A week Rivers Area Camp Meeting was proposed and approved by WECA Hdqrs. to hold between December 15 -22, 2024 for Rivers and Bayelsa Areas at Apostolic Faith Church, Elioparanwo, Rivers Area HQ Church, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. The campground venue has always been sufficient to accommodate campers and other participants combining the its facilities and the AFSS facilities like Multi-purpose hall, Male and Female Hostels, and the classroom blocks of both the Secondary and Primary Schools.
Prayer meetings were organized for three (3) weeks in all the branch churches in the areas for the planned camp meeting to seek God’s blessings, guidance and protection throughout the period and beyond. On two (2) different occasions, general works were organized to keep the campground clean and tidy on November 23, 2024 and December 07, 2024 respectively. Other preparations took place in budget planning, children practices and the choir and orchestra rehearsals – as well as Pre-registration mainly for Ministers’ and Workers’ Conference using a web form.
Campers started arriving as early as Thursday, December 12, 2024. we also commenced accommodation allocation for the participants who had arrived same day. By Friday December 13, 2024, we had delegates from Bayelsa Area and the 13 Zones of Rivers Area, namely Ahoada, Bonny, Bori, Diobu, Eleme, Eneka, Ndele, Ngo, Omoku, Oyigbo, Umuagbai, Rumuomasi and the host zone - Elioparanwo
- MINISTERS AND WORKERS CONFERENCE: The Ministers and Workers conference was held on Friday December 13, 2024 under the coordination of the DS’ representative, Bro. Johnson Okpo. The same material used at the last WECA Camp Meeting in Faith-City, titled “Good Stewardship” was used to engage the 91 workers that were present at the conference. Our facilitators and their sessions were: Bro. Ini Abasi Emah – Worldliness and Worldly Amusements, Bro. Victor Nketah – Political and Affiliation Activities, Sis. Fidelia Adiele – Ministerial Relationships 1, Bro. Francis Essikot – Ministerial Relationships 2 and Bro. IniAbasi Emah - General Instructions on Marriage. The conference ended with comments, reports, announcements and general prayer meeting. We had in attendance – 400 Males and 450 Females which summed up to 850.
- SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ CONFERENCE: Sis. Pearl Ufondu reviewed the Elementary Lesson, while Sis. Joy Ajayi reviewed that of the Adult Lesson titled. “The River and Tree of Life” on Saturday, December 14, 2024. The lessons of the 2nd Sunday School Teachers’ Conference of Saturday December 21, 2024 were reviewed by Sis. Olayinka Esan (Elementary Lesson) and Bro. Emmanuel Ejim for Adult Lesson, titled “Messianic Prophecies from the Psalms”.
- SEMINAR: On Thursday, December 19, 2024 a Security Seminar was held to sensitize participants with security tips to be better informed of the times and events of these days. It covered safety in driving as well as tips to identify some road kidnap and other road related mishaps.
It was coordinated by the Special Unit of the Federal Road Safety Corps Marshalls attached to the Apostolic Faith Church, Rivers Area and the Security Unit of the Church. It is worth of note that participants at this seminar testified blessed. While praying that the efforts of the ministry and the resources person will not be in vain, may God continue to be our Chief Security Officer.
- CHARITY DAY: The Charity Day for this year’s Camp meeting held on Saturday, December 21, 2024 from 1pm to 3pm at the Children’s Chapel.
- SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETERS’ TEST: The National Leader of the Special Language Unit of the Church (Sign Class), who doubles as the DS’ Representative from WECA Headquarters, Bro. Johnson Okpo, granted approval for a national test to be conducted for all qualifying interpreters of the Unit and the test was held on Monday, December 16, 2024.
- CHILDREN’S PROGRAMME: Our Child Development Unit (CDU) thrilled participants at the Camp meeting with inspiring songs and playlet in each of the two Sunday services. It was a combined effort of two zones each of these Sundays – Oyigbo & Umuagbai zones and Eleme & Bori zones respectively. The programmes proved the power of God will continue to give us victory when we have the right altar in our hearts, homes and churches.
- SUNDAY DEVOTIONAL SERVICES: The 1st Sunday Devotional Service was handled by the DS’ representative, Bro. Johnson Okpo. It was titled “It’s Time to Repair the Altar of the Lord”. The sermon started with the Bible passage from 1 Kings 18:30, 36-39 with emphasis made on the need to examine ourselves, in order to get our altars repaired, as requisites for God to do marvelous things in our lives and lest our services be in vain. The service had 3,017 people in attendance. The 2nd Sunday, Devotional Service was handled by Rivers Area Overseer, Bro. IniAbasi Emah. In the sermon titled “Ambassadors for Christ” He encouraged worshippers on the need to get connected with God, through the only name given to men whereby we can be saved, delivered from the curse that came upon man as a result of the sin in the garden of Eden, make our lives meaningful and be rapture-ready at His second coming. A total of 3,901 persons were present at the service.
