11th April 2023
Dear Friend,
Because of the closeness of the national Youth Camp to the Easter Retreat, the Management decided to hold annual Easter Retreats at the zonal level in order to reduce much movement and the attendant costs. As a result, the 2023 Easter Retreat was held across the six zones on 7 – 9 April 2023.
Easter Retreat in Accra Zone
The Accra Zone Easter Retreat was held from Friday, 7 April to Sunday, 9 April at Aplaku, the national headquarters of the church. The Bible Study Outline on the theme He Died For Us was treated on Friday morning for all classes of people. Using the texts John 19:1-30; Isaiah 53:1-12; and Matthew 27: 27-56, the teachers showed the students in the various classes what Christ suffered to procure our salvation and why He needed to go through the cruel treatment. Because of Christ’s atoning sacrifice, humanity can receive eternal life for all those who turn from all their sins in true repentance. In the Friday afternoon, participants had a time with the Overseer on a Question & Answer Session where he responded to their numerous questions on various topics. The session was useful because attendees were able to know more about the Apostolic Faith organization and our standards. Sunday School Teachers’ Conference was held on Saturday morning concurrently with a Bible Quiz for those who were not Sunday School teachers based on the Sunday School Quarterly Book 29. There was literature distribution exercise in the afternoon to invite people to Sunday Service. The children of the Elementary Department presented a short sketch of the benefits of the risen Saviour to mankind on Sunday morning. After the Devotional Service, the 2023 Easter Music Concert was presented in a unique way with all the branches in the Accra Zone taking turns to render various musical songs and pieces during the first half of the concert. The audience enjoyed the presentations. The choir and orchestra performed a number of pieces including He Was Despised and Rejected, Grace Medley, Nothing But the Blood of Jesus, Four Days Late, Woha Le Shidaa (Let us Give Him Thanks), and Hye Me Ma (Fill Me Up).
Easter Retreat in Ada Zone
The Ada Zone Easter Retreat was held on 7-9 April 2023 at Big Ada, one of the branch churches in the zone. Bible Study was held on Friday morning and a film show was presented in the evening. On Saturday, there was a Bible Study, followed by Revival and Evangelistic Service in the evening. On Sunday, after the Sunday School and Devotional Service, a Farewell Service was held in the evening. Many souls were blessed during the retreat.
Easter Retreat in Northern Zone
The Easter Retreat in the Northern Zone was held at the level of the branch churches because the zone just held its annual one-week Revival Meeting on 26 March – 2 April 2023. The Revival Meeting was mightily blessed by the LORD as we recorded a total of 166 blessings (comprising 53 people who were saved; 23 sanctified; 19 baptized with the Holy Ghost and fire; 19 received divine healing; 25 saints re-anointed; and 27 other blessings), and a peak attendance of 194 worshippers. Although the Easter Retreat was held only on Friday and Sunday in the zone, yet the presence of God was felt in the meetings and attendance was encouraging.
Easter Retreat in Western Zone
The Easter Retreat for the Western Zone was held on 7-9 April 2023 at the zonal headquarters, Apremdu. On both Friday and Saturday, there were Bible Study, Film Show, and Revival & Evangelistic Service. There was Sunday School for all classes of people on Sunday morning, followed by Devotional Service. The Retreat was brought to an end with a Farewell Service on Sunday evening. The Lord manifested His presence in all the meetings and we give Him all the glory.
Easter Retreat in Central Zone
The Central Zone Easter Retreat was held on 7-9 April 2023 at the zonal headquarters, Cape Coast. Prayer Meeting and Film Show were the activities that were held on Friday. Bible Study was held on Saturday, followed by Sunday School Teachers’ Conference. There was Sunday School on Sunday morning, followed by Devotional Service. The Retreat was brought to an end with a Farewell Service on Sunday evening. The abundant blessings of the Lord were evident throughout the three-day event.
Easter Retreat in Eastern Zone
The Eastern Zone Easter Retreat was held on 7-9 April 2023 at Nsawam, the headquarters of the branch churches in that zone. Bible Study was held on
Friday morning and a film show was presented later in the day. On Saturday, there was a training on entrepreneurship. On Sunday, after the Sunday School and Devotional Service, a Youth Service was held in the evening. The LORD blessed many souls during the retreat.
Easter Retreat Summary Statistics
The table below presents the summary statistics of the 2023 Easter Retreat. We are thankful to God for the many blessings He showered upon us during this period. While the Lord Himself has the true record of blessings, information reaching us indicates that a total of 363 blessings were received during the period, consisting of salvation (27), sanctification (11), baptism of the Holy Ghost and fire (3), re-anointing (90), healing (47), and other blessings (185). To God be all the glory in Jesus’ name.

The 2023 Easter Retreat across the zones were well attended and the LORD blessed participants. We pray God that He will keep all of us in His grace as we await the soon blast of the Trump of God.
God bless you.
Yours in-His-Service,
Rev. John Bekoe
National Overseer

2023 Ghana Easter Retreat - Open Air Service

2023 Ghana Easter Retreat - Seekers on the Altar

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