Report on the fourth Bible teaching held on Friday, 19.8.2022
The bible teaching started with the orchestra playing “Peace Like a River”. The choir also rendered “The Blessed Gospel” and “The Old Gospel Ship”. Congregational singing followed the choir prelude and the opening prayer by Bro John Mapepuka from Zambia followed. The first special was “Give Me The Old Time Religion” rendered by the choir and testimonies were given by brethren from Faith City regional services HQ Church, Cote D’voire and Gabon.
A brother testified that he had stroke and went into coma for ten days but God healed and raised him up in accordance with the promise that Jesus gave him that he will not die. Another brother praised God for healing him from sickness as Gospel message by Apostolic Faith Church was brought to his home. He also praised God for giving him power to live above sin. A sister that came to the Gospel at age 7 praised God for saving and keeping her. She thanked God for helping them build a good place of worship during COVID19. Another sister praised the Lord for healing her legs and now she can walk again. A brother praised God for satisfying the desire of his heart for children that will take over from him in the gospel by giving him children, two of which are currently serving as workers in the church. He also thanked God for delivering his son that works in a bank from the Police net when the driver of the bullion van made away with N25m that was in his son’s custody. Testimony service ended with the last special a quartet titled “Old paths”.
Reading from Mark 1:14,15, the Teacher, Brother Edet Bassey, the Regional Overseer of Ikot Enwang Region and a Board member presented the topic of the teaching as A Pure Gospel. The pure gospel is the undiluted word of God. Pure means to be free from contamination. God wants us to learn about the pure gospel because the end is near. Attendance was 10,847
The Youth Service with an attendance of 2,778 was preceded by the Youth Workers in the prayer room in preparation for the Young People’s Service. The service started with “Tocatta On Amazing Grace” an organ solo. The choir sang joyfully “It’s Different Now” a song of testimony of God’s saving grace. The congregation also prayerfully sang “I need thee” just before the opening prayer. The young people thereafter testified to the power of God to save, keep and deliver. A last special song titled “Room for Jesus” was rendered just before the sermon titled “This Same Jesus” by Sister Nike Ajayi, a Young Minister in the Faith City Regional Services HQ church. The text was taken from Hebrew 13:8 and she emphasised that Jesus is the Same yesterday, today and forever.
Evening Revival and Evangelistic Service
The evening took a different turn as the scheduled Evening Revival and Evangelistic Service turned out to be a prayer revival as a fall out of the revival that continued from the Young People’s Service. The workers who had gathered for the prayer room service in preparation for the evening revival service were instructed by Brother Isaac Adigun to join the fiery prayer session as ministers and workers joined seekers who were still praying after the Young People’s meeting.
There was great revival that spanned beyond the evening service period as seekers, young and old, were seen agonizing in prayer with groanings that cannot be uttered. Many were the blessings received during this unscheduled prayer service and we just give God the glory for the great revival. The attendance was 9,787.
Report for Saturday, 20.8.20
Two major activities took place on Saturday, which are Sunday school teachers’ conference and annual camp musical concert.
The Sunday school teachers conference held between 9am and 12:10 hours. During the conference, Brother Isaac Adigun reviewed the lesson titled Persecution of Christ Followers. Following the review, general housekeeping took place in preparation for Sunday school the following day. Attendance at the conference was 2,433.
The annual camp concert took place at 15:00 hours with about 520 choristers from across WECA performing. The concert lasted for about 2 hours with heart-warming pieces rendered. 9,846 people were in attendance
Some of the pieces rendered included “We praise Thee, o God – Dentingen, Handel”; local airs in Igbo, French, Erik and Yoruba; Stayed upon Jehovah - arranged by Jeff Cranfill was played by the orchestra and extract from “Israel in Egypt” by Handel, rendered by the choir and orchestra.
The audience was not left out as they jubilantly sang “Praise my soul the king of heaven”. The concert rounded off with a prayer session following the vote of thanks by one of the Guest, Venerable Valentine, who is a second time invitee to the concert.
Update of the second Sunday, 21.8.2022.
Sunday school started with the congregation singing “Hallowed day and holy, Am I a solder of the cross? and Count your blessings” followed by the opening prayer by Brother Cletus Overy from Edo District.
