Background of Burkina Faso Gospel Work:
Burkina Faso was formerly called Upper Volta. Two young men, Daniel Compaori and Tapsoba Flavien, went to study in the United States of America. They came across the Apostolic Faith international headquarters’ radio services, and got interested. They contacted the Headquarters, and entered into correspondence with the Portland Church. On their return home, they introduced the Apostolic Faith to the Leaders of their Church. The leaders loved it, and wanted to work in partnership with the Apostolic Faith Church. This led to further communication between them and the Apostolic Faith in Portland, Oregon. Later, a Missionary, Brother Damron and his wife, were sent to Burkina Faso. While there, Brother Damron was seriously sick, but God raised him up miraculously.
In 1973, at the request of the international headquarters, Reverend T.G. Oshokoya, the first Africa Overseer of the Apostolic Faith Church and his team, visited Burkina Faso and stayed there for about a month. While there, the Doctrines of Apostolic Faith was taught and young people were taught music and the use of musical instruments. Later, some young people were brought to Lagos to develop their skills in music. In spite of these efforts, the leaders of the church in Burkina Fasso (Apostolic Mission Church) did not want to adopt the Bible Doctrine as taught by the Apostolic Faith Church.
When Brother Tapsoba Flavien (now late) became the Leader of the Church, he started sending young people regularly to Apostolic Faith camp meetings in Lagos to understand the doctrines, principles and methods of the Apostolic Faith Church better. Some of these young people got their Christian experiences, and they tried to put what they have learnt into practice within the Apostolic Mission Church, which led to their expulsion. Pastor Tapsoba was also expelled from the Apostolic Mission.
The young people rallied round Pastor Tapsoba to form a new group, which they named, the Apostolic Faith Church. They were encouraged by Brother Paul Akazue, the then Africa Overseer. The first service of the Apostolic Faith Church was held in Raoul Folléreau school compound, which belonged to Pastor Tapsoba Flavien. Twenty four people attended the service. Within a short time, about 25 branches, withdrew from the Apostolic Mission Church to join the Apostolic Faith. The Church was eventually registered on March 31, 2009.
The new church experienced a wave of terrible persecutions from the Apostolic Mission. Branches were driven out of their Church buildings and were deprived of many things. Some branches worshipped under trees. At the 2010 camp meeting in Lagos, countries in foreign mission presented their report during a Mission summit. Brother Eloi Gulbeogo, who represented Burkina Faso, said their greatest challenge was that they were bearing the name of Apostolic Faith, even when they did not know much about the Doctrines, Principles and Methods of the Church. This led the then District Superintendent of WECA, Brother Emmanuel Adeniran, to make his first missionary visit to Burkina Faso in 2010, accompanied by Brothers Gabriel Ajayi, Dayo Abe, and Sister Rachel Fakorede. While there, they visited all the branch churches in the provinces.
The Church started to grow under the mentoring of the WECA headquarters in Lagos. The Administration in Burkina Faso sent in reports to the Headquarters in Lagos regularly. Unfortunately, there was a misunderstanding within the leadership, which led Pastor Tapsoba to unilaterally change the Board of Trustees of the church. WECA headquarters told him that it was unconstitutional and that he should restore the former Board Members but he refused. He went ahead to change the name of the church. This divided the thriving church into two; one group under Pastor Tapsoba (which deviated from the standard and practices of the Apostolic Faith) and the other group under Brother Eloi Guelbeogo (which held on to the standard of the Gospel).
Since the crisis started, it has brought series of problems on its trail. In 2013, many workers and members left the church. There are now eleven (11) branches and one (01) Sunday School Center in Burkina Faso still holding unto the Bible doctrines as preached and upheld by the Apostolic Faith Church.
Present Mission Objective: The focus of this Pastoral visit was to encourage the Faithful while trying to woo those that have left the Church to come back for, “There’s still room for all”
Meeting with the Brethren:- The Missionaries, Brother Johnson Okpo (representing Rev. Isaac Adigun - DS), Bro. Bobo Francois and Bro. Yves Ahomian were received at the airport by Brother Eloi, the Country leader, and his wife, at 3.45a.m. We had delays at the airport in Abidjan for nearly 13 hours after missing our flight the previous day due to wrong information by the Travel Agent. From the airport, we moved straight to the hotel where we lodged.
We held a meeting with Bro. Eloi to know more about the situation on ground, and the way forward in reconciling the group that has left the Church, but are still maintaining our name and occupying the building built by WECA Headquarters.
