CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
There is a story so strange, yet true,
Story beyond all compare;
Of a great love sent from above
Down to a world of sin and despair,
Theme of the songs that the ransomed sing
In their bright mansions above,
Theme of the songs that the Christian sings
Here in the courts of love.

Wonderful story, how can it be?
Christ from His glory came just for me!
Tell it, ye ransomed, His praises repeat,
Wonderful story to me!

Verse 2
God to the angels commissioned not
Here the glad messege to tell,
But to the saved, snatched from the grave,
Gave He the charge that story to tell.
Down through the ages 'twas e'er the same,
Always a faithful band
Told the sweet story of Jesus' love,
Told of Redemption's plan.

Wonderful story, how can it be?
Christ from His glory came just for me!
Tell it, ye ransomed, His praises repeat,
Wonderful story to me!

Verse 3
If the Redeemer had not come down,
Down to a world cursed by sin,
Rebels to save, His name engrave
On sinful hearts and cleanse them within,
Day would be night and so drear our case,
But, praise the Lord for the Christ who brought
Peace and eternal life.

Wonderful story, how can it be?
Christ from His glory came just for me!
Tell it, ye ransomed, His praises repeat,
Wonderful story to me!