Second Week Teachings and Sermons
The Second week of the two-week Campmeeting (that began on 28 August 2022) started on Sunday, 4 September 2022 with the Elementary Sunday School children encouraging the audience that the LORD has descended with His mighty hand to revive His children and deliver people from the bondage of sin and sickness. The Sunday School Lesson was on “Isaiah’s Message to a Backsliding People”. The Devotional Service message was on the topic: “Overcoming Hindrances to Personal Revival” and was anchored on 2 Corinthian 13: 5 and Revelation 2: 5. We were reminded to examine our lives personally if we were not revived or not receiving answers to prayers since God’s Salvation is wholesome, complete and needed no improvement or revision. Hence, repentance and forsaking of all sin is important because the same requirements for deliverance from sin that existed for those in days gone by still apply to us in this modern age.
We received teachings on “Sanctity of Marriage” on Tuesday, and “Overcoming Faith” on Wednesday. The Thursday teaching on “Endurance Race to the End” was delivered by the Superintendent General, Rev. Darrel Lee. He took his texts from a number relevant portions of the Bible including 1 Corinthians 9: 24; Hebrews 12: 1, 2; and 2 Timothy 4: 7,8. He enjoined believers to continue in the Heavenly race since a glorious reward awaited s/he that would endure to the end, adding that we should free ourselves from all encumbrances that would impede our onward march.
The WECA District Superintendent (DS), Rev. Isaac Adigun, preached on Thursday evening on the topic “Complete Victory”. Referring to Joshua 10: 12, where Joshua prayed and commanded the sun to stand still because of the approaching night and darkness to enable his army to completely defeat the five kings who were allied against him, the DS challenged the audience to tarry and pray until they received their Christian experiences. He stated that partial victory was no victory at all, and people trying and failing to overcome sin was not God’s intention, rather He has provided total and complete victory through the blood of Jesus Christ and is available to all those who will earnestly seek Him in prayer.
Friday was dedicated for Ordinance Services, with Baptismal Service in the morning, Lord’s Supper and Washing of Saints’ Feet in the evening.
Ninety-one (91) new converts, comprising forty-four (44) males and forty-seven (47) females, were baptized in water. What was heart-warming was that overwhelming majority of the converts were young people. We praise God for bringing the youth to Himself and our prayer is that the LORD will keep them till He comes for His own. Seven hundred and fifty-five (755) people (349 males and 406 females) came together to observe the ordinances of Lord’s Supper and the Foot Washing.
The Sermon on the final Sunday was delivered by Rev. Darrel Lee from the text Psalm 128: 1-6. He encouraged saints who were going through afflictions and challenges that all will be well because we serve a mighty God who is in control of all situations. He encouraged sinners seeking the face of God for salvation that all will be well because God would answer their prayers and deliver them from their sins. He reminded worshippers of the faith of the Shunemite woman whose only child died but who said to her husband that “It shall be well” (2 Kings 4: 23) and it was well with her because restored her son to life. He therefore encouraged all to have faith in God that all must be well.
The teachings and sermons were inspiring and challenging and many worshippers prayed after each service. All the services and teachings were live-streamed on the internet and the Lord blessed in a special way. These teachings are available online at the Ghana Apostolic Faith Church website: https://apostolicfaithghana.org
Testimony Service
As an integral part of our formal church worship, heart-warming and inspiring testimonies were given at the various meetings that were held during the Camp-meeting. A brother from Aplaku testified about how God reminded him, after he was saved, of how he cheated in a professional certificate examination and the need to make a restitution. Although it was difficult for him and was reluctant to do the restitution, but when he made up his mind to obey God and do the restitution, the Lord saw him through. Subsequently, he was sanctified and baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire. God also prospered him materially, giving him academic scholarships up to Ph.D level. A sister from Takoradi praised God for helping learn how to play trumpet, even though she did not get formal education, and she has been part of the Choir & Orchestra for more than 20 years. A brother from Kumasi glorified for delivering him from false religion and generational curse. He came from a family of eight (8) but strangely his family members started dying one by one until they were only three left. When his immediate elder sibling died, it dawned on him that he was the next to die. That made him afraid but it was during that period that he was invited to the Apostolic Faith Church. When he confessed and renounced all his sins, promising to serve and worship God, he was miraculously saved from his life of sin. Since that time till date, more than 15 years ago, the Lord has kept him alive and has kept his two other siblings alive. A brother who left the shores of Ghana for greener pastures abroad since 2003 thanked God for piloting his life and blessing him on every hand, but more especially for keeping him in the grace of God till date.
Campmeeting Statistics
We thank God that our meetings were well attended. Peak attendance for the Second Week was on the second Sunday of the Campmeeting, with 1,224 (comprising 598 males and 626 females) persons joining the Devotional Service.
We are immensely grateful to the almighty God for giving us a total of 996 blessings distributed as follows:
Table 1: 2022 Ghana Campmeeting Blessings
Blessing Received |
No. of People Who Recorded The Blessing |
Salvation |
167 |
Sanctification |
73 |
Baptism of the Holy Ghost |
37 |
Re-Anointing |
191 |
Divine Healing |
198 |
Other Blessings |
330 |
996 |
We are eternally thankful to the LORD for making it possible for us to hold the face-to-face Campmeeting Convention in 2022 after a two-year pause due to COVID-19, and for the numerous blessings He bestowed upon us. May His holy name be glorified.
We thank all who joined us physically and virtually, as well as all those who prayed for the success of the Campmeeting. From the record of the blessings, God indeed answered your prayers. May the LORD richly bless you.
We pray God to count all of us worthy of eternal life.
God bless you.
Yours in-His-Service,
Rev. John Bekoe
National Overseer