In order to enable members in the northern part of Benin to enjoy the benefits of camp meeting conventions, Leaders of the Church in the Republic of Benin have decided that a regional Camp meeting be organised in Parakou, from February 23 to March 2, 2025.
This resolution has become a reality, as members from several parts of Benin gathered in Parakou to take part in the Convention titled: "I WILL DO MARVELS". It was a time of spiritual refreshment during which several people were blessed.
1- Ministers and Workers Conference
Ministers and Workers’ Conference was held on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Many workers, who came from the branch churches of the northern zone (Depot, Orouguererou "the 2 branches of Parakou", Ina, Malanville, Ouassa-Pehunco, Kérou, Natitingou, Ouessè and Toui) and those from other localities of Benin, especially from the National Headquarters, gathered at the campground.
After the prelude of the choir and orchestra, the congregational songs, the opening prayer, the Coordinator of the Northern Zone welcomed the entire house. This was followed by the introduction of the different delegations by the Head of Parakou Missions Department. The floor was then given to the Country Overseer to give his speech.
The lesson of the conference, titled PURE RELIGION, was taught by Brother Jean ALONOUEMON. The study material was a Bible Teaching from the 1970 Campmeeting in Portland, Oregon, by Rev. Loyce Carver, General Overseer of the Apostolic Faith Church from 1965-1993. The sub-themes covered were: Living epistles; Standing Together; Submissive and Humble; Steadfast in the Faith; Love One Another; God’s Order for Us; Applying the Truth; Concerning Women’s Hair; Rules for Both Men and Women; From One Generation to Another; The Consequences of Rebellion; Holy Within and Without; and Gospel Workers.
After the lesson was delivered, the Overseer conducted a review, which spurred all the workers to storm the alter benches to seek the face of God.
2- Music concert
The Northern Zone Choir and Orchestra, supported by the National Leader and a team of choristers from the South, presented the Convention Concert on Sunday, February 23, 2025. The concert ended with a short exhortation from the Overseer, Brother Marcellin KPLOKA. Deeply touched by the message, all rushed to the altar. The prayer session that followed was fervent and several blessings were recorded.
3- Sunday School (Junior & Senior)
On the afternoon of Saturday, February 22 and on the night of Friday, February 28, Sunday school teachers met to review Lesson 7 of Book 1 "The Confusion of Tongues" and Lesson 8 of Book 1 "The Call of Abraham" which were to be taught on Sundays, February 23 and March 2, 2025 respectively. These lessons were taught in different classes with different languages - French, Fongbe/Gungbe, Yoruba and Bariba.
- Devotional Services and Bible Teachings
1) On the first Sunday, February 23, 2025, the Country Overseer, Reverend Marcellin KPLOKA, preached on the theme of the Convention: "I WILL DO MARVELS". Inspired by Exodus 34:10, he demonstrated how God manifests his power in favor of His people, even in times of doubt and weakness. He encouraged members to have a firm faith and to expect God's miracles in their lives.
2) On the morning of Tuesday, February 25, 2025, Reverend Anastase DJOMATIN gave a Bible teaching titled "THE FOUNDATION OF OUR FAITH: THE CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCES". He laid a special emphasis on the three Christian experiences of Salvation, Sanctification and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, which constitute the foundation of the Christian life. He also stressed the importance of a faith well rooted in the Word of God.
3) The theme of the Bible teaching "THE POWER OF BROTHERLY LOVE" was taught by Reverend Maurice TANMAKPI on Wednesday, February 26, 2025. He highlighted the importance of unity in homes, and especially in the Church, where sincere relationships between believers can guarantee a fulfilling Christian life.
4) The officiating minister of the Bible teaching on Thursday, February 27, 2025 was Reverend Jean ALONOUEMON. His teaching was titled: "AN EXHORTATION TO VIGILANCE". He suggested that this convention is a time of blessings, spiritual renewal and revival. He also exhorted everyone to vigilance, an essential quality for any Christian who wants to persevere in faith, win spiritual victory and make Heaven their home.
