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In the year two thousand and twenty-four, on the fourteenth day of the month of July, the opening of the National Camp meeting of the DRC took place at the Espace Échangeur in Limete. The opening of this national convention preceded by the arrival of various delegations, both national and foreign.



  1. From Angola, represented by Reverend PANDA SELUKITADI
  2. The delegations from the interior of the DRC:
  1. From Matadi: 31 people, led by Pastor MAWONDA Matthieu, Coordinator of the Matadi Zone;
  2. From Soyo : 1 delegate, Brother MAWONDA Romuald, Pastor;
  3. From Boma: 2 delegates, led by Brother VANGU Roger;
  4.  From Kasangulu: 8 people
  5. From Lubumbashi: 1 Delegate, Pastor KATSHINA Jean-Paul, Coordinator of the Lubumbashi Zone;
  6. From Kolwezi: 1 Delegate, Pastor Bonchemin MONGA
  7. From Muanda: 4 people, led by Pastor MBUMBA Job
  8. From Lemba: 5 people, led by Pastor MBAMBI MBONGA;
  9. Mbandaka: 3 delegates, led by Pastor MOKE NGAMEY, Coordinator of the Mbandaka Zone;
  10. Tshimbulu: represented by Pastor Robert MUKENGEDIANI, àCoordinator of the Tshimbulu Zone;
  11. Kindu : represented by Pastor SELENGE Célestin, Coordinator of  Karima Zone.                                                                                   



Theme: “Pure Religion” 

Held on Friday, July 12, 2024, with a staff of 153 people.

National Leader Léon GUBA hosted this Conference.

  1. Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday, July 14th began with the opening of Sunday school. The lesson taught was "Nehemiah's prayer for his People" by Pastor Alphonse ASANGA, for the French Adult class. There was also another class of Lingala youth and adults, young French people and elderly people.

  1. Sunday, July 21, 2024

The lesson taught was "The Reconstruction of the Wall" by Brother Guy GALEMA for the French Adult class. There were also other classes of Lingala Adults, Young French, Lingala adults and young people and elderly people. The total number of students who followed were 969.

  1.  Sunday, July 14, 2024

The central theme of the sermon was “No more ignominy, God will do wonders”, by Rev. Leon GUBA. Taken from the book of Hebrews 12:2; Isaiah 53:3-5; Romans 5:24-25. He exhorted the faithful on the fact that we are in front of the Jordan, God wants to open the way for us to pass. Our shame will be over.

Attendance: 1,372 people.

  1. Sunday, July 21, 2024

The sermon of the day was by Rev. Leon GUBA, with the theme “The Everlasting Gospel”, taken from the books of Isaiah 53:5; Revelation 14:6-7; Numbers 23:19-20. During his sermon, he exhorted sinners to accept Jesus to be saved, because he died for our sins. Believing in the Gospel is the key to everything, the deliverance of our lives, of the country; starting with the salvation of the soul. Attendance: 1,735 people.


Every evening, except Mondays and Saturdays, at 5:30 p.m., revival services were held. Youth services were held on the first and last Sunday of our Convention, including Wednesdays and Fridays at 2:30 p.m. Children's services were held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2:30 p.m.

The following preachers featured in the revival services, with the following topics:

- Sunday, July 14: Preacher, Brother SELENGE Célestin, Coordinator of the Kalima Zone. He exhorted the people of God on the power of Jesus to resurrect our souls.

- Tuesday, July 16: Preacher Brother ROMUALD MAWONDA, title: “The deliverance of Prisoners”, taken from the book of Acts 16:23-26, All prisoners will be delivered tonight, if you were thrown into the prison of sin, sickness, poverty, various difficulties, Jesus is there to give you victory.

- Wednesday, July 17: Preacher Brother KATSHINA Jean-Paul, titled: “Sincere repentance”. He took his text from the book of Jeremiah 15:18, Israel had returned to sins and this had led them to great suffering, glory be to God for repentance, when they returned to the Lord, God saved them. Sinners were encouraged to forsake their sins, repent be saved.

- Thursday July 18: Preacher Brother MAWONDA Matthew, title “The happy man”. He took his text from the book of Psalms 1: 1-3. A happy man is one whose transgression is forgiven and walks uprightly according to the word of God. He encouraged the people to pray and be saved so that the will become happy.

- Friday July 19: Preacher, Brother PANDA SELUKITADI, title: “Dry bones will live again”, his preaching was taken from the book of Ezekiel 37: 1-14, in his preaching, he encouraged the faithful that God blessings are available to make all dried bones to live again.