All the efforts made by the Missionaries to meet with the group led by the late Brother Flavien TAPSOBA proved abortive, despite the promises made to us of their desire to receive us when we come. Nevertheless, Brother Eloi was encouraged to continue in the sound doctrine that he, and his group had received, and seize any opportunity that could lead to reconciliation.
Sunday school round table conference: On Saturday, June 22, Sunday School Teachers met in TAMPOUI branch Church to review lesson No. 442 in Book 34 titled “HEROES OF FAITH”. After the review, the Team met with the Teachers to encourage and explained to them the good method of reviewing Sunday school lessons during the conference. God really helped Sister Sephora, a young lady who reviewed the lesson. We were impressed the way she handled the review.
Sunday morning service: Early on Sunday morning, June 23, before the beginning of Sunday School, some brothers went out to distribute tracts and invite people to the Church. Some of the people invited honoured the invitation.
We had a combined Sunday school teaching, Sister Sephora GELBEOGO taught the lesson.
Brother François Bobo handled the lesson review. After the review, we fell on our knees to ask God to increase our faith.
The devotional service started with inspiring renditions by the Choir. Brother Johnson gave the message titled, “The Book of Life”. The message was divinely inspired and God's presence was felt at the altar resulting to many blessings. The attendance was 68.
We held a general meeting after the morning service. Members were encouraged to remain steadfast in the Lord, as their labour of love in winning souls for Christ despite serious opposition, will not go unrewarded. Brother Johnson further told them to keep holding on to the Sound Doctrine. He assured them that God would give the Christian experiences to those who did not have, job to those that were jobless, and partners to those that were praying for marriage. He told them that through their prayers and efforts, God would build a big tabernacle for them. Brother Yves AHOMIAN later held a meeting with those that sang during the service. He let them know the importance of music in the Apostolic Faith Church, and the spiritual and technical conditions before being a good chorister. He made them undergo a test of voice and choice of instrument, because they were all singing soprano and almost all of them were learning trumpet.
Meetings with Pastors: On Monday, June 24, the missionaries held a meeting with eleven (11) Pastors who are still holding to the Bible Doctrines as taught by the Apostolic Faith Church. After welcoming and encouraging them, Brother Johnson Okpogave conducted a seminar on “Conduct and The Duties of a Pastor”. After that session, Brother Yves Ahomian treated the “The Program Sequence for Regular Services in Apostolic Faith Church”. Pastors in attendance were happy to be more enlightened in different ways of carrying out their duties in serving the flock of God.
Branch Church visitation: The number of branches that are still holding to the policies, principles, practices and doctrines of the Apostolic Faith Church are now Thirteen (13): Tampoui and Pabré (in Ouagadougou), Tingrtinga, Vowoko, Louré, Koakin, Zorgho, Kodrin (in Manga), Nasna and Yaké (in Tema), Pilimpikou and Koussana (in Yako) and Boassan (in Pô). Two plots of land have been purchased in Manga and Zouï-Saponé.
The Missionaries, led by the country leader Brother Eloi, visited some Branches (many kilometers far from each other) and two acres of land bought by the Church in Manga area.
We met with the Brethren who had gathered to receive us in their different Branches. The leader of the Team quoting from 1Timothy 4:16, encouraged and exhorted them to stand firm on the sound doctrine they have received. He advised them to look unto God in the midst of trials and temptations. Above all, they should ensure that they are ready for the rapture. The Brethren were excited when they saw the missionaries, and pleaded with them that such visit should be more regular, “for we are highly encouraged and revived by this visit”.
Observation: We observed that the people were so much interested in the Apostolic Faith ways of worship, and were ready to learn. The young ones were zealous in God’s business but lacked thorough knowledge.
- Lack of infrastructure and a befitting place of worship
- Lack of Trained personnel in different aspects of the work
- Lack of Gospel Material for Evangelism, especially in their local language - Moore
- Financial difficulties is a major challenge
Request: They pleaded with WECA Headquarters of the need for regular visit to Burkina Faso to encourage members, train workers and ministers in the principles of holy worship.
They passionately pleaded for support: spiritual, physical and financial, as some members felt abandoned and returning to the church they came from. Some Pastors and Workers, according to reports could afford decent suits or clothes to officiate with on Sundays. Most of the members were poor.
We praise God for a successful visit that lasted a week (June 19 - 26, 2024) despite Satan’s discouraging plots. All glory be to His holy name. Amen