The day started with prayer room service with many workers already on their knees many hours before the normal prayer room time in preparation for Sunday school that started at 08:30am with the congregation singing “Now thank we all our God”. Thereafter the elementary Sunday school children presented a soul-reviving programme with the theme “Oh Lord revive Thy work”. The programme highlighted the worrisome states of lukewarmness and backsliding. Referencing the revival that engulfed Israel in the days of Prophet Elijah and Revelation 3:15-16, the audience was encouraged to return to God with open hearts and contrition in order to receive God’s richest blessings and be ready for the rapture.
The Sunday school lesson, which focused on “Hezekiah’s sickness and trial” held in various language groups with the internet class taught in English by Brother Johnson Okpo in the main auditorium. The lesson brought up some valuable lessons that included the power of God to do all things, the need to live holy lives and trust in God always. Also, the importance of possessing humility and penitence to avert God’s judgement was emphasized. Following the lesson came the review handled by Brother Isaac, then rendition of hymn 536 and closing prayer.
The choir and orchestra rendered some heart-warming songs to start the devotional service. Among pieces rendered were “how excellent” and “it’s beginning to rain” after which the congregation sang “revive thy work, oh Lord” followed by congregational prayer rendered by Brother John Bekoe, leader of our work in Ghana.
Camp meeting greetings were received from across the globe starting with the message from the Superintendent General, Brother Darrel Lee. Other greetings came from leaders of various districts including South Africa, East Africa, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, United Kingdom, France, Denmark, and many others.
Following the anthem, “Come Holy Spirit” came the scripture reading which was selected from Habakkuk 1:1-5. Thereafter, the sermon with theme “Oh Lord revive Thy work” was given by the District Superintendent, Brother Isaac Adigun. Reading from Habakkuk 3:1,2, the Preacher reiterated the urgent need for revival in our individual and national lives. Elements of revival were enumerated as obedience, humility and prayerfulness. In the same vein, antecedents of revival were enumerated as acknowledgment of our need as Prophet Habakkuk did in Habakkuk 1:1-5, tarrying in prayer to God with fasting like Prophet Elijah and honest self-examination among others.
Some reasons why revival is urgently needed include the worrisome state of some churches becoming entertainment and fashion parade centres; daughters of Zion becoming as harlots and the christening of sexual sin as weakness. Furthermore, the Preacher posited that revival is urgently needed in these days when it is challenging to distinguish the Spirit of God from witchcraft spirit and many other terrible things are happening among professors of the grace of God. The Preacher asserted that we need a spiritual shaking; we need the Spirit of God, the voice that spoke to the dry bones and whose breathe made the dry bones a mighty army.
In concluding, the Preacher declared that this camp is dedicated to praying until God answers our prayer as He answered Prophet Habakkuk. Thus, the sermon ended with a challenge that everyone should desire and pray for revival like Prophet Habakkuk and that God will answer every prayer. The peak attendance was 16, 577.
Before the prayer request was read, there was an orientation session on conducting street meeting. The session afforded participants the opportunity of being reminded of street meeting procedures and ethics. A session of prayer followed after which the prayer request was read in preparation for the evening revival service.
The service kicked off with a piano solo followed by the choir rendition of let the fire fall and let us sing. Testimonies were reserved for ministers and most revealed the goodness of God throughout the pandemic. The special song preceding the sermon was a solo – It is Jesus. The preacher, Brother Godwin Uzoho, the District overseer of Anambra District took the exhortation form Haggai 12:19 about God’s intention and desire to bless the people and turn them away from iniquities. People were invited to the altar and the place was filled with hungry souls pouring their hearts before the Lord.