Minister and workers from countries within West and Central Africa (WeCA) gathered on Friday, August 12, for the ministers and workers meeting at Faith City Campground, Igbesa, Nigeria. We had 5,297 delegates in attendance. The conference started at 11:00 hours with the welcome address by Brother Isaac Adigun. Thereafter, participants sang the opening song at the end of which Brother Marcelin Kploka, leader of our work in Republic of Benin, gave the opening prayer.
With Brother Isaac presiding, the conference discussion focused on three main areas, which are: spiritual qualification as contained in the Minister’s Manual of the Apostolic Faith Church; Unity of the Church curled from a recent weekly excerpt of the Apostolic Faith Minister’s manual; and general housekeeping in preparation for the camp meeting activities.The essence of the discussion was to remind participants of their binding duties as co-workers with God. From the scriptural reference, 1 Timothy 3:1-10 participants were admonished to carry out self-examination and consult God for help in areas of deficiencies as King David cried out to God in Psalm 139:23-24.
From the discussion on workers’ qualification, ministers and workers were reminded that answering the call of God requires some virtues such as strength of character and diligence in meeting all requirements, some of which are recorded in 1 Timothy 3, especially because the call of God to workers has eternal consequences. Participants were also reminded of other areas including willingness to serve irrespective of challenges encountered. They were equally enjoined to be resilient and adapt to every God-allowed situation knowing that God’s callings go along with his enabling.
Further reading from Hebrews 10:22-25, the second part of the discussion centred on church unity. Participants were reminded of the importance of church unity. The church is contextually classified as both invisible and visible with unity as a major characteristic of both. The visible church is to preach the pure Word of God with active roles and obligations aimed at glorifying God, edifying the brethren, evangelizing the world and administering discipline and to love one another. Participants were therefore enjoined to strive to become members of the invisible church, whose names are written in Heaven and has a glorious end in view.The need to be conscious of the denominational characteristics of Apostolic Faith was also re-emphasized along with prayer room and platform decorum among many other useful reminders.
On general housekeeping, the effort of Heads of various Departments in preparing the campgrounds was appreciated.The Head of Administration, Brother James Tifase gave a brief insight into the state of camp facilities, which has been planned in alignment with prevailing Government regulations. Participants were encouraged to endeavour to adhere to camp regulations in order not to put undue pressure on available camp facilities and promote general hygiene and public health.
In the concluding segment, ministers and workers were exhorted to be focused to obtain and retain personal and group revival. A fervent prayer session followed the compelling call on all participants to take every challenge to the Lord in prayer just like King Hezekiah. “Revive us again” was the closing song followed by the closing prayer offered by Brother Edet Bassey, member of the Board of Trustees at about 13:15 hours. There was a grand fellowship of all attendees during the follow-up sumptuous lunch provided by the church.
A general gathering of all delegates on the camp grounds between 6pm and 7pm for prayer meeting closed the activity for the day.