<P>[LUK:24:49-53]; [MAT:28:16-20]; [MAK:16:15-20].</P>

Lesson 252 - Junior

Memory Verse

"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost" (Matthew 28:19).


In Galilee

During Jesus' forty days on earth after He arose from the grave, He appeared to His disciples a number of times. We have read about some of those times. Our lesson today is about a talk that Jesus had with His disciples when they met in Galilee, as Jesus had appointed.

Jesus had told the eleven disciples that He would "go before" them into Galilee after He had risen [MAT:26:32]). The angel at the empty tomb told the women to remind the disciples that they could see Jesus in Galilee [MAT:28:7]). Before the women had reached the disciples, Jesus had met them and said: "Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me" [MAT:28:10]).

When the disciples saw Jesus, they worshiped Him, but some doubted. They did not have enough faith to believe that this was the same Jesus whom they had seen nailed to the cross. Had not Jesus said "It is finished," when he bowed His head and died? Had not one of the soldiers pierced Jesus' side from which came blood and water? Had not their leader been buried, in the sepulchre of Joseph, in a garden? Some of the disciples were doubtful that now the same Jesus stood before them.

Raised from the Dead

The disciples had seen Jesus raise others from the dead. They had seen Lazarus (John 11;43-44) and the son of the widow of Nain [LUK:7:12-15]) raised from the dead by Jesus. They knew that Jairus' daughter had been dead but was raised to life by Jesus [MAK:5:35-42]). Even though they had been witnesses to these miracles, some refused to admit that Jesus Himself had risen from the grave. The resurrection of Jesus was wonderful. Neither before that time, nor since, has there ever been anything like it; but Jesus, the Son of God, came forth from the grave by His power and at a time foretold.


God has recorded for us the doubting of Thomas. When the other disciples told him that they had seen Jesus, Thomas said: "Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe" [JHN:20:25]). When he saw Jesus and Jesus spoke to him, it was not necessary for Thomas to put his hand into Jesus' side, nor to put his finger into the nail-prints of Jesus' hands. Thomas believed. Jesus said: "Thomas, because thou has seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed."

There were others who had doubted, too [MAK:16:11]; [LUK:24:11]). Perhaps they did not speak as Thomas had spoken, but in their hearts it was hard for them to believe the report that Jesus had risen from the dead.


Jesus reproved the disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart. Neither of these has a place in the heart and life of Jesus' followers. It is necessary that faith take the place of doubt. One must have faith in order to be saved [MAK:16:16]). One must have faith to keep saved, because the just live by faith [HAB:2:4]; [HEB:10:38]). Without faith it is impossible to please God [HEB:11:6]). One must have faith to have his prayers answered [MAK:11:24]; [MAT:21:22]). Those who believe in Jesus shall have everlasting life [JHN:3:36]; [JHN:6:47]) but the unbelieving shall have eternal punishment [MAK:16:16]; [REV:21:8]).

Jesus loved His disciples but He warned them that with unbelief and hardness of heart they could not be His disciples, they could not spread the Gospel, and they could not work miracles in Jesus' name.

The Power of Jesus

To encourage the disciples and to help their faith, Jesus said, "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth" [MAT:28:18]). What a powerful Christ we serve! There could not be any greater power than the power in Heaven and in earth. Jesus has power over earthly and physical things as well as over heavenly and spiritual things. Jesus did not take this power upon Himself; all power of Heaven and in earth was given to Jesus, the Son of God.

Jesus also had the authority, and He was in a position to send forth His disciples. Jesus was their Leader. He was the Son of God. He gave the command to the disciples that they should spread the Gospel. This was their commission. It was His plan for their future work.


In a few words Jesus told His disciples what their work was to be. Jesus said, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations." When the twelve disciples had been sent out at another time, they were instructed to go only to the Israelites [MAT:10:5];[MAT:10:6]). At this time Jesus gave the command to go into all the world, and to teach all nations. The whole world was the place for the disciples to work -" not just a portion of the world.

Jesus must have given this commission to all His followers. It would have been impossible for the eleven disciples alone to spread the Gospel through all the world, but the followers of Christ are trying to do so. The Bible and portions of it are translated now into more than 1100 languages and dialects. The Apostolic Faith has published papers and tracts, in well more than 50 languages, and sent them into quite over 200 countries and islands.

To Teach and to Preach

To travel into all parts of the world is not enough. Jesus said they should teach and preach. Jesus did not leave it to the disciples to choose what to teach. He said, "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." They were to teach the Gospel -" not parts of it, but all that Jesus taught, the whole of God.


All people do not believe the Gospel of Jesus. Those who do not believe "shall be damned," but those who believe and observe -" doers as well as hearers of the Word -" shall have salvation.

