
Lesson 279 - Senior

Memory Verse

"The commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of life”  (Proverbs 6:23).

Cross References

I The Wisdom of Prudence

1. Suretyship's entanglements are shown, [PRO:6:1-5].

2. Industry's virtues and the curse of idleness are portrayed, [PRO:6:6-11].

3. The tragic end of the wicked is certain, [PRO:6:12-15].

II Objects of God's Hatred

1. The proud are called an abomination to God, [PRO:6:16-17]; [PRO:11:2]; [PRO:13:10]; [PRO:16:18]; [PRO:21:4]; [PS:10:4]; [PS:119:21]; [HAB:2:4]; [MAK:7:20-23]; [1TM:3:6]; [1JN:2:16].

2. The speaker of lies is placed in the same evil category, [PRO:6:17]; [PRO:11:1]; [PRO:19:9]; [PS:15:1-2]; [PS:63:11]; [ISA:44:24-25]; [EPH:4:25]; [REV:21:8].

3. Murderers are included in the list, [PRO:6:17]; [GEN:4:8-15]; [GEN:49:5-7]; [EXO:20:13] and [MAT:19:18] cf. [MAT:5:21-22] and [1JN:3:15]; [ROM:1:28-32]; [1PE:4:15]; [REV:21:8].

4. A deviser of wicked imaginations is shown his condition before God, [PRO:6:18]; [GEN:6:5-7]; [GEN:8:21]; [PS:10:2]; [PS:38:12]; [PS:33:10]; [ROM:1:20-25]; [2CO:10:5]; [JOB:5:12].

5. The troublemaker finds that both he and his mischief are hated by God, [PRO:6:18]; [PRO:1:10-19]; [PRO:4:14-19]; [ISA:59:1-8]; [MIC:2:1-3]; [ACT:13:10-11]; [ROM:3:10-18]; [PS:10:4-11].

6. A perjurer is not shown toleration, [PRO:6:19]; [PRO:19:5], [PRO:19:9]; [PRO:24:28]; [PRO:25:18]; [PS:24:3-4]; [MAT:5:33]; [EXO:20:7]; [EXO:23:1]; [DEU:19:16-21]; [ZEC:5:3-4]; [MAL:3:5].

7. The last listed abomination is the inexcusable sower of discord among brethren, [PRO:6:19]; [PRO:16:28]; [2TS:3:11-12]; [1TM:5:13]; [1PE:4:15]; [HOS:8:7]; [GAL:6:8].


Voluminous, indeed, have been the rhetorical efforts of men, who from the earliest days have attempted to show the ways taken by mankind that are pleasing to God, as well as those ways that are not pleasing to Him. But in the Bible is found a simple and concise statement, understandable and clear, of those things, which are not pleasing to God. This statement is the theme of our lesson.

In the chapter, these few verses are preceded by several passages that teach the wisdom of prudence in our temporal affairs and in our spiritual attitudes. And in considering what we have chosen as the theme of this lesson, we do not want to create the impression that we regard the other parts of the chapter as being of little importance. Space forbids the handling of the chapter completely; and since the message brought by the first part needs no further comment, we will begin these notes with an analysis of the message that, though concise in itself, is nevertheless all-inclusive in its extent and far-reaching in its ramifications.

"These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him.”

In this manner we are introduced to the four verses under consideration. We must meditate upon this verse if we would derive the full benefit of those that follow.

"The LORD” is none other than Jehovah, the covenant-making and covenant-keeping God of the universe; the God of mercy, love, and goodness; the God whose holiness is absolute and perfect; the God who cannot look upon sin with any degree of allowance; the God who is no respecter of persons. This God is capable of hate – a hatred that is perfect, that is justified, and that, we can say, in itself, is the very essence of His immaculate holiness and purity.

We shall see that when men hate they are guilty of sin – actually of the sin of murder itself. But God's hatred is quite different from that which is common in unregenerated man. Man often seeks revenge because of hatred. He hates because he is sinfully jealous. He hates because he cannot have his own way or see brought to execution the plans he has conceived. But God's hatred is hatred of sin. He despises uncleanness, that which is unholy and defiled. He hates rebellion. And quite naturally, and justifiably, God hates the pride that would send mankind to death and eternal despair if it were allowed to remain in the heart.