Elementary Sunday school children from Ibadan Region presented a programme titled “O Lord Revive Thy Work”. The young Evangelists re-echoed the promises of God to revive his people, citing some examples among which are Ezekiel’s prophecy in the valley full of dry bones and the message of Jesus from the midst of the golden candlesticks to the churches in the book of Revelation. The programme was concluded with a strong exhortation that everyone should seek God in repentance and prayers as God is willing to bless everyone, irrespective of anyone’s position quoting Isaiah 1:18.
The day’s lesson titled “Persecution of Christ followers” class was taught by Bro Bolaji Popoola from Port Harcourt Region. The text was taken from Matthew 20:15-28. The lesson objectively focused on enlightening the students that persecution is inevitable for Christians and God’s grace is always available and sufficient for every situation. The lesson was brought to a close with the assurance that God will surely give us victory as contained in Psalm 66:12.
The choir sang “Never alone” at the end of the lesson that ushered in a review of the lesson by the reviewer, Brother James Tifase. Reading from Exodus 4:10-12 and Psalm 2:1-4, the reviewer described the lesson as a “strong meat” and encouraged all to remain firm in the faith so that as God helped Moses, David and others, he will help each one too, despite the raging of the devil and his cohorts.
The Chamber orchestra played Eine kleine for strings, 2nd Mvt. to start the devotional service followed by “Mighty Jehovah” and “I want to know more” rendered by the choir and a quartet respectively. The congregation sang “Our father and our God” and “We come nigh our Heavenly Father” followed by opening prayer by Brother Chidi John Ugwu from Enugu District. A total of 5,315 blessings were recorded as at reporting time. A baby girl and two baby boys were delivered during the camp thus far.
The first special was titled “Send a great revival in my soul” after which the Bible reading taken from 1 Kings 18:30-32 was read by Brother Festus Oyeniyi from Anthony WECA HQ. The opening text of the sermon delivered by Brother Emmanuel Moh, the Regional Overseer for Enugu Region was 1 Kings 18:40 with the title as “Overcoming Hindrances to Revival”. In the sermon, the Preacher encouraged the audience to take the right steps to obtain revival, which is concisely overcoming hindrances that include anger, jealousy, pride, position seeking and many more, which can simply be classified as sin. Attendance was 17,065
Youth service
The service started with an orchestra piece titled We are so Blessed. The choir gave a beautiful song in French titled With God, We Will Do Exploit. Testimony service was opened to brethren from Enugu Region, Ikot-Ewang Region and Foreign Guests. Young people testified about their Christian experiences among many other testimonies.
The sermon titled A Happy Man (L'Homme Heureux) was given by Bro Phidias Medessou from Benin Republic. He encouraged the young people that it is the will of God to make them happy and that a happy man is one who is enjoying God’s favor. He admonished everyone to stay away from sin as it hinders God’s blessings.
The Youth Service ended with a revival that once again extended beyond the scheduled time for the Evening Revival and Evangelistic Service and people had ample time to pray. Attendance was 3,132
Update on evening revival and evangelistic service.
The evening revival service turned into another session of breakthrough prayers compelling ministers and workers’ to massively help seekers at the altar as Young People’s meeting came to a close. Again, the prayer session spanned the evening service period and many were blessed. Attendance was 11,326
Street Work & Camp Outreach
Strategic outreach programs have been major features among our camp meeting activities. These include Street work outreach, House to house Evangelism and Street awareness campaigns. The objectives are to create awareness of the camp programs to all our neighbouring communities, to reach out towards the conversion of our neighbours and to serve as re-training opportunity for our ministers and workers who came from the different Districts and Regions to attend the camp.
Two or more teams of workers were sent out daily for House to House Evangelism to distribute Camp meeting handbills and Literature materials to the neighbourhoods. The youth department (YDD) was very much involved as young men and women were sent out every morning to campaign with gospel vehicles installed with public address system. This served to create public awareness for the programs despite the bad in-roads are inhibiting our penetration into many of the communities.
About eight teams of workers and instrumentalists led by ministers were sent out daily (except Saturday and Monday) ahead of evening Revival meetings. The eight different teams are dispatched strategically and simultaneously to various locations. A special feature of this outing was that the workers invited and brought people along for the services. And follow-up on such invitees in the past has led to the founding of Bible Study Centres and Sunday School stations all around Faith City neighbourhoods.