(12TH TO 22ND DECEMBER, 2024)
A 10-day Area Camp Meeting was proposed and approved by WECA to hold between 12th to 22nd December, 2024 at Apostolic Faith Church, Odokoro Quarters, Kabba-Ilorin Road, Ayetoro-Gbede in Kogi State. The choice of the venue was to enable us use the AFSS College’s facilities like Multi-purpose hall, a Male Hostel, a Female Hostel and the class room blocks of both the Secondary and Primary Schools to advantage.
The facilities at the site were enhanced to accommodate prospective campers, especially the re-roofing of the main Tabernacle. The Brethren at Ayetoro-Gbede made efforts to acquire private houses around the church as additional accommodation for campers. Prayer meetings were organized across the State, to seek God’s blessings and favour upon all who would participate in the camp meeting.
Campers started arriving as early as Wednesday 12th December, 2024, we also commenced a manual registration of campers same day. We had delegates from across the four Zones of Kogi Area, namely Lokoja, Ankpa, Okene and the host Zone – Ayetoro-Gbede.
- MINISTERS AND WORKERS CONFERENCE: The Ministers and Workers conference was held on Friday 13th December 2024 under the coordination of the DS’ representative, Bro. Kayode Olusegun Ajiboye. The same material used at the last WECA Camp Meeting in Faith-City, titled “Good Stewardship” was used to engage the 91 workers that were present at the conference.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE: Sis. Blessing Ayodele reviewed the Elementary lesson, while Bro. John Alabi reviewed that of the Adult titled. “The River and Tree of Life” on Saturday, 14th December, 2024. The lessons of the 2nd Sunday School Teachers’ Conference of Saturday 21st December, 2024 were reviewed by Sis. Ijeoma Okenwa (Elementary) and Bro. Ademola Akanbi for Adult, titled “Messianic Prophecies from the Psalms”.
- SEMINAR: The programme coordinated by the DS’ representative in the afternoon of Tuesday, 17th December, with the title “Security Tips” was facilitated
by Bro. Tanimowo Agranpe, Head of Security at the WECA Headquarters. It is worth of note that participants at these seminar testified blessed. While praying that the efforts of the ministry and the resource person will not be in vain, may God continue to be our Chief Security Officer.
vi) CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME: Our Elementary Department thrilled participants at the Campmeeting with inspiring songs and playlet in each of the two Sunday services. The programmes proved the power of God will continue to give us victory when we have the right altar in our hearts, homes and churches.
- SUNDAY DEVOTIONAL SERVICES: The 1st Sunday devotional service was handled by the DS’ representative, Bro. Kayode O. Ajiboye. It was titled “Repairing the Altar”. The sermon started with the Bible passage from 1 Corinthians 13:5, with emphasis made on the need to examine ourselves, in order to get our altars repaired, as requisites for God to do marvelous things in our lives and lest our services be in vain. The Service had 565 people in attendance. The 2nd Sunday, Devotional service was handled by Kogi Area Overseer, Bro. Clement A. Akinnuoye. In the sermon titled “The Name Jesus” He encouraged worshippers on the need to get connected with God, through the only name given to men whereby we can be saved, delivered from the curse that came upon man as a result of the sin in the garden of Eden, make our lives meaningful and be rapture-ready at His second coming. A total of 511 people were present at the service.
- The first Bible teaching held was on Monday 16th December. This was handled by Bro. Stephen Adive (Zonal Pastor, Okene Zone), titled “Christian Foundation”. The teacher emphasized the need for genuine salvation, sanctification and concluded that the Baptism of Holy Ghost and Fire is important for the foundation of our spiritual building. Total attendance was 349.
- Tuesday 17th December witnessed another Bible Teaching titled “The Power of Prayer” by Bro. Lanre Faboyede, a Minister from Abuja Area Headquarters. He reiterated that Prayer is a veritable key to unlocking God’s treasury, harness His blessings and bring solutions to all life challenges. 334 people sat under the teaching.
