CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Come ye that love the Lord,
Who know His great might, come,
In oneness and in sweet
Fellowship, praise His love;
To heaven and earth, proclaim the name
Of your mighty Redeemer, Lord

Verse 2
He left His throne on high
And left His glory too
He came down here in love,
He wept, He bled and died,
The pain He bore, who may declare
To save us from eternal death

Verse 3
He burst the grave and rose
Triumphant over death;
He taught His vanquished foes
How they may intercede
He went in triumph through the heavens
In victory to the throne of God

Verse 4
He will soon come again
His chariots tarry not
To take His son and go
To land of endless day;
There we shall see Him face to face
And sing the triumph of His grace