The Area Management team met on Friday, September 27, 2024 and looked at the camp meeting document, amended and approved same for use in the planning and implementation of the 2024 camp meeting. Pastors meeting and a combined Sunday school teacher’s conference was held at Mbierebe, Uyo Area campground on Saturday, October 12, 2024 to mobilize and encourage everyone to support the camp meeting.
All units sprung to work to ensure everything was set for the camp meeting. The zones had turns to work in the camp ground between October 22 and November 22, 2024. The final general compound cleaning took place on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.
As usual, preparation of the campground was given top priority; clearing, repair and maintenance works were done to make our stay at the campground a convenient one.
Intensive prayers for the success of the camp meeting took place at all branch stations from November 25, 2024. All the workers prayed on Wednesday, December 4 while all the youths had their turn on Tuesday, December 10, 2024. Indeed, God answered all the prayers to the Glory of His Name.
Ministers and workers conference took place on Friday, December 13, 2024. The District Superintendent was represented by Brother Emmanuel Moh who encouraged the body of workers to be faithful to their calling as God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Brother Moh handled the devotional aspect of the conference using the topic “The Significance of Tent Pins” from the Apostolic Faith Church Portland headquarters daily devotional of November 18, 2016. The Scripture Reading was taken from Numbers 7: 1 – 9. All ministers and workers prayed and re-consecrated their lives after the devotional address. Bro Emmanuel Moh equally charged the body of ministers and workers on the importance of unity amongst brethren.
The theme of the Ministers and Workers conference was “Good Stewardship” discussed under four (4) sub-headings: Worldliness and Worldly Amusements; Political Activities, ministerial associations and Joint Religious Services; Ministerial Relationships and General Instructions on Marriage. The four sub-headings were respectively handled by Brothers Dickson Etim, Edward Udo, Emmanuel Moh and Akan Eneh. The attendance at the conference was 1284.
On Sunday, December 15, 2024 the Sunday school lesson titled “The River and Tree of Life” was taught by Bro Emmanuel Kofi, a minister from Eket Area Headquarters church While Bro. Akan Eneh, the Eket Area Overseer handled the review of the lesson and charged everybody to make adequate preparation to enter heaven in order to behold the River and Tree of Life.
The Sunday school lesson for the second Sunday (December 22, 2024) was “Messianic Prophecies from The Psalms” which was taught by Sis. Agnes Nsudoh, a minister from Nwaniba branch of Uyo Area and Bro Emmanuel Moh handled the review of the lesson emphasizing that all the promises of God in the Bible concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ will be fulfilled.
The attendance for the two Sunday School session stood at 3375 and 3224 respectively.
Two Sunday School Teachers conferences were respectively held on Saturdays, December 14 and 21, 2024 to review the lessons for the two Sundays.
Our children from Uyo and Eket Areas staged their programme respectively on Sundays, December 15 and 22, 2024 to lift the hearts of the worshippers towards the theme of the camp meeting, “Come Let Us Repair the Altar of the Lord”. Children from Uyo Area demonstrated how the altar of the Lord was repaired by Gideon and God gave them victory over the Midianites. Similarly, Children from Eket Area demonstrated the restoration of Manasseh when he repaired the altar of the Lord. God really revived his church through the children’s presentations.
Bro. Emmanuel Moh handled the Devotional service on Sunday, December 15, on the theme “Come, Let us Repair the Altar of the Lord” taking his Bible passage from 1 Kings 18: 25-30, he emphasized the need for all to repair their broken altars – our heart, our commitment to God and our love one to another. This, he said would bring about a turnaround in our lives despite the difficult situation in our land.
The Devotional service message on Sunday, December 22, 2024 was handled by Bro. Edward Udo, Uyo Area Acting Overseer, on the theme “Steadfastness to the End”. He took his opening text from Revelation 3: 11, and charged all the saints of God to hold fast their inheritance and the gospel of Jesus Christ without wavering in order to get their crown at the end.
The attendance of worshippers during the devotional services of the two Sundays were 4948 and 4119 respectively.
Four (4) Bible Teachings were held on Monday to Thursday of the camp meeting. The topics on the respectives days were (1) Evidences and Fruits of Salvation, handled by Bro. Akan Eneh – Eket Area Overseer (2) Vows and Consecration taken by Bro. Dickson Etim – Mbierebe Zonal Coordinator (3) Sovereign Will of God taught by Bro. Effiong Uyah – Oron Zonal Coordinator (4) Brotherly Love and Kindness taught by Bro. Aniefiok Inyang – Minister in the Uyo Headquarters Church. All the teachings admonished the participants on the need to repairs their broken altars for God’s blessings to pour on His church. The teachings witnessed the backing of the Holy Spirit and this was evidenced at the altar of prayers where seekers tarried to get blessings from God.
The peak attendance during the Bible teachings was 1778.
