DECEMBER 15th – 22nd, 2024
Location: Ajilosun, Ado-Ekiti Date: Friday 13th December, 2024
Ekiti Area Camp-meeting was held at the Apostolic Faith Church: No 74, Ajilosun Street, Ado – Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria from 15th December to 22nd December, 2024. The theme of the Camp Meeting was, “Come, let us repair the altar of the Lord’’
The camp meeting was attended by delegates from various zones in Ekiti Area including delegates from Ondo Area led by their Overseer, Rev. Joseph Aro. There were also few attendants from the WECA headquarters, Anthony Village, Lagos, Nigeria. The WECA team was led by Rev. Titus Itanola who represented the District Superintendent, Apostolic Faith Church, West and Central Africa. The peak attendance for the Camp Meeting was 2,472 while the average daily attendance was 1,356 for morning and 1,265 for evening. Our Sunday services recorded the highest attendance of 2,233 and 2,472
From the statistics of those who registered to have received blessings, 265 souls received salvation; 130 received sanctification, 39 were endued with Baptism of Holy Ghost, 193 were healed; 230 were re-anointed and 191 recorded to have received other blessings. The total blessings recorded during one week of the meeting stood at 1,048.
Ekiti Area one-week camp meeting featured devotional services, bible teachings, youth services, children’s services (including a play, “Story about Elijah repairing the Altar of God”), evangelical services, Christmas concert, Children concert , Open-Air Service and Outreach, Yoruba Quiz competition, Bible Giant Quiz competition, AVS General meeting, Charity and ordinances (water baptism, washing of Saint’s feet and breaking of bread - the Lord’s supper).
PRE – CAMP ACTIVITIES - Ekiti Area Camp – meeting was preceded with a series of pre – camp activities from intense special prayers, extended planning meetings, publicity, media outreach, airing of jingles and distribution of gospel literature and handbills.
Workers and Ministers began arriving for the camp meeting on Wednesday December 12 with the arrival of WECA team, information crew and other brethren in preparation for the camp meeting.
MINISTERS AND WORKERS’ CONFERENCE - On Friday morning,13th December, 2024, enthusiastic attendees started arriving for the one- day ministers and workers conference. Participants then rose in thanksgiving and praises in one voice in appreciation to God for the camp meeting in Ekiti Area before the commencement of the workers conference.
The welcome address was given by the host minister, Rev. Oba Fatoba who was full of gratitude to God for making the camp meeting a reality and also appreciated the District Superintendent and the Board of Trustee for approving the camp meeting for Ekiti Area. He welcomed the representative of the DS, Rev. Titus Itanola and his spouse to Ekiti State. He specifically thanked him for his love and support for the area and for the cache of gospel literature brought to Ekiti.
During the conference, Rev. Titus Itanola delivered the address of the DS and declared that the camp meeting is designed primarily for all and sundry especially the workers to seek the face of God and urged every worker to ensure that they avail themselves the opportunity to repair all broken altars in order to receive God’s blessings and fresh anointing. He emphasized the importance of restoring our altar if we must connect with God in holy worship.
Other papers delivered by different ministers includes worldliness and Worldly Amusements; Political and Affiliation activities; Ministerial Relationships; General Instructions on Marriage.
OPENING SERVICE -The opening, Sunday morning witnessed unprecedented attendance of worshipers from nooks and crannies of Ekiti Area. The opening service saw a record number of Elders from Ondo Area too.
The children from elementary department opened the Sunday school with wonderful songs, recitation of promises of God in the Bible and they capped it up with a drama titled, “The prayer meeting at Mizpaeh.
Rev. Titus Itanola, the representative of the District Superintendent, West and Central Africa, Rev. Isaac Adigun gave an opening sermon on the theme of the camp meeting “Come, Let us repair the Altar of the Lord.” The sermon focused on the significance of altar as epicenter of our service to God, the sermon gave a vivid picture of different sacrifices God requested from His children just like in the tabernacle worship - sacrifice of sin offering, the trespass offering, the burnt offering, peace offering, and the meal and drink offering.
He urged all delegates and participants to come and repair their altar and offering their sacrifice to receive the blessings of salvation, sanctification, baptism of Holy Ghost, and many other blessings. He appealed to the worshippers to take the fire of revival from the altar in this camp meeting to their different locations.
BIBLE TEACHINGS - Monday through Thursday, a Bible teaching was delivered each morning. These teachings encouraged listeners to delve deeper into God’s word and apply the knowledge gained to their daily lives.
The first teaching was given by Rev. Eniola Adeyemo, an elder from Ajilosun church, on the ‘Three Christian experiences’ Other subjects studied were : Consecration and Prevailing Prayer by Brother Bamigbe Ajayi, a minister from Ajilosun headquarter; Our Light Affliction and Rewards by Rev. Akin Ajayi, a retired Regional Overseer for defunct Ado –Ekiti Region; and the Millennial Reign by Rev. Joseph Aro, Ondo Area Overseer. Many people, moved by the teachings, thronged the altar to offer their prayers and supplication. Unprecedented blessings attended the teachings.
