[2KG:11:1-21]; [2CH:24:1-27].

Lesson 319 - Junior

Memory Verse

"I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me" (Proverbs 8:17).


Cruel Rulers

A wicked, jealous king called Pharaoh once com10manded that all the Hebrews' baby boys in Egypt should be slain. We remember the story of the baby Moses whom his mother hid in the bulrushes by the river's bank [EXO:2:3]). God had work for Moses to do, and he did not permit the plans of the cruel king to come to pass. King Herod, another ungodly king, feared that someone would take his throne, so he sent out a decree that all the little boys from two years old and under should be slain. This was in Bethlehem after the time of the birth of Jesus [MAT:2:16]). We know that God in Heaven watched over His Son. Now we shall learn of a wicked queen, Athaliah, who also wanted to be ruler and feared that another would take the throne. So she had the royal family destroyed. But a sister of Ahaziah who had been the king, took his little boy who was then only a year old, and hid him and his nurse in the bedchamber in the Temple. In the East, the bedchamber was usually a small closet into which were flung the mattresses and materials, which were spread on floors of sitting rooms. The infant and his nurse no doubt slept there and stayed around the Temple all the time. Athaliah did not go into the House of the Lord very often or she might have discovered this little boy. For six years little Joash was hidden, and during that time Athaliah reigned in the land of Judah. Would you think that a murderess would make a good queen?

The Crowning

Jehoiada, a faithful priest, one day called the captains and mighty men to the Temple. Then he brought the little boy, now seven years old, out of his hiding. He told these mighty men his plan: on the Sabbath Day they should form three groups and guard the House of the Lord and the little boy, Joash. When the Sabbath Day came, these men did as they were told. Then Jehoiada the priest brought forth the king's son, Joash, and placed a crown upon him. He was anointed and there was great rejoicing in the Temple that day, as the people clapped their hands and shouted, "God save the king." Long and loud blew the trumpets. A king had been crowned! Athaliah had not been attending God's House, for she worshiped at Baal's temple. She was not invited to the great coronation, but when she heard the sound of the trumpets, the shouting and hand clapping, she went at once to the Temple " but she went to church too late! Everyone there was happy; but the angry queen tore her clothes and cried, "Treason, Treason," She was quickly made to pass through the horse gate; and there beside the king's house this wicked woman who had been responsible for the death of the royal family was put to death. Her wicked scheme had failed and she paid the penalty for her sin. Sin never goes without punishment whether it is found in the heart of a servant or a ruler on the throne.

The Reign of Joash

The young, new king, Joash, had a godly example with whom he could work. We read that "Jehoiada made a covenant between the LORD and the king and the people, that they should be the LORD'S people; between the king also and the people" [2KG:11:17]). This was just after the crowning of the new king and the death of the wicked queen. The people then destroyed the altars of Baal, the false god, and "his images brake they in pieces thoroughly." A good work, well begun. Joash was ambitious for the Lord: the church must be repaired and much money was needed for this work. He told the priests and Levites to gather money to repair the house of God, and said, "See that ye hasten the matter." When they delayed, he called Jehoiada and asked him why the money was not coming in. So the king commanded that a chest be set at the gate of the House of the Lord. This pleased the people and they brought their money and cast it into the chest. Day after day certain ones emptied the chest, then set it back in its place. There was sufficient money to hire masons, carpenters, iron and brass workers to repair the church. How wonderful it was to see the Temple, which the sons of the wicked queen had broken up, once more ready for the worship of God! When Jehoiada reached the age of 130 years, he died and was given an honourable burial in the city of David, "because he had done good in Israel, both toward God, and towards his house" [2CH:24:16]). One hundred thirty years of faithful service toward God and man! But what about this young king -" is his record as good? Let us see. We read that Joash, the king, did that which was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest, but now that Jehoiada is dead, everything is changed. No longer the guiding hand of the priest of God; no more prayers going up to God by the faithful old saint. You must now do your own praying, Joash; you are no longer a child. You can no longer lean upon the man who once placed the crown upon your head and anointed you for the service of God. Do you like the flattery of the princes of Judah who come and bow down before you, Joash? Do you really believe that they know more than the prophet of God? Is their counsel and advice so much better than that of the faithful men of God? Can you afford to turn your back upon that which is right and good in order to please these princes? But that is exactly what Joash did. He permitted the people once more to worship idols; he forgot the kindness which Jehoiada had showed him; and he had Zechariah, the priest's son, slain because he rebuked Joash for his turning away from God. How much like Saul, another young man who was once chosen to be king! He, too, made a good start, and when he was little in his own sight the Lord was with him [1SM:15:17]). But when he disobeyed God and turned his back upon the instructions of Samuel, the prophet of God, he was soon rejected of the Lord. Saul's defeat was much like that of Joash. "Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king," are the words that were spoken to Saul [1SM:15:23]). And unto Joash, the Prophet Zechariah said, "Because ye have forsaken the LORD, he hath also forsaken you" [2CH:24:20]). A sad end came to Joash because he forsook the path of right and turned away from God, instead of following the good example of Jehoiada. What a contrast between Joash and Jehoiada! Jehoiada lived to be 130 years of age, with a record of good toward God and man. Joash was probably not even 50 years old when his own servants conspired against him and slew him. Joash did as Rehoboam had done: "He forsook the counsel of the old men, which they had given him, and consulted with the young men that were grown up with him" [1KG:12:8]). God's Word warns those who turn Him aside: "Ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my reproof: I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh" [PRO:1:25-26]).

Enduring to the End

Let us learn a lesson from this account of the boy-king, and let us pray that God will help us ever to have an ear to hear and a heart to learn when God speaks to us through His Holy Word or through His faithful ministers, teachers, and workers. God used Joash when he was but a child, and God can use even the very young today if they will yield their heart and life completely to His Spirit. But when they become self-sufficient and think they know more than older ones who have spent many years in the Gospel and had much more experience, they had better look out for danger. We read in the Bible: "If sinners entice thee, consent thou not" [PRO:1:10]). Let us ask God to help us decide between the right and wrong advice that will be given to us. We learn from the life of Joash that it is possible to backslide from God, but how thankful we are that it is also possible to begin early in life to serve God and remain true and faithful throughout one's days upon earth. "He that endureth to the end shall be saved" [MAT:10:22]).
1. Tell how Joash's life was spared. 2. Where was he hidden? 3. Tell of the crowning of the king. 4. How old was Joash when he became king? 5. Who came into the House of the Lord about that time? 6. What good deeds were accomplished by Joash? 7. What took place after the death of the priest? 8. In what way did the prophecy of Zechariah come to pass? 9. Look up some Scriptures that teach us that God sends punishment upon sinners.