5) Brother Hervé DJOSSOU, taught on Friday, February 28, 2025, on "THE GOSPEL LANDMARKS". He emphasised that the Gospel Landmarks must neither be moved nor removed. God calls every Christian to respect them and defend them with faith and courage. He declared that whoever wants to please God must take a stand for the truth and remain firm in the teaching of Jesus Christ.
6) The Coordinator of the Northern Zone, Brother Emmanuel IGUE preached the last devotional sermon with the theme “PERSEVERANCE IN THE RACE”. He exhorted members to walk with God, remain in faith and pursue the work of the Gospel with fervor. He ended by drawing everyone’s attention to the fact that all those who desire to enter Heaven must demonstrate perseverance.
- Evening Revival and Evangelistic Services
There were Evening revival and evangelistic services on most of the evenings, from Tuesday, February 25 to Sunday, March 2, 2025. Ministers of God, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gave inspiring messages, which led to fervent prayer sessions. Countless blessings were recorded during these services.
6- Ordinances
On the morning of Saturday, March 1, 2025, the children of God gathered to support the candidates for water baptism. The officiating minister of this first ordinance was Brother Jean ALONOUEMON. With joy and a cheerful spirit, 64 people were baptized in water. The evening of the same day was an unprecedented moment of fellowship among brethren. The saints of God gathered to observe the ordinances of the Lord Supper and the Washing of the Saints’ Feet. Brother Boniface KPOSSOU and Brother Hervé DJOSSOU were respectively the officiating ministers of the Lord Supper and the Washing of the Saints Feet.
7- Elementary Department
The Elementary Department was not left out of the Camp meeting activities. During the Sunday School Teachers’ Conferences on Saturday, February 22nd and Friday, February 28th as well as on Sundays, February 23rd and March 2nd, 2025, the lessons (Book 1, Lesson 9 “A Wonderful Dream”) and (Book 1, Lesson 10 “Joseph Sold by His Brothers”) were respectively taught.
The Sunday School teachers, under the supervision of the National Elementary Department Superintendent, supervised the children on Sundays, Tuesday and Thursday at the Children’s Hall.
There were also children’s programs during the Youth and Adult Sunday School sessions in the main auditorium. On Sunday, February 23, the Sunday school children presented a program of songs, recitations and a playlet from the book of 2 Kings 18 and 19, where God gave victory to King Hezekiah by exterminating Sennacherib’s army. On the last Sunday, March 2, the program highlighted the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-12).
8- Youth Department
The Youth Development Department was also very active during the convention. The youth were involved in almost all the activities of the convention.
On Sunday, February 23, 2025, the National Youth Leader, Brother Sophonie CHAGAS, had an important meeting with the leaders of the YDD of the North. He reminded them of their responsibilities and encouraged them to work with dedication in the vineyard of the Lord. In addition, there was a youth service on Friday, February 28, 2025, which officiating minister was Brother Frédéric KOUDJOU. The title of his sermon was "THE SALT OF MY GENERATION".
9- Other activities
Members and workers had the privilege of attending other programs during the Convention.
Training on Effective Evangelism, Film show titled Passion of Christ, Charity day progtam, Pastors and Treasurers’ meeting and Marriage Seminar
10- Short Testimonies
1) The Lord delivered the Country Overseer and those in his vehicle from a fatal accident while on their way to the campmeeting;
2) A woman testified that she was miraculously delivered from madness by Jesus Christ after she was saved from her life of sin;
11- Statistics
Workers' Conference |
Concert |
People who were Baptized in Water |
The Lord’s Supper |
Peak Attendance |
Number |
82 (34 Females and 48 Males) |
401 |
64 (37 Females and 27 Males) |
126 (58 Females and 68 Males) |
440 |
Recorded Blessings
Salvation |
Sanctification |
Baptism of the Holy Ghost |
Re-anointing |
Healing |
Others |
Total |
Number |
47 |
20 |
07 |
63 |
25 |
28 |
190 |
We can, without any doubt, say with the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews that "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever". The God of Marvels has not changed; He has powerfully manifested Himself during this 2025 Camp meeting in the northern part of Benin.
Our prayer is that the God who made this dream a reality will make it possible to organise future camp meetings in the North and such would always be crowned with good success.
Workers' Conference

Children During the Campmeeting

The Choir and Orchestra during the Campmeeting