CGS Number
CGS Lyrics
Verse 1
Hark! the song of jubilee,
Loud as mighty thunder's roar:
Or the fullness of the sea,
When it breaks upon the shore,
Hallelujah! for the Lord
God omnipotent shall reign:
Hallelujah! Let the word
Echo round the earth and main.

Verse 2
Hallelujah! Hark! the sound,
From the depths unto the skies,
Wakes above, beneath, around,
All creation's harmonies:
See Jehovah's banner furled:
Sheathed His sword; He speaks; --- 'tis done:
And the kingdoms of this world
Are the kingdoms of His Son.

Verse 3
He shall reign from pole to pole
With illimitable sway;
He shall reign, when, like a scroll
Yonder heavens have passed away:
Then the end --- beneath His rod
Man's last enemy shall fall;
Hallelujah! Christ in God,
God in Christ, is All in all.