amazed as we consider some of the insects and the small creatures that live on the earth. There are some ants that are very tiny, yet they show the glory of God by the way they live. Who teaches the ant to find its way home after wandering in the tall grass? Who helps those tiny insects to carry things that are many times their size and weight? Who teaches them to lay in a supply of food for winter? None other than God Himself. Those tiny creatures have been pointed out as an example. Solomon said: "Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest" [PRO:6:6-8]).

Perhaps you have heard about, or even seen, a little worm, which during its lifetime changes into a beautiful butterfly. As it inches its way along, it can scarcely be seen because it looks so much like the leaves or stems where it is crawling. The worm did not choose that colour nor that shape. God gave them as a protection to the little worm. Within a certain time, the worm spins a web for himself, which is called a cocoon. The worm does not go to school to learn how and when to do it. The thread is in its body, and God shows the worm by instinct to prepare itself. After sleeping awhile in the cocoon, the cocoon breaks and out comes a beautiful butterfly. There has been no one to awaken it or to help it to dress. It comes forth and unfolds its wings of many colours, shakes itself and flies away. There is first an egg, then a worm, then a cocoon, a sleeping worm in the cocoon, and then a butterfly, soft and fragile yet strong in sending forth the glory of God.

These things of nature are the things of God's hand. He uses them to receive honour and glory to Himself. They show His greatness and power to make them and to control them.


"What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" As we consider the majesty of God, we, too, wonder that He would regard men and women of the earth. Yet God has given us many blessings. He has done many great things for us. To man, God has given ability and talent to think and to learn, to build and to make. To man, He gave the place above the animals and other works of God's hand. Man is in charge of God's creation. God made men capable of using the things that were created -- coal and metals in the earth, trees and animals on the earth, the fowls of the air, and the fish of the sea.

The animals, the fowls, the fish, and the insects an follow the plan that God has made for them. Over them all, God placed man. God has done all this for us because He loves us; and even now He is watching that He might help men. "Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; to deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine" [PS:33:18];[PS:33:19]).

God's Plan for Us

God has a plan for us to follow, too. In the heart of man is the desire to seek happiness. God has made a way for man to be happy. He tells us who is the happy person and how each one can be happy and blessed"by walking "in the law of the LORD" [PS:119:1]). The laws of God are more to be desired than gold because "in keeping of them there is great reward" [PS:19:10];[PS:19:11]).

The law of God is the Bible. God talks to men through His Word as well as through His creation. We are commanded to keep God's law and His Word [PS:119:4]), and that is the way we can be truly happy people. "What is . . . the son of man, that thou visitest him?" Man is a part of God's creation. God wants to receive glory from us. Because God loves us and wants us to live for Him and be happy, He has given us the Bible, His Word.

Value of the Bible

David, as the writer of many Psalms, tells us that he received great treasure from the Word of God. David honoured and loved the Word of God. He made use of God's Word by taking a warning from it. He was warned of his duty to God and to man. He was warned of danger to come. David was warned by the Word of God to prepare to stand before God.

As David prayed, his prayer was against sin. He prayed for mercy. He prayed for grace in the time of need to prevent sin. He prayed to be kept by the power of God. The Psalmist prayed and then acted. He sought God with his whole heart [PS:119:10]). He hid the Word in his heart that he would not sin against God [PS:119:11]). He meditated on the whole Word of God -- not on the rewards and the blessings only. God's law, God's commandments, God's precepts and statutes were his concern. They were the things in which he took delight, that he might live and keep God's Word [PS:119:16];[PS:119:17]).

David's aim was to live uprightly. He wanted his thoughts and his words to be the kind that God would accept. He wanted them to be praise and prayers unto God whom David caned, "my strength, and my redeemer."

Praise from Man

In this lesson we have learned that God's glory and power are shown by His creation and by His Word. They give God glory and honour. The Lord also receives praise from the lips of children. They are young, perhaps not very strong, and some have not been to school, but they can praise God. Just as the children did after Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem! The children praised Jesus in the temple, "Saying, Hosanna to the Son of David" [MAT:21:15]).

We give glory to God by the words we speak in praise to Him. Our actions -- the things we do -- can give glory to God, too. The Psalmist said: "I will praise thee with uprightness of heart, when I shall have learned thy righteous judgments" [PS:119:7]). When we obey the Bible, we give glory to God by our lives. When we are saved, we live clean lives for the Lord. Clean lives give glory to God and show His power. May the Psalms that we have studied help us to value the Word of God and enable us to live, by His grace, so that God may receive honour and glory through our lives


1. Who made the heavens and the earth?

2. How do they show God's glory?

3. In what two ways does God talk to men?

4. Why is God mindful of man?

5. Whom has God placed in charge of His creation?

6. Of what value is the Bible?

7. Why did the Psalmist hide the Word of God in his heart? [PS:119:11]).

8. What was David's prayer? [PS:19:14]).