Six (6) revival services were held during the camp meeting. All the evening revival services witnessed the presence and backing of the Holy Spirit as seekers tarried long at the altars of prayer. The alter service was indeed wonderful. We thank God for the old time Gospel with its old time Power. The officiating ministers were Bro. Emmanuel Eka, Bro. Maurice Ima, Bro. Samuel Otu, Bro. Joseph Eduok, Bro. Kufre Etim and Bro. Joseph Edem. The peak attendance during the Bible teachings was 2743
We had 4 youth services during the camp meeting and all the services were inspiring as God saved souls. The peak attendance was 2185 on Sunday, December 15, 2024.
This service was handled by Bro. Otobasi Ekanem on Friday, December 20, 2024. One hundred and seven people (44 Males and 63 Females) were immersed in water. To God be the Glory.
On the evening of Friday, December 20, the saints of God gathered and observed the ordinance of Breaking of Bread and Washing of Saints Feet. At the end of the ordinance, Bro. Edward Udo addressed the Saints of God on the need to expedite action towards the completion of the ongoing tabernacle project in order to have a more convenient place of worship in our subsequent camp meetings, and thus encouraged the saints to be more intentional in their contribution towards the project. Bro. Emmanuel Moh encouraged the saints that all will be well with them. 848 saints were in attendance.
December 17 and 19 from 10pm were set aside as nights of prayer for all classes of people. Prayer points were given and people prayed earnestly and received answers to their prayers. The prayer sessions were indeed rewarding. The attendance at the prayer sessions were 1,968 and 2,342 respectively.
Some extra-curricular activities that took place during the camp meeting include:
- Special Meetings - A special meeting of exhortation was held on Tuesday, December 17 and Thursday, December 19 for Ministers and Youth Workers respectively.
- Drama - The Apostolic Faith Campus Fellowship (AFCF) staged a drama on “Repairing The Family Altar”. The drama showcased the importance of fixing our family Altars in order to attract the abiding presence of God in our homes. The end of the drama saw participants on their knees in earnest prayer to God to repair their family altars. 2678 people were in attendance.
- Charity Day - Charity day was observed during the camp meeting on Saturday, December 21, 2024. Brethren sent-in their charity items and the needy among us were assisted through these gift items.
Salvation (167), Sanctification (54), Baptism of the Holy Ghost (19), Healing (159), Re-anointing (121), Others (113). TOTAL = 633. We also had a new baby girl.
80 people testified during the camp meeting. Some highlights are:
- A sister testified of how God overturned the plan of a co-tenant who planned to forcefully take over from her business space. The person was put to shame as God orchestrated his eviction from the space by the landlord whom he had planned to work with against her.
- A brother testified of how God changed his status from a single man to a married man and father in just a year from the previous camp meeting.
- A brother testified of the power of God to protect and to deliver from several accidents. He mentioned how his car rolled off the hill uncontrollably but God controlled the car and brought it to a stop without any hurt.
- A sister testified of the healing power in the blood of Jesus. She mentioned how God healed her daughter in-law of Asthma after the children of God rallied round her to pray.
- A sister testified to God for the power in divine healing. She was down with stroke and couldn’t walk or raise her hands. Her children rallied round her to pray and God healed her completely.
- A brother testified of how God cornered him back to the gospel and saved him. He has since enjoyed the blessings of God. Recently, God raised his maid who was dead while in school back to life. He blessed the Name of the Lord for not allowing him see shame.
- A brother testified to God for the power in Salvation and the change it brings. Before then the forces of evil used to oppress and spill his blood at night. However, all these stopped after salvation. Jesus later sanctified and baptized him with the Holy Ghost.
- A sister thanked God for salvation, sanctification and baptism of the Holy Ghost. She described herself as the Lazarus of our time. She and her sister died in September, but the children of God prayed, God heard and raised them from the dead.
- Several other people testified about the saving grace of Christ, healing, sustenance in difficult times and the hope of heaven.
For the two Sundays, we had in attendance members of the host village council led by the Village head, Chief Effiong Akpan. The village head on behalf of his council members appreciated the church for their warm welcome and prayed God to bless the church.
The camp meeting was not without challenges, but God took absolute control and made it a success. We pray God to complete our tabernacle, build more hostels and provide other facilities for a more convenient camp meeting in subsequent years.
We solicit your usual prayer support.
Reported by:
Edward Udo
Ag. Overseer, Uyo Area

Bro. Emmanuel Kofi teaching the Sunday School (1st Sunday)

Bro. Emmanuel Moh delivering the sermon (1st Sunday)

Sis. Agnes Nsudoh teaching the Sunday School (2nd Sunday)

Bro. Edward Udo delivering the sermon (2nd Sunday)

Cross Section of the Worshipers at the Wings

Cross Section of the Worshipers under the Canopies

A Cross Section of the Orchestra

Seekers at the Altars

Water Baptism

The Village Head of the Host Community with Pastors