Monday August 22
Combined Children and Youth Concert
Children and Youth Concert held together for the first time. The special combined concert started with the children singing “Everybody Ought to Know” and “Jesus is the Light of the World”. A local air was rendered in three languages -Igbo, Erik and Yoruba. A male octet presented “Revive Us Again" and "Just a Little Talk with Jesus". Thereafter, the little stars presented three interesting pieces with demonstrations that the audience joined in the singing. During the intermission, certificates were presented by Brother Isaac Adigun to graduating students from the children music school. The children’s mass choir presented “Shine, Jesus shine” to wrap up the Children’s segment of the combined concert.
The youth concert commenced the other half of the concert with a processional song, “Praise the Lord” arranged by Victor Okusanya. The concert was heartwarming and ended with a playlet that drove the audience to their knees. Attendance was 8,799

Tuesday August 23
Bible Teaching
The Bible teaching started orchestra playing “Love lifted Me”. The choir then sang “Love Divine” and “Come, O Come with Me” after which was the congregational singing and opening prayer by Bro Joe Ansah from Ghana.
Brethren from Cross Rivers adjunct region and children born in the Gospel as well as virtual participants testified after the choir rendered “O love that Will Not Let Me Go”. A sister that testified virtually from Calabar praised God for healing her husband of stroke after the doctors advised her to stop spending money on her husband’s health and prepare for his burial instead. But God healed him completely. A brother thanked God for delivering him and his family from armed robbery attack. A brother that said the deceitfulness of riches took him away from the gospel praised God for bringing him back to the Gospel and restoring him. “Happy marriage is from God” was the last special song that rounded off the testimony service before the teaching.
Reading from Hebrews 13:4, the teacher, Brother Festus Oniyide, the Acting Regional Overseer for Abuja Region began the teaching with the topic The Sanctity of Marriage. He stated explicitly that Marriage is meant to be for life between one man and one woman, and that it is only death that can separate married couples. He explained that some marriages are not valid when placed under the light of God's word. The Teacher used the question approach in covering varying subjects on marriage. Couples were advised to faithfully perform their obligations: men should love unconditionally and women should submit as this will result in a happy home. Attendance was 12,025
Marriage and Family Seminar
A special marriage and family seminar held from 3:30pm taking the place of the usual evening revival and evangelistic service. The theme of the seminar anchored by the family development department was Managing Relationship in the 21st Century, opening with a playlet that highlighted various scenarios and challenges that confront families and the ways of overcoming such challenges. The drama set out how each member of the family has a role to play in making a happy home. From the members of the nuclear family to the extended family including in-laws. In the playlet, older women are admonished to teach younger women to love their husbands and build a home. A model for handling marriage and family related challenges was also highlighted using an acronym “Five Fs” that stands for Faith, Family, Friends, Finance and Fun.
The programme ended with a question-and-answer session where varying questions ranging from dating, marriage proposal, intimacy, finance and restitution were treated. Attendance was 8,211.
Wednesday August 24
Bible Teaching
The Bible Teaching started with “Leaving all For Jesus” played by the orchestra. The choir rendered “Have Faith in God” while the Youth Choir sang, “I will Lift Up Mine Eyes”. The congregation sang songs of praise to God joyfully and the opening prayer was given by Bro James Olaleye. The welcome address and announcement were given by Brother Isaac Adigun. He reported that the total blessings recorded at the time of reporting was 6,580, with one baby girl and two baby boys. The choir then sang “Faith is the Victory” to open the testimony service.
Testimonies were opened to brethren from Edo/Delta Adjunct Region and Abuja Region. Bro Jacob Fadijo, the Overseer for Delta District gave his testimony of victory in Delta area, although the devil fought the church, God gave victory and a church is now established in one major town and a parcel of land has been secured in another part of the town. A brother testified of how God raised his wife from the dead. A Sister testified to the healing power of God, as God healed her entire family in the UK of Covid-19. Another woman testified that God revived her child after he was dead for some hours.
