



The 2024 Ghana Camp meeting was held under the theme: “Come, Let Us Repair the Altar of the Lord” (from 1 Kings 18:30) on 25 August – 8 September 2024. The event was preceded by two weeks of prayer meetings in all our branch churches in Accra in order to get maximum blessings from the LORD during the actual event. As usual, we had to get the Campground ready for the event, so a number of maintenance, repair and construction works needed to be done including repainting, recarpeting and getting the multipurpose three-storey building ready to accommodate our delegates from parts of Ghana. We are thankful to God that the decking of the third floor was completed before the camp meeting.


We were privileged to have the West and Central Africa (WECA) District Superintendent (DS) participate in the second week of the Camp meeting. Rev. Dotun Ewumi, the Music Director at the WECA Headquarters, represented the DS during the first week of the Camp meeting. This year, we were blessed by the participation of the Overseers of the churches in Benin Republic (Rev. Marcellin Kploka) and Togo (Rev. Francois Adechi Bobo), as well as the Leader of the Guinea Conakry church, Sister Laure Abbey Fidele. We also had delegates from Nigeria, Benin Republic, Togo, La Cote d’Ivoire, and all the 56 branches in the six zones of Ghana.


Workers Conference

The 2024 Camp meeting Ministers and Workers Conference Lesson was held on Friday preceding the convention on the theme Good Stewardship with over 200 in attendance. After an opening song and prayer, there were six main sessions that highlighted the theme of “Good Stewardship.” The first session drew inspiration from Numbers 7:1-9, with a devotional titled “The Significance of Tent Pins” that brought out how all workers operating under God’s Spirit are of equal importance. The second session, which was on “Worldliness and Worldly Amusements”, underscored the need to honour God in all we do including our attire and conduct. The third session, titled “Political and Affiliation Activities,” touched on the importance of staying focused on the things that matter most, such as preaching a pure Gospel and evangelizing. The fourth session dwelt on “Ministerial Relationships” with a focus on relationships with other ministers, workers, congregation and those with special needs. The fifth session was also on “Ministerial Relationships” but with emphasis on relationships with our spouses, children and family. The sixth session was on “General Instructions on Marriage”. A spirit of unity and commitment to serving God marked the 2024 Camp meeting Ministers and Workers Conference, and it closed with a prayer meeting.

Camp meeting Greetings

During the announcements at the commencement of the 2024 Camp meeting, I introduced special guests and read greetings from around the world including from Rev. Olusola Adesope, the new Superintendent General, and his wife, Sister Tolu, as well as from Rev. Isaac Adigun, the WECA District Superintendent, and his wife, Sister Stella.

Camp meeting Teachings and Sermons

The 2024 Camp meeting caption of “Come, Let Us Repair the Altar of the Lord” was the topic I chose for the First Sunday Devotional Service sermon of the convention. Based on 1 Kings 18:30 and Judges 6: 25-32, the congregants were reminded that blessings always follow obedience to the instructions of God. Worshippers were enjoined to repair and rebuild their spiritual altars in order to release God’s blessings on their lives.  A good time of prayer ensued after the sermon.

The following teaching topics were presented during the Camp meeting. Evidence and Fruits of Salvation (Key texts: 1 John 1: 9; John 3: 3; Gal 5: 22, 23); Entire Sanctification (Key texts: 1 Thes. 5: 23; Isaiah 6: 1-7; 2 Peter 2: 6-9); Spiritual Power for Service (Key text: Acts 1: 4-8; 2: 38,39; John 16: 7-14); Prayer (Key texts: John 16: 24; Jere. 33: 3; Isaiah 55: 6); The Later Rain Outpouring and the History of the Apostolic Faith (Key text: James 5: 7, 8; Acts 2: 16, 17; Jude 3); Trial of Faith and Reward (Key texts: James 1: 12; 2 Tim. 2:12; 1 Peter 2: 21); and Glorious Coming of Christ (Key texts: 1 Corinth 15: 51-57; Zech. 14: 4, 5; Jude 14, 15).

The last Sunday Devotional Service message was delivered by the DS on the topic: “God is Never Late” based on John 11: 18-23, 43, 44. The congregation was admonished that the almighty God knows all things, understands all things and is in perfect control of events in our lives. We should therefore go to Him with our petitions and put our trust on Him; He will surely come through for us in His own time and plan. There were fervent prayers at the altars after the service.

Revival and Evangelistic Services were held on Sunday – Friday. Youth Services were held on the first Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, while Children’s Services were held on Tuesday and Thursday. The French Service was held on Thursday.

The teachings and sermons were inspiring and challenging and many worshippers prayed after each service. Generally, all the services and teachings were live-streamed on the internet and the Lord blessed in a special way.

