CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Jesus we long to meet
On this Thy holy day
We gather round Thy throne
On this Thy holy day.
Thou art our heavenly Friend
Our prayers ascend to Thee
Look on our spirits, Lord
On this Thy holy day.

Verse 2
Let us shake off dull sloth
On this Thy holy day
We kneel in reverence, Lord
On this Thy holy day
Our sins may Thou forgive
And may Thou teach us, Lord
To worship as we ought
On this Thy holy day.

Verse 3
We listen to Thy word
On this Thy holy day
Bless all the words we hear
On this Thy holy day.
As we part, be with us
Thy salvation impart
To every heart, dear Lord
On this Thy holy day.