It is the duty and privilege of the believers to be baptised in water. They are to be baptised "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." Jesus set the example as well as gave the command for water baptism. Jesus was baptised in the Jordan river by John the Baptist [MAK:1:9]). At the baptism of Jesus, the "Spirit like a dove" descended upon Him [MAK:1:10]) and God spoke out of Heaven: "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Mathew 3:17).

To baptise means to immerse. Biblical accounts tell how the people went into the water and came out again [MAK:1:9];[MAK:1:10]; [ACT:8:38]). In the writings of Paul, water baptism is likened to burial with Christ and resurrection with Him [COL:2:12]).

Water baptism does not actually wash away one's sins. It is an outward symbol of what has taken place in the heart. Water baptism is only for those who are saved. It is for those who believe. (Read [ACT:2:41]; [ACT:8:12]; [ACT:18:8]; [ACT:19:5].) All those who were baptised by the Apostles were believers. Philip wanted to make sure that the eunuch was a believer before Philip baptised him. As they were riding along in a chariot, Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch. The eunuch said, "Here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptised?" Philip said: "If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest" [ACT:8:36-37]). When the eunuch proclaimed his faith in Jesus as the Son of God, Philip baptised the man. To be baptised in water according to the Bible brings a great blessing. By being baptised in obedience to Jesus' command, a person shows that he wants to be among Jesus' followers.


The Great Commission that Jesus gave His disciples was a charge, a trust, and a work to do. With this work He gave them authority and power to do it. Jesus told them that He would send the promise of the Father, and that they were to tarry in Jerusalem until they were "endued with power from on high" [LUK:24:49]). This power would enable them to work miracles in Jesus' name.

There were signs which would follow them that believed. These signs that Jesus mentioned did follow His disciples. "In my name shall they cast out devils." Paul freed a damsel from an evil spirit [ACT:16:18]), and Peter healed those who were vexed with unclean spirits [ACT:5:16]).

"They shall speak with new tongues." They were filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance on the Day of Pentecost [ACT:2:4]), and the believers at other times received the same witness when they were baptised with the Holy Ghost [ACT:10:46]; [ACT:19:6]).

"They shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." A lame man at the beautiful gate of the Temple was healed when Peter and John went to pray, as Peter said: "In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" [ACT:3:1-8]). Many other sick people have been healed when believers have prayed in the name of Jesus.

"They shall take up serpents." Paul felt no harm when a poisonous snake fastened itself upon his hand as he gathered sticks for a fire [ACT:28:3-6]). Paul did not do this purposely and presume upon the mercy of God. It was an accident, and therefore God protected Paul.

"And if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them." There is no account in the Bible where a believer did "drink any deadly thing." It is understood that this means if it is taken by mistake. In more recent years, it has been reported that God has protected His people when deadly drinks have been taken by mistake.

These signs have followed the believers, and also today the power of God is seen among those who believe the whole Word of God. The days of miracles are not passed. People are delivered from the power of the devil. Sin is cast out of their lives, and sick bodies are healed when the prayer of faith is uttered in the name of Jesus. Have you ever seen any of these signs which Jesus said would follow His believers? Do you know of anyone who has been healed by the power of God when they were anointed and prayed for? (Read [JAM:5:14];[JAM:5:15]).

To have the power of God and to have these signs following them was just as much a command and a com-mission as to go and preach the Gospel. All of us cannot be missionaries in foreign lands, but we can help to spread the Gospel. Someone must tell the people of our own land, too.

Spreading the Gospel

Is there anything a child can do? A child can fulfil the Great Commission by inviting his neighbours and friends to church and to Sunday School. A child who is saved can tell his playmates how to receive salvation. A child can be an example of a believer and let his light shine. A child can pray for the missionaries at home and in the foreign lands. A child can pray for the religious literature that is sent into all part of the world. A child can do more than pray; he can give, too.

"If to go or stay I would tell love's story.

Use me, Lord, O use me."

Are we doing all we can to carry out Jesus' commission? Are we being obedient to Jesus' command? In order to do this, we must keep in touch with Jesus at all times. He said, "Without me ye can do nothing" [JHN:15:5]). Jesus has promised to be with His followers, even with us today. The eleven disciples did not live to the end of the world. Jesus meant that He would be with all His people, in every land and age, if they would obey His Word. Jesus said: "Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world."


1. Why did the disciples go into Galilee?

2. How did they know that Jesus would meet them there?

3. Why did Jesus upbraid the disciples?

4. What harm will doubt do?

5. How much power does Jesus have?

6. Where are Jesus' followers to preach?

7. What are they to preach?

8. Tell about water baptism.

9. What signs will follow believers?

10. Who has promised to be with the believers?