YOUTH SERVICE – Young people Service held on Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoons. Brother Ayo Fasiku gave a thrilling sermon on Sunday afternoon with the theme ‘Ye Shall Live’. Brother Sola Fajire also gave a sermon on Friday “Let us renew our altar.
The young people presented other beautiful youth variety programs such as Bible Giant contest and outreaches. The young people actively thrilled themselves and exercise themselves in the word of God and singings. Young people also participated in Yoruba Quiz contest. The winners for both Bible Giant Contest and Yoruba Quiz were presented with gifts while consolation prizes were given to all the contestants. In all, young people prayed earnestly to seek for the grace of God and had a good time in the presence of the Lord. All these gave the young people an opportunity to actively involve in the work of God and bond together. The highest attendance during the youth service stood as 759.
EVENING REVIVAL AND EVANGELIC SERVICE - The evening service brought exhortations to people seeking the grace of God to live a life above sin in this perverse world. In the evening of first Sunday, revival broke out from the special rendition from the choir titled “O Come to the Saviour” The preacher could not give his sermon as people thronged the altar in earnest prayers and supplication. It was a night of great revival.
On Monday evening, Rev. Femi Adelekun gave a sermon on ‘Mercy of God.” The sermon highlights the ways a man can escape from a life of sin through the mercy of God. The preacher read from Psalm 51elucidating the steps to take for a sinner to receive the grace of salvation. Bro. Sunday Laleye, during Tuesday revival service encouraged his listeners to obtain total victory that is provided in the blood of Jesus in a sermon titled, “Behold the salvation of the Lord.
In another sermon, Bro. Matthew Gbadebo gave a sermon on ‘Jesus, the son of David, have mercy on me’ the preacher stated that ‘even if you have been given a bad name because of the challenges or problems you are passing through just like Bartimaeus, the blind, God will change your situation and turn your misfortune to fortune if you ask Jesus to have mercy on you’ and stated that this power is still available and urged everyone to trust this power for solution to their diverse needs and problems just as they approached the altar.
Bro. Gabriel Oso on Thursday revival service reminded the congregation on the “Day of the Lord,” that it would be a day of wrath and fierce anger for the sinners but a day of eternal bliss and joy for the saints. He urged the congregation to make haste, seek the grace of God for salvation of their souls as no one would know when the day would come. The sermon sparked a great revival as many worshippers rushed to the altar with determination and eagerness to receive from the Lord.
CHILDREN SERVICE - Children service held every day through interactive songs, sermonettes, object lessons, memory drill, playlets presentation. Each zone took turn to lead the service each day. The children had a good time in the presence of the Lord as they learned of God’s promises in the Bible. At the close of each meeting, the altar filled as nearly all the children went forward to pray.
Other highlight of the Camp meeting includes Open air service in the major streets and locations within Ado – Ekiti metropolis. Open air service held at different locations in the metropolis. Members of the outreach crew went out joyfully to inform people about the camp meeting. They all returned with victory and success stories.
Sunday School Teachers’ conference was observed on the first and second Saturday of the camp meeting, Prayer room service was also observed every day of the camp meeting with people of God seeking the face of God. In all the services, God rewarded their faith as many souls were blessed on each day of the camp meeting.
Testimony service - is one of the camp meeting features during which people of God were eager to share their testimony on goodness of God in their life; The testimonies were inspiring, touching and power-filled.
FEEDING AND ACCOMMODATION – What God did in our midst was great and beyond our expectation as all campers were accommodated and fed free of cost throughout the period of the camp meeting. God provided exceedingly above our needs.
The financial report and the record of blessings are attached to this report.
CLOSING - Children from elementary closed the camp meeting with a drama titled ‘Come, Let us Repair the Altar of the Lord’. The drama showed how fire came down from heaven when Elijah called on God after he repaired the altar. The drama spurred everyone to join the children to sing loudly that our God is a miracle working God with a resounding amen at the close of the Children’s program.
Rev. Oba Fatoba gave the closing sermon titled ‘The Repairer Carpenter’. The preacher assured the congregation according to Psalm 75: 10 saying “All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off and that the four horns behind all evils happening around us – in our homes, in our cities and even in our country, Nigeria shall be cut off as promised in Zachariah 1:20 & 21. He urged his listeners to submit themselves in repentance to allow the greatest repairer to repair their lives.
On Friday morning, a water baptismal service was held for 137 candidates (Male 47: Female 190) and while 375 (Male 155: Female 220) delegates participated in the breaking of bread and washing of Saint’s feet. The joy in the midst of the saints knew no bounds as people of God in sweet fellowship expressing their heartfelt gratitude to God.
The camp meeting came to a close with presentation of Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 22, 2024 resulting to a great revival.
CONCLUSION - We thank God for this glorious camp meeting in which many victories were won. Some of the pictures taken are pasted below.
In conclusion: We can say like psalmist in Psam 133 verse 1 “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. The outcome of the convention can be allured to the prayers, oneness and unity of purpose demonstrated by people of God in Ekiti Area before and during the camp meeting. We give God the glory.
Rev. Oba Fatoba,
Ekiti Area Overseer.