- BIBLE TEACHINGS: Despite being a 1-week camp meeting, the Bible Teaching were so impactful that it felt like a full month series of teaching ranging from “Victory Over Sin” teaching on Monday, December 16, 2024 to the last Bible Teaching on Friday, December 20, 2024. The table below also summarized the teachings, teachers and their topics/text.
- EVENING REVIVAL AND EVANGELISTIC SERVICES: We had five (5) Revival/Evangelistic Services from Sunday, December 15, 2024 to Thursday, December 19, 2024 at 5:30pm each day. Each of the days witnessed thrilling testimonies, inspiring sermons and reviving altar sessions with heart-rending prayers. The preachers and peak attendance are summarized in a table below.
- YOUTH PROGRAMME: The young people were all part of the camp meeting, featuring in every unit of the work and engaging their fellow youths in their young people’s services. The Young People’s Services on Sunday, Wednesday and Friday were well attended by the youths. Preachers and peak attendance are shown in the table below as well. As usual of the youths, the camp meeting came to a close on Sunday and the young people were at hand to support the Monday “Impact Day” meant for compound cleaning and proper closures.
- TESTIMONY SERVICES: Testimony periods were characterized with soul lifting testimonies. Many testified of the power of God to deliver from sins and make one a new creature, sanctified and baptized with Holy Ghost and Fire, re-anointing, healing and lots more.
- CAMPMEETING CONCERTS: The Camp meeting concert was held on Saturday, December 14, 2024 by 5:00pm. The Concert featured inspiring songs like The Heavens are Telling, Joy to the World, Joy in my Heart, Sweet Chiming Christmas Bells, etc. Then, on the last Sunday of the camp meeting, December 22, 2024, there was a wonderful Children Christmas Concert performed by Child Development Unit (CDU) teachers and children from the branches in Rivers Area. The concert had 1,499 people in attendance.
Services |
Peak Attendance |
Peak Sunday Attendance (Dec. 22, 2024) |
3,901 |
Peak Youth Service |
1,423 |
Peak Revival Evang. Service |
1,635 |
Peak Bible Teaching Service |
1,571 |
Baptismal Service |
943 |
Baptismal Candidates |
157 |
Ordinance Service |
537 |
Camp Music Concert |
1,494 |
Children's Christmas Music Concert |
1,499 |
Blessings |
Record |
Salvation |
341 |
Sanctification |
145 |
Holy Ghost Baptism |
89 |
Re-anointing |
403 |
Healing |
643 |
Unspecified |
488 |
2,091 |
Day/Date |
Services |
Topic & Text |
Preacher |
Sun., 15/12/24 |
Devotional Service |
It’s Time to Repair the Broken Altar – 1 Kings 18:30, 36-39 |
Bro. Johnson Okpo |
Sun., 15/12/24 |
Young People’s Service |
Who Needs a Revival? – Acts 8:5-8 |
Bro. Ugochukwu Ajoku |
Sun., 15/12/24 |
Revival/Evang. Service |
A Night of Total Victory – Matt 8:2-5 |
Bro. Johnson Ajayi |
Mon., 16/12/24 |
Bible Teaching |
Victory Over Sin - |
Bro. Tony Aisabokhale |
Mon., 16/12/24 |
Revival/Evang. Service |
Power in the Name of Jesus – Acts 3:2-6 |
Bro. Emmanuel Ikosi |
Tue., 17/12/24 |
Bible Teaching |
Sanctification – The 2nd Work of Grace – Luke 1:69-75 |
Bro. Benjamin Amadi |
Tue., 17/12/24 |
Revival/Evang. Service |
Ichabod – 1 Samuel 4:17-22 |
Bro. Sunny Udoudom |
Wed., 18/12/24 |
Bible Teaching |
Consecration – Rom. 12:1-2 |
Bro. Nathaniel Anyanwu |
Wed., 18/12/24 |
Young People’s Service |
Fear Not, For I Have Returned - |
Sis. Amarachukwu Chibuzor |
Wed., 18/12/24 |
Revival/Evang. Service |
This Same Jesus – Acts 1:11-12 |
Sis. Ayotomi Fasuyi |
Thur., 19/12/24 |
Bible Teaching |
The Imminent Coming of the Lord – Matt 24:36-38 |
Bro. Philip Isaiah |
Thur., 19/12/24 |
Revival/Evang. Service |
The Authority in the Name of Jesus – Luke 10:1-3, 17-21 |
Bro. Shedrack Harriman |
Fri. 20/12/24 |
Baptismal Service |
Water Baptism – Matt 28:19-20 |
Bro. Okon Akpan |
Fri. 20/12/24 |
Young People’s Service |
Soldiers of Christ – 2 Tim 2:4 |
Bro. Obasesan Agbor |
Fri., 20/12/24 |
Ordinance Services |
Sun., 22/12/24 |
Devotional Service |
Ambassadors for Christ – Eph 6:19-20 |
Bro. IniAbasi Emah |
Sun., 22/12/24 |
Children Concert/Farewell Service |
I, on behalf of the Rivers and Bayelsa Areas Management Team, Pastors and the entire children of God, we sincerely appreciate the District Superintendent, Board of Trustees and those too numerous to mention home and abroad who contributed in no small measure to making the Year 2024 Rivers and Bayelsa Areas Camp meeting a success.
Many thanks.
IniAbasi S. W. Emah (Rev.)
Rivers Area Overseer
Worker's and Ministers' Conference

Concert - Camp Concert and Children Christmas Concert

Congregation and Altar Service

Water Baptism, Children Service and others: