[ISA:2:1-22]; [PS:2:1-12].

Lesson 342 - Junior

Memory Verse

"The LORD alone shall be exalted in that day" (Isaiah 2:11).



The Most Important

As time slips by and days come and go, there may be a desire in your heart for some things which you cannot have. Perhaps it is someday to have a college education, or it may be a desire to travel to faraway places and see the world. You may not be privileged to have all the things you desire, but there are some things that you must make sure of attaining unto. Some things are too important to miss. Let us take time carefully to consider the most important things in life.

We learned in a recent lesson that the prophets of God who wrote the Bible did so under the inspiration of the Spirit, and all Scripture will be fulfilled. Isaiah, one of the major prophets, wrote many things that will happen in the future. In the second chapter of Isaiah we read some of the same words that Micah wrote, about whom we studied in Lesson 330. See if you can find the parallel passages of Scripture. It must have been very important, or God would not have told two of His prophets to write the same words. It is all true and will come to pass; however, the exact time that it will happen is hidden from us [MAT:24:36], [MAT:24:42]).


< p>In order that we may not be confused about future events and the order in which they shall transpire, let us try to fix clearly in our mind just what lies ahead. The next great world-shaking event that is to take place -" and it could happen today -" is the coming of Jesus to catch away His waiting Bride, His "church," the people who are prepared and watching for the Lord [MAT:24:27]; [1TS:4:16-17]).


This is known as the Rapture of the saints, and it is an event we cannot afford to miss! Jesus does not descend to the earth at the Rapture, but He comes down in the sky above; and those who are ready, instantly lose gravitation and are translated to meet the Lord. The dead in Christ rise from their graves, and meet Him in the air, too, clothed with immortal bodies [1TS:4:16-17]).

"One shall be taken, and the other left" [MAT:24:40-41]). One shall be taken to be with the Lord, the other left to remain on the earth during the tribulation period [MAT:24:21]; [ISA:26:20-21]; [REV:13:1-18]). That time of trouble is one of the things we must be sure to escape; if we make the Rapture, we will not fear the tribulation.

The Marriage Supper

Those who are caught away at the Rapture will have part in the Marriage Supper of the Lamb [REV:19:7-9]). We know not just what this marriage supper is to be, but Christ is going to serve; for He said: "Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you, that he shall gird himself, and make them to sit down to meat, and will come forth and serve them" [LUK:12:37]). We are now united in heart with Christ, but then we shall be united with Him forever. Oh! we know it will be wonderful to be an overcomer and "meet the Lord in the air" [1TS:4:17]).

Just as the Lord shut Noah and his family in the ark, so he will shut the Bride in with Him at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Just as the ark was borne above the floodwaters, so shall we be lifted up with Christ in mid-air. The Flood did not come until Noah and his family were safe in the ark, so we believe the terrible tribulation will not break forth until after Jesus receives His saints unto Himself.

< p>It is at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb that rewards will be given for faithful service. Those who have used their talents for God's glory will hear the sentence: Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Every service that was done as unto the Lord, for His glory alone, will receive a rich reward, and all other works will be burned [1CO:3:13-14]).


The Tribulation

Looking at the sinners on earth, Isaiah shows us the other side of the picture when he says: "They shall go into the holes of the rocks, and into the caves of the earth, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth" [ISA:2:19]). But search as they may, there is no hiding place from Him whose eyes are "as a flame of fire" [REV:19:12]). Oh, that their treasures could avail for them then! but the proud, the lofty and lifted up shall be brought low in the day of the Lord. Today is man's day; the "day of the LORD" [ISA:2:12]) is coming. The rich man in that day is no better off than the beggar. With the wealth heaped "together for the last days" [JAM:5:3]), the rich man cannot buy a place of safety even for an hour. To the moles that dig in the earth and the bats that fly in the darkness of filthy, deserted houses, he casts his silver and gold which once to him were idols of worship [ISA:2:20]). Absolutely worthless are they in that day.

The Revelation

At the end of the seven-year tribulation period, Jesus comes back to earth again. This time He does not come "as a thief" [1TS:5:2]), but "behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him" [REV:1:7]). This is known as the Revelation of Christ. Following Him will be the saints riding upon white horses, coming with Christ back to the earth. This is another marvellous event, which we cannot afford to miss, and we will surely have part in it if we make the Rapture.

