JANUARY 16th 2025
A team led by Brother Isaac and Sister Stella Adigun, comprising of Brother Bade Ajayi, Brother Okpo Johnson, Sister Kemi Johnson, Brother Bode Odulaja, Brother Tanimowo Agranpe and the two chauffeurs Brother David Eluwa and Brother Samuel Afolabi from the WECA headquarters, left Lagos by road on Thursday January 16, 2025 to the Vakpossito, headquarters church in Lome, Togo. The journey started at 6:00am. Brother Yves Ahomian joined the team from Cotonou, Benin Republic.
The team arrived at about 15:50pm local time to a rousing welcome. They were met at the junction to the church by some members riding on bikes in branded t-shirts, to escort them to the church.
At the entrance to the church, a group of church members gathered singing a welcome song which was quickly followed by a presentation of bouquet of flowers to the District Superintendent and his wife.
Once inside the church, there was a short welcome address by the country leader, Brother François Adechi Bobo. This was followed by an address from the DS, expressing his excitement to be there for the first time. He also appreciated the kind gesture of the rousing welcome and expressed the high expectation about the foundation laying ceremony slated for Saturday. The team retired to their accommodation thereafter.
On Friday, the team visited the Totsi branch church, which is another location within Togo metropolis. They arrived the venue at about 11:00am to a warm welcome by the few members that had gathered at the venue. This branch is domiciled in the house of late country leader, Brother Assiamoua. The country leader gave a welcome remark while the pastor of the branch, Brother Daniel Alagbo gave a brief history about the branch and the need to move to a better location. He observed that the congregation was over 100 before but that many left because of problem with rain. He therefore requested for prayers.
In his address, the DS likened the branch to church in Denmark at it’s beginning. He then encouraged the brethren to continue to serve God until He provides another place. He then rounded up with a closing prayer.
Later that evening at 5:00pm, the congregation gathered at the Vakpossito headquarters church for a two-hour prayer session led by Brother Bode Odulaja and Sister Stella Adigun. It was indeed a sweet hour of prayer.
On Saturday, the Sunday school teachers gathered at 10:00am for a conference to review the lesson for Sunday. After the review session, the DS held a meeting with all the teachers, where he reminded them of their obligations as teachers and the need to have a copy of the Sunday school teachers’ manual, which serves as a guide for their duties. He also reminded them of the need to constantly review their methods of operations with a view to identifying any need for improvement.
At about 12:20pm, he equally held a meeting with all workers, reinforcing their duties as gospel workers, to be good examples, have respect for one another and to attend all meetings on Sundays and week days, among other things. He equally emphasized the need to have a copy of the Good Gospel Workers Handbook.
Foundation Laying
The foundation laying service for a new church building, which was the main reason for the missionary visit, started at 2:00pm. The service opened with a brass ensemble playing, Holy, Holy, Holy. This was followed by a choir song and another one “God is great, good and merciful”. The congregational songs was led by Brother Yves. They included God is made the sure Foundation and We lay down this foundation, Lord. The congregational prayer was brought by Brother Okpo Johnson. The announcements and the first special, titled Ebenezer followed. The Bible reading was selected from Ezra 6: 6 – 10. The second special How firm a Foundation was rendered by a soloist and thereafter, Brother Isaac brought the word of exhortation.
Taking his text from Ezra 3: 6 – 11, he emphasized that there will be joy in every heart when we do what God wants us to do. Leveraging on God’s providence for the Faith City tabernacle, he encouraged the congregation that God will provide for the work from the foundation to the completion and that nothing will stop the work. After the word of exhortation, the ministers and the congregation proceeded outside, singing Conquerors and overcomers now are we, which was led by the brass players, for the foundation laying ceremony. Joy was evident on the faces of everyone as the ceremony was being conducted. The ceremony ended with a closing prayer by Bro. Nobel Kpatchou.
On Sunday, the elementary Sunday school started at 7:45am. The junior and adult Sunday school started at 8:30am. The lesson centered on The Creation of Man. There were two classes taught in French and Ewe languages.
The devotional service started at 10:15am with the orchestra playing Praise ye the Lord. This was followed by two choir renditions of Mane Gutifafa and Mikafui. The congregation then joined their voices to sing Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, My Heart is open to Thee, dear Lord and Let Him In, led by Brother Yves. The congregational prayer was brought by Brother Bade Ajayi. Following the announcements, a duet sang the first special, Qu’il fait beau a ton service. The Bible reading selected from Leviticus 6: 6 – 9, was read by Brother Daniel Alagbo. This was followed by the second special Marche Avec Moi (Walk With Me) by a soloist.
For the sermon, Brother Isaac took his text from Leviticus 9: 23 & 24. He emphasized on the need to make preparations to meet God. He stated that the Lord will appear to us with any blessing we desire if we make preparations, not only in dressing but in our heart. The altar benches quickly filled up after the sermon and a good prayer session followed.
There was a saints’ meeting at about 12:30pm after the devotional service. Brother Isaac took time to appreciate the good spirit among brethren in Togo stating that where there is unity, the work will progress upward. He then enjoined them to continue to endeavor to keep the unity of the brethren and for them to do all within their power to be united with the leadership. He also advised the saints to pray for their leaders for God to continue to lead them and that they should be part of all services and meetings.
He then talked about the project, admonishing them that all should be determined to be part of it. He appealed to them to respond to the call to come and work. “Let us do like the people of Nehemiah's time. Let us rise up and work”, he stated. He prayed that very soon we will gather together to dedicate the church.
There was a group photograph after the meeting and another session of prayer meeting concluded the activities for the day.
The team returned back to Lagos on Monday January 20, 2025.