- Sunday July 21: Preacher Brother BONCHEMIN MONGA, title : “The invitation of the lord” taken from the book of Matthew 22:1-14, In his sermon, he exhorts the people of God to heed this invitation from the sacrifice of Calvary and avail themselves of the blessings that is in Calvary.

In all these meetings , seekers went to the altar to pray and God blessed his people abundantly.


The Conferences were held as scheduled on Saturdays 13 and 21 July 2024 at the end of which exhortations and advice was given by the National Leader.


The Bible teachings given during this convention are as follows:

- Tuesday, July 16, with the topic: "The Gospel of Certainty", taught by Pastor KIBALANDANA LUKOMBO. The basic texts were Genesis 2:15-17; Matthew 4: 1, 10, 11

- Wednesday, July 17, the topic was "Christian Communion", by Rev. MANOKA MANYOKA Joseph the basic text was Exodus 20:13-17; Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 8:16. In his teaching, he insisted on love.

- Thursday, July 18: "The payment of tithes and Church Policies” by Pastor LOKWA Alphonse, taken from the books of John 13:17; Malachi 3:7-10; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Sunday School Book No. 21, page 20; Ministers’ Manual, page 115 to 120.

- Friday, July 19: “The Sanctity of marriage” was the title of the Bible teaching, by Pastor NKANZA LOWA, taken from the books of Genesis 2:15-24; Proverbs 18:22; 19:14.



Many have testified of the blessings of God in their lives, among which:

  • A mother testified to having been born in another, not apostolic faith. She made fun of one of the pastors of the faith for saying that he was the happiest man. One day, her sister invited her to church. The preaching touched her, she prayed and God saved her soul. She was suffering from AIDS, but through the prayers of the saints, God healed her of that disease.
  • A young chorister testified to having experienced the miracle of God because 2 months before the camp meeting, he was the victim of bandits who beat him in agony using metals. Glory to Jesus, he is today in good shape without any scar or any pain.
  • A sister testified after knowing the gospel and being saved, one day in 2018 during childbirth, she completely lost her life but thanks to God, the Lord resuscitated her life. In May 2023, her mother was seriously ill and went into coma. Doctors said she cannot make it again, but God showed his greatness. Her mother is alive today and participating in the 2024 camp meeting.
  1. Musical concert

On July 20, 2024, music concert was held with 457 people in attendance and God poured out blessings. 173 people followed online.                           

  1. Youth Forum

On Sunday, July 21, 2024, the Department of Youth Development held a seminar titled "Financial Education". The focus of the seminar was teaching young people how to manage their income to enable them to build their lives in all areas.

  1. Evangelistic campaign

Every day, selected workers went on evangelistic outings to targeted locations around the interchange.

  1. Meetings and Seminar

Several meetings were held during this Convention:

  • Meeting with the members of the Board of Directors, chaired by the National Leadee.
  • Meeting with the Pastors and Coordinators, chaired by the National Leader.
  • Meeting with the Zonal Coordinators, chaired by the National Leader;
  • Seminar on evangelism with all the children of God, chaired by Sister Déborah CHEYILA NGUALA, Head of Mission;
  • Forum for Young professionals on how to succeed in life as a Young Christian, held on July 15, 2024.
  1. Visit

A delegation from the interior of the country, represented by their Pastors, visited our land where we usually hold our conventions.

  1. Average attendance and blessings

The highest number is 1,735. The total blessings are 359, including 103 saved, 41 sanctified, 26 baptized with the Holy Spirit, 62 Anointed again, 35 healed, 92 other blessings.

Our Lubumbashi Branch followed the cooking Sunday service online with a staff of 87 people including 3 Saved and 1 sanctified, in total 4 blessed.

The number of those who followed us online plus Lubumbashi group were 1,618 people.


For the second time, this year's camp meeting was held at the Limete interchange, in the centre of the Capital. It was blessed by the presence of many people. All our Churches from the interior were represented. Everything happened in a spiritual climate for which we thank God, despite the financial difficulties.

God provided food until after the camp meeting, a large part of the stock remained.

We thank God for providing travel expenses for our delegates from the interior of the country, especially the Pastors and Zonal Coordinators who came from far away by flight. We also thank God for bringing back a considerable number of our delegates from the interior of the country.

We thank all the God’s children for their involvement in the success of this convention, especially regarding the awareness of the faithful who actively participated in the holding of this convention.

We believe through your prayer, we will organize the next Convention in our campground, at the City of Faith. We appreciate the various advice provided by WECA as well as its active contribution to the success of this Convention. May the Lord bless WECA Headquarters and continue to inspire our Leaders.


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