The last special titled “Till The Storm Passes By”, a solo, was rendered by Sister Mary Ayoade just before the Bible Teaching. The teaching, titled Overcoming Faith, was given by Bro. Benjamin Amadi from Port Harcourt region. He explained that Faith is implicit obedience to the Word of God and that the devil is usually lying in wait like a roaring lion but we will only be able to confront and overcome him through the Word of God and prayers. He challenged the assembly to maintain holy conversations and uphold a holy lifestyle quoting Romans 12:21. The service ended with people on their knees praying earnestly to God. Attendance was 12,484.
Young People’s Service
The Young People’s Service started at 2:30pm with “Allegro Con Brio” by L.V. Beethoven presented by a flute duet. The choir later sang “Everybody on The Lord's Side” and “Just as I Am” and “Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”. The congregational songs followed after which the congregational prayer was given. Thereafter, students in the Secondary School had the floor to give their testimonies.
The young folks glorified God for His saving grace. A girl testified of how God saved her from kidnappers. A boy glorified God for saving him from depression and suicidal thoughts during this camp meeting. A girl told of how God healed her brother from the state of coma. A young boy thanked God for saving him and giving him the boldness to testify amongst the congregation of the children of God.
The choir sang a soul thrilling song titled “Give Me Jesus”. The sermon titled No More Barrier was given by Brother Joshua Otuagha from Anthony headquarters church. The focus text was taken from Isaiah 25:7. He encouraged the audience that God would take away every barrier preventing them from seeing the glory of God or from receiving blessings from God. At the end of the sermon, the young people prayed heartily unto God and many were blessed. Attendance was 2,392.
Evening Service
The orchestra played “Saving Grace” at the commencement of the evening service. The choir also sang Surely Goodness and Mercy. Some selected voices sang a yoruba piece titled “Ayo Ni Mo Fi Bere” (I Started with Joy). The voices in the assembly filled the tabernacle as the congregational songs were taken. The congregational prayer was by Brother Titus Itanola, the head of Publishing department at the WECA HQ.
Brethren from Ebute-Meta and Oke-Aro Adjunct Region, Burkina Faso, and Mali were the group that testified. A sister testified of how God delivered her of a baby. Although she and the baby were sick for about 3 years after birth, God healed them perfectly. A brother testified of how God delivered him from prison for an offense he did not commit. The testimony service ended with a quartet titled “With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh”.
The preacher was Brother Josiah Ohuoba, the Assisting District Overseer of Abia District. The text was taken from Psalms 51:17. He affirmed that surely the presence of the Lord is in the camp. He encouraged all that there is a step everyone must take to be blessed and that is to go to God with a broken heart which implies humility of heart. Such a heart must come with the knowledge of who God is. At the end of the service, people rushed to the altar praying with groaning and brokenness. Attendance was 8,204.
Thursday August 25
Bible Teaching
The last Bible teaching for the camp meeting started with the orchestra playing “The Fight is On” followed by “Press on Pilgrims” by the choir and “Soldiers of Emmanuel” by an octet, after which the congregation sang hymns and the opening prayer was said by Brother Michael Oroleye, the District Overseer of Ebute Metta District. "Just a Little While" was the first special rendered by the choir just before the testimony service commenced.
Testimony was reserved for brethren from Uyo district, Congo, Muslim converts, as well as the physically challenged. A sister testified that she was told by doctors that she could never conceive, but God later gave her children after a period of experiencing losses. A brother who was determined to seek power to kill all those he perceived as instrumental to the death of his parents at a very young age, praised God for saving his soul, giving him good education and providing for all his need in life. Another brother that was born into the family of a Muslim priest testified of how God brought him to the Gospel, saved him, and has kept him for 40 years thus far. A converted Muslim sister testified that God saved her soul after which she was persecuted by her father who also refused to sponsor her education, but God gave her a scholarship. Later her father allowed her to take her siblings and relations to church when he saw the change in her life.
