The biography of our Rev T.G. Oshokoya will not be complete without reference to his dear wife, Sister Hannah Emiola Oshokoya.
She was born of a noble family. Her both parents came from two different ruling families, from two villages around Ijebu-Ode. Her exact date of birth is not known.

Hannah Emiola Oshokoya
She got married to Rev. T.G. Oshokoya in 1933. Although she was a few years older than her husband, she gave him due respect and honour as the head of the family and she was loyal to him throughout his lifetime.
She got converted and wholeheartedly accepted the doctrines of The Apostolic Faith after the conversion of her husband. Thus she became one of the pioneer members and pillars of The Apostolic Faith work in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. Hannah Emiola Oshokoya
As a youth, she was trained to be hardworking, tolerant, patient, organised and prudent. Although she had very little formal education, she trained herself in many areas such as sewing, home management, modern catering, nursing, midwifery and singing to mention a few. She was thereby a good helpmate for her husband who cherished and appreciated her industrious life.
She was respected and recognized as 'Mother of Africa' not merely by virtue of her being the wife of Africa Overseer but because she caught a vision of Heaven herself and she received her own personal call in winning of Africa for Christ. She grew along with Brother T in the work. Her prayers as an altar worker were very inspiring and challenging. As a good Bible student, she studied to show herself approved unto God and became a successful Sunday school teacher.
She ardently laboured in the preparation of teaching aids for the elementary Sunday school department. She was very skilful in the cutting of the pictorial memory verse slips given to the children on Sundays. She worked diligently at this until she became too old to work.
She was very accommodating and consecrated. She was also a great blessing to those who had cause to interact with her or seek her motherly counsel. She always gave good advice to young people, especially women and taught them to be keepers at home so as to be good Christian wives and mothers who would enhance the spread of the Gospel.
Sister Emiola Oshokoya was very humble and contented with what she had. When times were hard at the beginning of the Gospel work and resources were lacking for a decent living, she cheerfully endured and suffered with Brother T.
She was never worldly as her affections were set on things on high. She clothed herself with “a meek and quiet spirit which is in the sight of God of great price.” Her conversation was always chaste and laden with the fear of God.
She was very generous and hospitable. None could visit their home without being served even if it meant giving out her own meal. She was a modern-day replica of the holy women in the Bible.
The saying that, “Behind every successful man there is always a supportive woman” is quite true while considering the success of The Apostolic Faith work in Africa under the leadership of Rev T.G. Oshokoya.
The great achievement of the husband in his call and missionary work was greatly attributed to the committed and unflinching moral and spiritual support of his wife. Truly, Sister Hannah Emiola Oshokoya's “Price is far above rubies.”