Christ descends, as John the Beloved tells us, riding on a white horse and "out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron" [REV:19:15]).


This great army on white horses, led by the King of kings and Lord of lords, engages in a battle such as the earth has never before witnessed. It is known as "Armageddon." The "antichrist" will be "cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone" [REV:19:20]), and Jesus Christ will cast out of His Kingdom "all things that offend, and them which do iniquity" [MAT:13:41]).

A Thousand Years of Peace

World rulers, great kingdoms, and monarchs have had their day. But most of these have ruled, as it were, with Satan at the head. But when Christ comes back to the earth as King of kings and Lord of lords, Satan shall be held in chains for a thousand years [REV:20:1-3]).

Isaiah spoke of that time in this chapter, and Ezekiel tells us, "They shall dwell safely in the wilderness, and sleep in the woods" [EZE:34:25]). We learned in Junior and Senior Lesson No. 168, Book 13, and also in Lesson No. 121 of Primary Course, of a time when even little children may sleep in the woods and be safe. In the morning when they awake, should they find a wolf lying beside them, they could reach over and pet him and not be afraid, for the wild animals will be tame. No longer will snails, bugs, and insects spoil the flowers and vegetables in the garden as they do today. Rosebushes and berry vines will not have thorns on them, and there will be no briers and thistles to hurt us and tear our clothes. Pools, streams, and springs of water will be found in the deserts that today are dry, and then the desert will "blossom as the rose" [ISA:35:1]). No more blind beggars will be seen on the city streets, for the eyes of all the blind shall be opened; hearing aids will no more be needed, for "the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing" [ISA:35:5-6]).

At the close of the Millennium, Satan will be loosed for a little season [REV:20:3], [REV:20:7]); but soon he will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where he will be tormented day and night forever and ever [REV:20:10]).


Then will be the Great White Throne Judgment when Christ will gather the living and the dead to judge them for their deeds [REV:20:11-13]). That day of judgment will not alarm those who have had part in the Rapture. Those who have sent their sins on before to judgment [1TM:5:24]), those who have been caught up to be with the Lord forever will have no fear of judgment. The sinner, the unrighteous, the one who has neglected and rejected God's great salvation will be judged at that day. "How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation?" [HEB:2:3]). There is no escape for those who neglect to seek God.

The All-Important

It all depends on us. If we are ready for the next great world-shaping event, the Rapture of the saints, we need not fear the events that follow. So we conclude that the most important thing in life is to be ready to meet Jesus when He comes. Be saved from your sins, if you are not saved; then seek God for sanctification, and for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire. Then continue to pray much and read your Bible and be ready, "for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not" [LUK:12:40]).



Order of Great Events                                 For details See


1. Rapture of Saints (Coming of Christ as a "thief") Lesson 164, Book 13

2. Marriage Supper of the Lamb in mid-air, and rewards given to saints at Judgment Seat of Christ Lesson 165, Book 13

3. During this time, Great Tribulation on earth Lesson 165, Book 13

4. Revelation of Christ (Followed by saints riding on white horses) Lesson 166, Book 13

5. Battle of Armageddon Lesson 166, Book 13

6. Millennial Reign of Christ -- 1,000 years of peace (Saints ruling and reigning with Christ) Lesson 168, Book 13

7. Satan loosed for a brief period (Final battle of Gog and Magog) Lesson 168, Book 13

8. Great White Throne Judgment (Wicked cast into lake of fire) Lesson 169, Book 13

9. New Heaven and New Earth Lesson 169, Book 13

10. Eternity --- forever and ever. 



1. What is the Rapture? Do we know when it will be?

2. What is the Revelation of Christ?

3. What is known as the Millennium? Tell of conditions on the earth then.

4. Where will men go to try to find a hiding place from the Lord? Will they find a hiding place?

5. At whom shall the Lord laugh some day?

6. What will men do with their gold and silver in the Day of the Lord?

7. What is the Great White Throne Judgment?

8. Who will be there? Does it frighten you to think of it?

9. What is the all-important thing for us to do?

10. Does anyone know when Jesus is coming? How do we know that His coming is very near?