"It Will Be Worth it All” was the last special that preceded the teaching, which was handled by Brother James Tifase, the Head of Administration department at WECA HQ. The topic of the teaching was Endurance Race to The End with the opening text as Hebrews 12:1-3. The teaching focused on three main areas which are, the meaning of endurance race; the cloud of witnesses that ran the race, and precepts on how to succeed in the race. The teacher pointed out that it is great to have the foundational Christian graces, but running successfully to the end is much more important, as found in Revelation 2:10 and 1 Corinthians 9:44. Attendance was 10,735
Evening Service
The evening service was special as the Superintendent General, Brother Darrel Lee, was in attendance after arriving Nigeria earlier in the day. “The Joy of Heaven” was the orchestral piece performed; while the choir sang “Amazing Grace” and a special native air in Yoruba language. Congregational hymns were followed by the opening prayer by Brother Sola Opaleye, the Head of the Family Development Department. Brother Darrel Lee had the privilege of greeting the audience during the general announcements when the jubilant congregation expressed joy with loud echoes of Amen.
Brethren from Port Harcourt and Enugu regions as well as nursing parents had the floor for testimony. A brother that suffered child mortality to the point of frustration praised God for giving him three handsome boys and two daughters after losing seven children. Another brother who was thirsty for righteousness praised God for bringing him in contact with God through the gospel magazine.
A quartet rendered “Come Ye Sinners Poor and Needy” before the sermon delivered by Brother Joe Ansah from Ghana. Mark 4:36-37 was the opening text with which the preacher introduced the sermon that focused on “Overcoming the Storms of Life”. He assured the congregation that none will go back with the storms of life they brought to camp if only they could pray as the disciples had to call on Jesus in the face of a storm. “He Will Answer Every Prayer” was the invitation song that rounded off the service. Attendance was10,735.
Friday August 26
Water Baptism
Water baptismal service held at 9:30am where those saved from their lives of sin and found fit after interviews were immersed in water as the scriptures enjoined. Those baptized were many as the ordinance did not hold for two years following the Covid19 pandemic. Precisely 1,003 candidates observed the ordinance. 4,941 were in attendance.
Breaking of Bread and washing of the Saints’ feet
As the ordinance of breaking of bread commenced at 5:00pm, Brother Isaac announced the essence of the meeting and highlighted those eligible to participate in the ordinance. The congregation later sang a song “According to Thy gracious word” followed by opening prayer.
The exhortation on the ordinance of breaking of bread was delivered by Brother Segun Ajiboye, the Assisting Regional Overseer for Anthony-Abesan Adjunct Region after the only congregational hymn “Lord to whom but thee shall we go? Luke 22:17 was the opening text for the short exhortation in which the preacher made it clear that the ordinance was meant for only saved members of the Apostolic Faith, who have the Spirit’s witness that they are the children of God. He admonished all to examine themselves before partaking of the ordinance as recorded in 1 Corinthians 11:21-28. After which participants went to pray during which the bread and wine were served.
The hymn, Blessed be the Tie preceded the exhortation for washing of the Saints’ feet which was handled by Brother Samuel Inyang who read John 13 as his opening text. After the short exhortation, the congregation sang joyfully as washing of the saints’ feet commenced. After washing of the saints’ feet was concluded, some brethren rendered special songs and testified to God’s goodness. Sister Rachael Fakorede, the Head of Missions at WECA HQ also testified about the wonderful things that God is doing in the foreign missions, particularly in Mali, a predominant Muslim country.
The ordinance service came to close as everybody joined voices in singing Let Us With a Gladsome Mind after which Brother Solomon Okon gave the closing prayer. Attendance was 4,531.
Saturday August 27
The Sunday school teachers conference held to discuss the lesson for Sunday, 28.8.2022. The lesson, Paul’s Final Work In Asia was reviewed by Brother Isaac Adigun. Thereafter, the Superintendent General, Brother Darrel Lee addressed the body of Ministers and Workers from the book of Titus followed by a session of prayer. The Church’s new website was launched by the Superintendent General with a dedicatory prayer.