Report for Monday 15.8.2022.
Music test was organized for various categories of music students that came from all over WeCA. The categories of tests that held include sight reading, junior and senior instrument as well as art of singing tests. Tests results are expected to be published after the camp meeting. In the evening, a film titled Welsh Revival was watched by 7,674 campers in the main auditorium and across the pavillions.
Report on the first Bible teaching held on Tuesday. 16.8.22.
The first Bible teaching started with a choir prelude which included an orchestral piece titled “By grace are ye saved’. Other pieces are “Salvation has been brought down” and “Ye must be born again”. Thereafter came the congregational singing which include Christ’s made the sure foundation and “My hope is built on nothing else” The opening prayer was offered by Brother Sam Inyang.
Just before the testimony service was a song by the choir “A clean heart”’ after which the brethren from Ikot Enwang and Liberia testified God’s power. A brother testified how God delivered him from a ghastly auto accident and equally healed him of type one diabetes. Another brother praised God for rescuing him from a soak away pit. A sister testified that her invitee who had been barren was delivered of a bouncing baby boy after she attended 2010 camp meeting. A sister testified how God delivered her from adulterous living and sponsored all her children through school when her former husband thought that she and her children will not make it in life. A brother testified how God delivered them from accidents three times, from armed robbers and unknown gunmen during their trip to Faith City for the ongoing camp meeting.
The teacher, Brother Ini Emmah opened by reading from Matthew 7:24-27 on the topic Building On The Spiritual Foundation. He explained that the doctrines of the Bible make up the word which is the foundation as seen in 1 Timothy 4:16 and 2 John 9. Precisely, salvation is the first foundation stone. Sanctification (referenced in John 17:17) is the second foundation on which to build. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the third foundation upon which to build our spiritual lives.
A major area of concern was the how to build on the foundation because maintaining the foundation is critical as observed in Psalm 11:3. The teachers put forth three ways to build on the foundation, which are investment, inspection and assurance. Investment in time should be put into studying and meditating on the words of God. Inspection is about ensuring that the quality of the foundation laid is maintained through self-examination and Assurance deals with making sure we attain eternal life. 11,693 were in attendance.
Report on the first revival and evangelistic service held on Tuesday. 16.8.22 at 17:00 hours.
The first weeknight revival and evangelistic service started with the orchestra playing “Since I have been redeemed” and the choir sang “Oh it thrills me” and “Happiness is the Lord’s”. The opening prayer was offered by Brother Peter Awomoyi after the congregational singing.
Ekiti Region and Niger Republic had the floor to testify. A young sister thanked God for the miraculous provision for all her needs for the camp meeting. A sister testified how she died a week after 2015 camp meeting and God raised her up. She also praised God for opening her blinded eyes since 2015. A brother from the Francophone country praised God for healing his leg that was broken. A sister that was thirsty for holy living testified how God brought her to the Gospel in 1992, saved her and has kept her till now. A sister testified she had no one to help her praised God for how two of her children gave birth in a period of three months. A brother thanked God for healing him of a very worrisome sickness during this camp meeting. A sister praised God for answering their prayer of establishing a church in their home town. She also thanked God for helping her recover her lost phone.
The choir rendered “Why not you? after which Brother Josiah Akioya from Edo District brought the word of God. Reading from. Genesis 35:1,2 the Preacher exhorted all that it was time to go back to Bethel in order to receive answers to prayers and blessings. He exhorted the audience to let-go every idol to get God’s blessings as Jacob did and was blessed by God in Genesis 35:10. 11,088 were in attendance.
A total of 740 Blessings recorded were: Salvation 137, Sanctification 54, Baptism of the Holy Ghost 28, Healing 170, Re-anointing 241, other various 100 and a new baby girl was added to the camp.