- Wednesday 18th December, the Bible teaching was on “The Responsibilities of Godly Parents” was handled by Bro. Samuel Olorunmaiye (Overseer, Niger Area). The topic was introduced by giving the definition of Godly Parent and showcased practical examples of Godly parents in the Bible, while spelling out their responsibilities, in order for us to build on the Christian Foundation and guarantee
good Christian homes that is pleasing to God. We had a record of 319 people in attendance.
- On Thursday, 19th December, the Bible Teaching was anchored by Bro. Emmanuel Olu Osolo (Owo Zonal Pastor, Ondo Area). The teaching was on “The Rapture of the Church”. He emphasized the need to constantly examine our life and be sure not to have drifted away from the faith. Our activities and worship to be heavenly focused, desiring to be partakers of the most imminent glorious event – Rapture of the Saints. The teaching drove the 333 worshipers to the altars of prayers.
- Friday 20th December featured Water Baptismal service handled by Bro. Joshua Olorunfemi (a Minister at the Area Headquarters Church). 53 candidates were water-baptized, with 231 worshipers in attendance. In the evening, other Ordinances were observed. The Lord’s Supper was handled by Bro. Nathaniel Baba (Zonal Pastor, Ankpa Zone), while Bro. John Ajayi (Zonal Pastor, Ayetoro-Gbede Zone) handled the Washing of Saints’ Feet. It was a solemn time for the 116 saints who fellowship together joyfully as they observed the ordinances in commemoration of the crucifixion, death, resurrection and ascension of Christ, and of His second coming.
- EVENING REVIVAL AND EVANGELISTIC SERVICES: Preachers at the evening revival and evangelistic services include Bro. Bolajoko Bamidele, Sis. Olufunke Ajayi,
Bro. Israel Banwola, Bro. Michael Ajinuhi and Bro. Emmanuel Adeika
- YOUTH PROGRAMME: Our youths were fully engaged throughout the programme. The Young People’s Revival meetings on Sundays, Wednesday and Friday were well attended by the youths. Preachers include Bro. Joseph Aboyewa, Sis. Janet Ochu, Bro. David Bagudu and Bro. Peter Sanni. As usual of the youths, the camp meeting came to a close with their Camp Fire Night programme that was held between 9:00pm and 12 mid-night. The programme featured songs, testimonies and recitations of Bible passages, etc.
- TESTIMONY SERVICES: Testimony periods were characterized with soul lifting testimonies. Many testified of the power of God to deliver from sins and make one a new creature, sanctified and Baptized with Holy Ghost and Fire, Re-anointing, Healing and lots more.
- CHRISTMAS CAMPMEETING CONCERT: The Campmeeting concert was held on Sunday, 22nd December, 2024 by 5:00pm. The Concert featured inspiring songs like The Heavens are Telling, Joy to the World, Joy in my Heart, Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells, etc. The Concert also featured spirited songs by the Elementary Department during the intermission. The concert had 491 people in attendance.
- CHARITY DAY: The Charity Day, under the coordination of the DS’ Representative was held by 7:00am on Saturday 21st December, 2024. It was well attended by young and old and everybody had something to pick.
- CAMPMEETING STATISTICS: We are very grateful to the Almighty God for the numerous blessings that were received during this Area Campmeeting. According to recorded statistics from the Information centre, a total of 99 were saved, 49 were sanctified, 32 were baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire, 53 believers were re- anointed, 77 people healed of various sicknesses, and 62 other blessings, bringing the total blessings to 372.
Attendance at the Ministers’ and Workers’ Conference was 91. While peak attendance at the Campmeeting was 565. It was a great thing of Joy when 53 saved souls were baptized in water to fulfill the command of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in Matthew 28:19.
I, on behalf of the Management Team, Pastors and the entire children of God, we sincerely appreciate the District Superintendent, Board of Trustees and those too numerous to mention home and abroad who contributed in no small measure to making the Year 2024 Kogi Area Camp meeting a success.
Many thanks.
Clement A. Akinnuoye (Rev.)
Kogi Area Overseer

At A Bible Teaching

At Another Bible Teaching

During Testimony Service

At an Altar Service

Water Baptism ongoing

Christmas Concert

The Elementary featured at the Concert