Report for Wednesday, August 17, 2022.
The twilight of Wednesday, 17th Aug 2022, was greeted by the sound of campers marching down to the tabernacle to commit the new dawn to the hands of the creator of heaven and earth. Congregants poured their hearts out in prayers to God before the general cleaning of the campground by assigned campers.
At 9:30 am, the Bible Teaching started with a revival medley by the woodwind ensemble playing “Trust and Obey” followed by “Send the Old-Time Fire” by the choir and “Crying in the Chapel” by a quintet. The congregation blended their voices in praise unto God after which the congregational prayer was given by Brother Titus Itanola from Anthony WECA HQ.
The testimony service opened with a choir rendition titled; “Lord, For Thy Tender Mercy’s Sake” while the testimony was opened to brethren from Cameroon and Ibadan Region.
A brother testified that God healed his newly wedded wife of a terrible sickness, after which they waited on God for a child which He gave them after 20 years. A sister also testified that the Lord healed her hand that was immobile after the hospital declared that her hand cannot work normally again. God healed her perfectly and today her hand is normal. A brother thanked God for healing his child of epilepsy and another from meningitis. He praised God as well for protection from the disaster of war that invaded Cameroon for 6 years as no church member was hurt or killed. A sister testified that she was thrilled by the choir when she first came to church and God saved her and blessed her so much that after her child died, God gave her four other children.
Following the testimony service was a last special duet titled “Search Me, O Lord”.
Psalm 85:4 and Habakuk 3:2 were the opening texts as Brother Akin Ajayi, the regional overseer for the Ekiti region, began the teaching on Pursuing Revival: Practical Steps. The teacher defined revival as spiritual revolution powered by the Holy Spirit that fills recipients with the fire of God” and he further enjoined the children of God to examine their ways and return to God if we need revival as encouraged in Lamentations 3:40. Attendance was 11,644 at the Bible Teaching.
At 2:30 pm the youth service started with Battle Hymn of the Republic presented by a brass ensemble. The youth choir sang a song of faith titled “By Faith”. The congregation also sang heartily of Jesus, the great physician, and anchor. There were gift items for those who came early for the youth service and career counselling sessions was offered for teenagers who need such guidance throughout the camp meeting. The testimony service was opened to youths from Faith City, Abuja, Ado- Ekiti, and Port Harcourt regions. Thrilling testimonies poured out of the lips of young people as they gave glory to God for the numerous blessings on them.
A special song was given by a trio titled “Try Jesus”. The word of exhortation was brought by Bro Itoro Etim, the youth leader of the Uyo Adjunct region. He referred to the time the children of Israel were in the land of Egypt under the servitude of their taskmasters but were delivered wondrously by God on a particular day which turned out to be a day of memorial for them. He stated that in like manner, the day of memorial has come for everyone who would diligently seek God at the place of prayer. After the sermon, young people poured out their hearts to God at the altar and prayed fervently. Attendance was 2,392 at the Youth Service.
The evening service was a special one as our youngsters had the privilege of sitting in the main auditorium, instead of the main bowl where they normally sit. The orchestra played “Praise Ye the Lord”. Thereafter, the choir sang “Jehovah Reigneth” and “Bianu Ka anyi kele Jehovah, an Igbo native air. The congregational songs followed after which Bro. Peter Ejiakor from Enugu Region led the congregational prayer.
Testimony service was reserved for brethren from Abuja region and Togo. A brother testified of how God delivered them from destruction during the crisis in Bauchi, north eastern part of Nigeria. A sister praised God for calling her from a beer parlour and for delivering her from death when she was on oxygen after the Doctor told her she had three more months to live. A brother testified of how God saved him as a 13-year old herbalist when he came to the Gospel. He also praised God for incapacitating a bulldozer that was sent to destroy their church building twice. Another brother thanked God for delivering him from the oppression of the devil that denies him sleep at night. He also thanked God for giving them a child in 2020 after waiting on God since 2008.
A quartet rendered the last special titled “Why Not Tonight?” to usher in the sermon by Brother Emmanuel Mboma, the acting regional overseer for Port Harcourt region. He read the opening text from Isaiah 61:1. The sermon was titled “Opening of The Prison Doors”. The Preacher through inspiration of the Spirit declared the night a night of jubilee from every oppression of the devil. The congregation was encouraged to take the action that will make God open every prison, as found in Proverbs 28:13 and 2 Chronicles 7:14. People stepped forward to the altars and prayed fervently as the service closed. Attendance was 11,500 at the evening service.
Report on the third Bible teaching held on Thursday, 18.8.2022.