God hates that which is opposite to His perfect will, because every other way than His leads to ruin and eternal despair. God hates the shedding of innocent blood. God hates other things also, and in considering them we shall see more reasons why He can hate them and do so in righteousness and in the purity of holiness. But for man to think that he can sinfully hate because God exhibits hatred in these ways is nothing but a demonstration of the very first thing that is mentioned in this Scriptural list of things that are an abomination to God. A person who excuses his sin of hatred for this reason is full of pride. Therefore, let us consider this gross and basic sin.

Pride in Men's Hearts

Pride may be defined as conceit, or an unreasonable or inordinate delight in one's position, achievement, or possessions. The Word of God tells us that the pride of a heart can deceive the one who allows it to remain there. Therefore, from this definition and from the Biblical injunction concerning its insidious workings, we can see that it is a very dangerous thing.

Since the workings of this terrible sin are so subtle and so fatal, it is important that we constantly examine ourselves to see if the small and insignificant beginnings of it are present. One might say: "But the pride that I have is very small and very slight. That surely cannot be wrong or dangerous.” But if it, in its own inherent and intrinsic characteristics, is capable of deceiving the one who allows it to remain in his heart, it must not be tolerated nor allowed to remain unpurged.

To allow a thing to remain in our possession that would eventually destroy us, all the while deceiving us regarding its true character and the work of destruction it is doing, would be folly indeed. The very fact that a person would make such a statement, in defence of the so-called small beginnings of this terrible sin, proves beyond question that the deception has already begun in that heart. The beginnings, then, we can see, are not small at all. They are fatal; and unless they are torn out and destroyed, dire consequences are ahead. Their killing work has begun, and the covering over by the deceptive characteristic of this sin causes the victim to be unconscious of the actual effect of the sin. It is no wonder that God hates pride!

"But what is the actual sin in pride?” might be asked. Pride exalts man, the creature; and pride debases God, the Creator. Pride elevates man, in his own estimation, and thereby causes him to be guilty of idolatry; for he is giving his adoration and his attention to something other than to God. Anything that takes the place of God is an idol. If we are proud of our position, our achievements, or our possessions, those things have taken the place of God in our affections and in our attention. The proud, therefore, are not only guilty of self-exaltation and of defamation of God, but are guilty of idolatry also. God will judge and condemn the idolater, and the proud heart is an abomination to Him.

The Lying Tongues of Mankind

Since God is a covenant-making and a covenant-keeping God, and since He created man in His own image and desired that mankind remain always like Him, we can see from the very first examination of this portion of our lesson text that those who speak lies would be an abomination to Him.

Men have classified falsehood, saying there are some that are justified by circumstances and are, therefore, not sin. But God has pronounced judgement upon "all liars,” saying their part would be the second death, from which there is no hope of deliverance.

"All liars” certainly include so-called white liars. Manoeuvrings of diplomacy, international or personal, where No is said when Yes is meant, where a promise is made that is never intended to be kept, or where a statement is made that is contrary to fact, are falsehoods and are condemned by God.

Some people would justify a lie if it is used, as they say, to further the Kingdom of God. God's ways are truth. Jesus is the Truth. The Holy Spirit leads into all Truth. God's Word is Truth. God cannot sin. God cannot lie. And neither will His servants sin or lie, let alone do so under the pretext of advancing His cause through such a sin.


In the very beginnings of time, Cain killed Abel and became the first recorded murderer. God's judgment was swift and sure upon Cain; and he, himself, testified that his punishment was more than he could bear. God gives life to us and it is His sole right to take it again. Under the Mosaic Law, God delegated to recognized authorities the right to take human life as a civil judgment for certain sins. He also specifically commanded that whole nations of God-haters be removed from the earth to prevent the furtherance of their destructive ways. But the fundamental right of taking life remains His.

Murder is the killing of a human being with premeditated malice. Killing in war that is unjustified is murder. So-called mercy killings and abortions are murder. Accidental killings or the killing of animals are not to be considered murder. The commandment, "Thou shalt not kill,” has been interpreted and explained for us in the New Testament. In the first place, it is restated there as being, actually, "Thou shalt do no murder” [MAT:19:18]). And Jesus interpreted the Law and showed the higher New Testament requirements by telling us that if we hate someone we are guilty of the sin of murder [MAT:5:21-22]; [1JN:3:15]).

Suicide is also murder. Man has no right to take his own life. It is true that in committing suicide a person sins against himself and because of that he must suffer the consequences of that sin. But one who is a suicide also sins against God and will have to answer for that sin when he stands before the Throne.

