CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Keep from presemptuous sin
It is what my God hates
Lord, create in me a clean heart,
Renew a right spirit

Verse 2
Then shall this heart of mine
Hate filthiness within
In love Thou hast sanctified it
It will not sin again

Verse 3
Thy commandment is pure
Jesus, teach me Thy laws
Thy Spirit gives laws that bring life
Write them upon my heart

Verse 4
Plant them deep in my heart
That it may ne'er be moved
Law of freedom from transgressions
The perfect law of love

Verse 5
Let your life become mine
A life that is spotless
Draw Thou my heart closer to Thee
Every hour of the day

Verse 6
Life and Spirit Thou art
Redeemer of the world
Make Thou my Father's will in heav'n
Be done in me, I pray