The Bible teaching started with orchestra playing “All Hail the Power of Jesus Name” followed by vocals titled “Walking in the Light and “Scattering Precious Seed. The congregation then joined in singing “Wonderful words of life”, “Cling to the Bible” and “Take time to be holy” leading to the opening prayer by Brother James Ngwene from Cameroon.
Brother Isaac announced that the young ones would be encouraged to seat in the main auditorium with the adults to bring them closer to service and Worshippers connected remotely from various branches across Nigeria and West and central Africa were also informed about arrangements to enable them testify during testimony services with the use of technology.
Brethren from Ghana and Abesan Adjunct Region were given the floor to testify. A sister praised God for healing her of diabetes after 23 years and God also healed her of sight problem that made her unable to see. A brother testified that his daughter was barren for 6 years and God promised him during prayers that he will restore the lost years. Thereafter, God fulfilled His promise and gave his daughter a set of triplets! A sister testified that her husband who left her and married another woman since 2002 was brought by God to the ongoing camp meeting and saved his soul the day before, Wednesday 17th August 2022.
Another brother testified that his wife died and he started praying for about 24 hours and God brought her back to life. A 70-years old brother testified that he had waist pain and arthritis but still came to the camp meeting. God healed him while he was working during compound cleaning exercise. A sister that hitherto worshiped God on Saturdays testified that God saved her and brought her to Apostolic faith church. God also healed her of severe headache that day. A sister from Ghana thanked God for keeping her for 39 years in the Gospel despite threats and persecution from her relations following the death of both parents when she was 9 and 19 years respectively. Another brother said that he was told he will not live up to 40 years but testified of how God delivered him from an accident that would have claimed his life just before his 40th birthday. According to him, the ghastly auto accident rendered his leg broken and the medics would have amputated the affected leg, but he refused and prayed to God in desperation. Thereafter, an angel came in form of a female nurse and he later found his leg in cast leading to the complete healing of the leg. He recently turned 70 years of age to the glory of God.
“The mirror of truth” was the last special rendered by a quartet before the Bible teaching.
Titus 2:1,15 was the opening text by the teacher, Brother John Bekoe, the country overseer for Ghana, who took the teaching titled Sound Doctrine. He explained that Sound doctrine is the incontrovertible word of God, which is undebatable and represents Jesus, who is the way, the truth and the life. He does not change as captured in Psalm 119:39: Matthew 24:33 and no one should attempt to alter the word as warned in Deuteronomy 4:3.
Sound doctrine was the foundation of Apostolic Faith in 1906 and started to be taught in the first Apostolic Faith camp meeting in 1907. It speaks of the old time faith as given and practiced by the patriarchs of old which includes:
Holy Trinity, Salvation, Sanctification and Baptism of the Holy Spirit, Marriage Divine Healing Restitution, second coming of Christ, Rapture, Great Tribulation, Christs’ millennial reign, Great white throne judgement, New Heaven and New Earth, Eternity with God, Ordinance of Water baptism, Lord’s supper and washing of the saints’ feet.
The first French Service for the camp came up at 2:30pm starting with the prelude by a dbrass quartet followed by Jesus T’aime, Toi Aussi (Jesus Loves You too) and Jesus, Par ton sang Precieux (Jesus, by your precious blood). Opening prayer was by Brother Nkansa. Sister Rachel Fakorede brought the announcement and encouragement. “Nous Te louons Dieu! (We praise thee O Lord)” was sang to open the testimony service before the sermon on Dieu Va Te Redresser (God Will Straighten You Up) by Bro Anastase Djomatin, from Benin Republic.
The revival service started with the orchestra playing “Praise Ye the Father”. “Don’t Say No to Jesus” and “Redeeming Love” were rendered by the choir and a duet respectively. The congregation sang “The Great Physician” and “Jesus Saves” after which came the opening prayer by Brother Frederick Akinmerese, pastor of Idimu Zonal head quarter church in Lagos.
Testimony service was reserved for our brethren from Ogun Region and The Gambia. A brother who said he came to the Gospel as an orphan thanked God for training him up to college and delivered him from accident. A sister thanked God for helping her in school and delivering her from snake which was living with her in same room and also entered her luggage as she packed her things to leave the apartment. A little boy boldly stood up to thank God for saving him and healing him during COVID19 period. According to him he could not breathe so he and his mother started praying. After sometime, he felt the hand of Jesus touch him and instantly he was healed. He committed to serve God to the end.
An octet rendered “The Spirit say come” just before the sermon was delivered by Brother Tayo Adejumo, the assisting district overseer for Oyo District. He took the text from John 1:45,46 and exhorted the congregation on the need to come and meet Jesus Christ who has power to do all things. He cited examples of those that benefited from Jesus such as Nathaniel, and many more. Attendance was 10,842.