CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Hark! the voice of love and mercy
Sound aloud from Calvary;
See, it rends the rocks asunder!
Shakes the earth and veils the sky.
''It is finished!'' ''It is finished!''
Hear the dying SAVIOUR cry

Verse 2
''It is finished!'' Oh, what pleasure
Do the wondrous words afford!
Heavenly blessings without measure
Flow to us through CHRIST the LORD.
''It is finished!'' ''It is finished!''
Saints the dying words record

Verse 3
Finished all the types and shadows
Of the ceremonial law,
Finished what our GOD has promised;
Death and hell no more need awe.
''It is finished!'' ''It is finished!''
Saints, from hence your comfort draw

Verse 4
Tune your harps anew, ye Seraphs;
Strike them to Emmanuel's Name;
All on earth and all in Heaven
Join the triumph to proclaim.
''It is finished!'' ''It is finished!''
Glory to the bleeding LAMB