Camp meeting Music Concert

The Camp meeting Music Concert was held on Saturday, 31 August 2024 at 4.00pm on the theme I Will Sing Unto the Lord. The Camp meeting Music Concert featured works from the music masters including Count Your Blessings and When the Saints (Arr. By Jeff Cranfill); The Voice of Singing by James Edmeston; We Praise Thee by G. F. Handel; Ciribiribin / Blood Medley by Alberta Pestalozza; Carmen Suite for Brass Quintet by Georges Bizet; and Aria by Allesandro Scarlatti. Local Airs were also presented during the concert, which included Mala (I will sing) by George Amos Tetteh; Meto Dwom (I will sing) by Yaw Owusu Asiamah; Kae Wo Nhyira (Remember your blessings) by Sam Asare Bediako; Awanwan Sem Besisi (Wonderful things will happen) by Osei Boateng; and Nutikokoe Ne Mawu (Glory be to God) by Ken Kafui.

Important dignitaries and people from all walks of life attended this year’s music concert religious leaders, traditional rulers and government functionaries. A small sketch at the end of the concert on the hope for backsliders led many people to fervent prayers.


The Baptismal Service was held in the morning of Friday, 6 September 2024 and congregants were admonished based upon the following scriptural passages: Mat 28: 19, 20; Rom 6: 3, 4. Thankfully, a total of 90 saints, comprising 50 sisters and 40 brothers, were baptised in water. We give God all the glory!

The Ordinances of Lord’s Supper and Washing of Saints’ Feet were held on the evening of the same Friday. The Ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was based on Mat 26: 26-29; 1 Corinth 11: 24-29, while the Washing of Saints’ Feet drew from John 13: 4-17. Both ordinances were well attended (327 brethren) as 130 brothers and 197 sisters participated in the events.

The presence of God was felt during these meetings as the saints sang joyfully in praise and adoration of the Lord who has done so much for us.

Children’s Programmes

On the first Sunday of the convention, the Sunday school children from Accra Zone presented a skit on Building the Altar of the Lord, in line with the theme of the Camp meeting. They highlighted the importance of getting it right for God’s blessings to follow. The Sunday school children from the Northern Zone presented another sketch on the Second Sunday of the Camp meeting on the theme “Prayer-answering God”, highlighting the need to rebuild spiritual altars and seek the face of God because things were not moving on well in the kingdom of that king. So, the king then summoned his people to repentant prayers because God hears and answers prayers. The result was prosperity and God’s favour restored. On the last Sunday of the Camp meeting, the Sunday School children from Ada Zone presented a programme on King Josiah’s campaign to re-establish the true and holy worship of God. His revolution tore down the altars of bitterness, malice, anger, fornication, hatred, and envy, and, as it were, built the altars of love, peace, forgiveness and unity.

Testimony Service

Testimony Service is an important feature of our services as it provides an opportunity to hear what the Lord has done in the lives of those who trust Him. The testimonies given at the Camp meeting clearly show that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. A brother recounted how God saved and healed him at a tender age and is still enjoying God’s blessings in his life after 45 years in the Gospel. Another brother thanked God for delivering him from the hands of armed robbers. A sister praised God for delivering her husband from the hands of kidnappers, while another thanked God for healing her of the issue of blood. A brother glorified God that he took his illness to the WECA Camp meeting and in faith wrote that the Lord has healed him. God honoured his faith by healing him of the ailment. A lady praised God for restoring sound health to her skin after a terrible debilitating skin disease that almost took her life. God healed her completely removing the smell emanating from her skin. A brother thanked God for sparing his life while he dosed off while driving, while another praised God for protecting and preserving his house, while two immediate houses close to his were burnt down by fire.

Other Activities

All free periods were occupied with useful activities for the Camp meeting delegates to build them up spiritually and equip them with secular skills. Accordingly, there was the Glossary for Ministers meeting held on Monday, 26 August 2024. Also, Intestate Issues seminar was held Saturday, 31 August 2024Similarly, Film Show events were held on Monday, 26 August 2024 and on 2 September 2024, while General Information Seminar was held on Saturday 7 September 2024 after the Sunday School Teachers’ Conference. The Youth Mentorship Programme was held on Sunday afternoon, 1 September 2024, just before the Youth Service, while the Teenagers/Parents Programme (Relationship Talk) was held on Monday, 2 September 2024.

Camp meeting Statistics

We thank God that our meetings were well attended. Peak attendance was on the last Sunday, 8 September 2024, with 2,016 persons (consisting of 900 males and 1,116 females) present during the Devotional Service. This number excludes the internet audience.

         Table 1: 2024 Ghana Campmeeting Blessings

Blessing Received

No. of People Who Recorded The Blessing





Baptism of the Holy Ghost




Divine Healing


Other Blessings





We are grateful to the almighty God for making it possible for us to hold the 2024 Campmeeting Convention and for the numerous blessings He bestowed upon us. We praise and glorify His holy name.

Thank you for praying for the success of the convention. We know that many more people were blessed. From the recorded blessings, God indeed answered your prayers for us. We are grateful. May the LORD richly bless you and count you worthy of eternal life.

As we await the soon blast of the Trump of God, do pray for us that the LORD will prepare all of us and our family members for the rapture.

God bless you.

Yours in-His-Service,

Rev. John Bekoe

National Overseer


