2022 Ghana Campmeeting: First Week of Blessings
Campmeeting greetings!
I write to share with you an update regarding our two-week Campmeeting which began on Sunday, 28 August 2022.
The Ghana 2022 Campmeeting was preceded by two-week prayer meetings in all our branch churches in Accra to get maximum blessings from the LORD during the actual event.
The Ministers and Workers Conference was held on Friday, 26 August 2022. We treated “The Church” and “Spiritual Qualifications” from the Ministers Manual in the morning, as well as “The Church and Family” Seminar in the afternoon. We were reminded that the Church is built by Jesus Christ himself (Matthew 16:17-18) and is His visible representation on earth. The Bible declares that ministers of the Word must be above reproach, in Biblically sanctioned marriages, and individuals whose children are in subjection, not to be self-willed or quick-tempered, given to wine, inclined to violent or high-handed action, or influenced by monetary gain (1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9).
The Campmeeting was on the theme: “O Lord, revive thy work” (Habakkuk 3: 2). The Sunday School children from Accra Zone presented a skit on the revival of the worship of God brought about by King Hezekiah of Judah.
The first Sunday Devotional Service message was delivered by me on the topic: “Ready for Revival – Our Need of Spiritual Revival”, which was essentially based on the Campmeeting theme: “O Lord, revive thy work” (Habakkuk 3: 2),. The congregants were reminded that the current situation in our individual lives, as well as the social and economic circumstances of our time, calls for revival from the Lord. There were fervent prayers at the altars after the service.
Young People’s Services were held at 2.30pm on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, and the LORD mightily blessed at the altars of prayer. Revival and Evangelistic Services were held on Sunday and from Tuesday to Friday beginning by 5.30pm each day. Bible teachings were also delivered in the morning by 9.30am from Tuesday to Friday on the following topics: Building on a Sure Foundation; Pursuing Revival & Practical Steps; Sound Doctrine; and A Pure Gospel. Worshippers prayed earnestly after each service and God visited us in a special way.
We were supported by a delegation from the WECA Headquarters and other brethren from Benin Republic and Togo. The Campmeeting Music Concert was held on Saturday, 3 September 2022 on the theme: “Send A Revival”, and featured pieces and local airs such as We Praise Thee by G.F. Handel; I Will Extoll Thee by Harold C. Lowdon; Every time I feel the Spirit (Negro Spiritual) by William L. Dawson; I Would Take Nothing for My Journey Now by C. Goodman & J. Davis; Send A Revival Medley (arranged); Mma Moakoma Entutu (Let Not Your Heart be Troubled) by Alfred P.Addaquaye; and Mema Meri So (I Will Lift Up My Eyes) by Frank Hukporti. The Music Concert ended with a short drama on Eternity, which spurred people to pray.
As at Friday, 2 September 2022, 82 people were saved; 35 sanctified; 13 baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire; 81 people have been healed of various ailments; 88 brethren were re-anointed; and 109 received various other blessings from the LORD; yielding a total of 408 blessings. Average attendance at the Bible Teachings is 650, while average attendance at the Revival and Evangelistic Service is 740. Our peak attendance on Sunday was 1,115, while 1,225 (consisting of 577 males and 648 females) attended the Campmeeting Concert.
We are expecting the Superintendent General, Rev. Darrel Lee and the WECA District Superintendent, Rev. Isaac Adigun, to join us next week as we anticipate more of God’s blessings. Do pray for us.
Rev. John A. Bekoe
National Overseer.