The Remaining Four Abominations

The remaining four things that God hates, which we have yet to consider, are no less an abomination in the sight of God. The "heart that deviseth wicked imaginations” and "a false witness that speaketh lies” are included in what we have already written regarding the lying tongues of mankind. The hearts of men, from the fall of man in the beginning, have been corrupt and inclined toward evil. Satan lost no time in fully debasing those who, by disobedience to God, chose to leave the kingdom of right and enter that of wrong instead. Since that time there has been a steady increase in ungodliness in the world. This ungodliness became so widespread at one time that God destroyed the entire population of the world, with the exception of the mere handful He spared in the Ark. But the basic sin of these who were killed in the Flood, and of all mankind that has retained his sinful nature since the Flood, has been that "every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually” [GEN:6:5]).

Man's desires are evil. The inclination of his heart is toward sin. He imagines sin and then commits it. This is a result of his sinful nature. There is nothing else that can be expected of him in his unregenerate state. The only course he can take is to Calvary, through the prayer of repentance, if he is to escape the judgments of eternity. The way of truth is not in him. He speaks lies – or tells the truth – as it best suits his fancy or convenience and as he is led by the one whom he has taken to be his master, in the place of the only True Master, the Lord God Almighty. Man in this unregenerate state is, therefore, an abomination to God. He will remain in that terrible and hopeless state unless he turns from his sin and invokes the mercy of a God who is repeatedly calling him to repent and be saved.

"Feet that be swift in running to mischief” and "he that soweth discord among brethren” are different only in the fields in which they operate or the people whom they influence or harm.

Mischief is defined as trouble or vexation caused by human agency. God has called us to peace. He has told us that we must be long-suffering, merciful, kind, and gentle. The troublemaker does the very opposite of this. The one who creates vexation, or who, delights in it when it is committed by others, is, certainly not following the desires of the infinitely Holy One who wants us to be like Him. He has told us to "follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord” [HEB:12:14]).

The sower of discord is an abomination to God particularly when he sows discord among brethren. This person, in reality, is attempting to thwart the work of God and to hinder the Kingdom of Christ. He is, in this way, allied with the spirit of antichrist.

Where there is peace, the sower of discord makes war. Where there is trust, he brings in distrust. Where there is confidence, faith, and hope, this unworthy one, who is hated by God, brings in a question against any of these godly virtues or against all. Others build, through the grace and wisdom of God, but this person destroys that which has been built. Others work hard to construct those things which will endure and which will further the Kingdom of Heaven, but this abominable person insidiously labours to destroy even that which has been reared to the honour and glory of God alone.

This discord-sower does not always use truth. He tells lies or suggests error. He does not always need facts, for his work seems to prosper better if facts are not known and if suspicion is substituted instead. He follows the example of his master, Satan, who is the accuser of the brethren, and his master is quick to give him all the help that is needed to make this work successful for the infamous cause.

The Necessity of Watchfulness

Let us not be allied with the archenemy of men's souls by being guilty of anything that God hates and which is an abomination to Him. We can see, from the language of our text, that God hates not only the things that are mentioned there but that He regards also the persons who do those things as an abomination to Him.

We are not worthy of God's love, of the mercy of His sacrifice, or of His goodness. But He has bestowed all the good and perfect gifts upon us because of that love, mercy, and kindness. Since these attributes are infinite and eternal in their extent they can reach even the most defiled of mankind. Hell will be a place of infinite horror because all, who are there, will know that God hates them. To be hated by God and not to be loved by Him, not to be extended mercy by Him, and not to be blessed by His goodness, would be worse than anything that anyone could imagine.

How thankful we are that we need not enter into this place of despair and hopelessness. One simple, well-loved, and most often quoted verse in the Bible is enough to give us the hope that we need. If we receive the message of this verse, and receive the Gift that God gave, we shall feel, instead, the joys of eternal bliss, the peace that defies description or analysis, and all the other eternal blessings and rewards that He has promised to us. How thankful we are that "God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life”! [JHN:3:16]).


1. Why should one be careful about accepting the responsi-bilities of suretyship for another?

2. What do the first verses of our lesson tell us we should do if we have accepted this responsibility?

3. What example in nature does God use to teach us industry?

4. What is the result of slothfulness in either spiritual or temporal matters?

5. What is the end of the naughty man?

6. Name the seven things which God hates, which are an abomination to Him.

7. Take each one of these seven things and tell why it is hated by God and what the effects will be if it is allowed to continue unpurged.

8. Quote other verses from both the Old and the New Testament to show the extreme evil in each one of these seven things.

9. What hope does the person have who is guilty of these things?

10. Memorize and quote [ROM:5:8] to those who you feel are without hope in God.