The Ministers’ and Workers’ Conference started at 10.00am but was preceded by individual prayers at 9.00am. The conference was opened with a music prelude, followed by congregational songs and a welcome address by the Overseer of Ibadan Region, Rev. Funso Shobowale. The two materials reviewed at the conference were titled “The Church” and “Apostolic Faith Church Ethics” (culled from the Ministers Manual). After a period of prayer, Question and Answer Session followed, and the conference was rounded up at about 2.30pm with a closing ceremony that consisted of Announcement, closing song and prayer. Attendance at the conference was 237.
The Sunday School Teachers’ Conference was held to review the following lessons which were to be taught the next day: Elementary Lesson 65 (Jesus Rose from the Grave). Adult Lesson 379 (The Resurrection – The Hope of a Christian). The review was chaired by Rev. Funso Shobowale, the Ibadan Regional Overseer.
In keeping with the directive from WECA, a film titled “Passion of Christ” was shown to the congregation gathered in the church auditorium. As the film was very touching, an inspiring prayer session followed at the end of which a total of 93 blessings were recorded.
As early as 7.00am, the Prayer Room was almost filled to capacity with workers, who were later addressed by 8am before going into the auditorium for Sunday School. Earlier, the children gathered in the basement for Elementary Sunday School lesson and children’s Service. The camp meeting started on a reviving note with a brilliant prelude from the keyboard. The Sunday School continued with congregational songs 308, 309 and 310 followed by prayer. At 8:52 am, the children from Elementary Sunday Schools in Ilorin Zone presented a welcome programme titled “Ajinde Jesu.” Thereafter, the congregation was distributed into classes. The classes were taught in Yoruba, Igede and English languages. A short review by Brother Joseph Akanbi was undertaken to close the Sunday School. Attendance was 1,224.
At 10:45 am, the devotional service commenced in earnest with a music prelude. CGS 7, 197, and 403 were sang, followed by the congregational prayer, announcement, and choir anthem. The scripture reading was taken from Psalm 85:4–7, after which the soloist sang the song, “Revival is Here.” The sermon by Rev. Funso Shobowale was titled, “O Lord, Revive Thy Work.” During the exhortation, references were taken from Habakkuk 3:2, Psalm 51:12–13, Rev 2:14, 2:5, Ezekiel 37:1–8 and 10–11, and Acts 3:19. At the close of the sermon, the altar service was opened for people to pray. A total of 1,151 people were at the service.
The first Young People’s Service commenced with the prayer room service by 1:30pm and the service by 2:30pm. The preacher, Brother Gbenga Adewale commenced his charge with the story of Zacchaeus, the tax collector whose life of affluence in a corrupt way never brought joy to him until he found Jesus. So, young people were charged to focus on the joy of salvation.
In the evening, the revival service commenced with a prelude consisting of a brass ensemble and choir song. The revivalist, Brother Sunday Fadesire, pastor of Ganmo church, charged on “Total Victory,” which spurred the congregation into an inspiring prayer session. Eight hundred and twenty-eight (828) people attended the evening service. At the close of the day, a total 356 blessings were recorded.
Bible teaching commenced at about 9:25 a.m. with a prelude, followed by a violin trio, choir song, and an octet. The teacher, Brother Matthias Bamigbola, the District Head of Mission, spoke on “Building on Spiritual Foundation,” and took his references from Luke 6:47–49; 1 Corinthians 3:11; John 4:6; Isaiah 28:16; Romans 3:23; and Isaiah 55:7, among others. Attendance and blessings recorded at the end of the teaching were 671 and 104 respectively.
In the evening, there was a camp meeting concert which started at 5:00 p.m. The first half of the concert featured songs like “He is Risen”, “Halleluyah from Mount Olives”, “Going to Shout All Over God’s Heaven”, and “Emi O Yin O Jesu”. Personalities present included His Royal Highness, the Alala of Ala, His Royal Highness, the Elegosi of Egosi-Ile, and the queen of late Elegosi of Egosi-Ile. The intermission featured testimonies from some of the choristers. Musical pieces presented during the second half include the “Surprise Symphony”, “Because He Lives”, “I’ll Fly Away”, “O Ye Ka Dupe” and “Resurrection Morn”. At the end of the concert, Oba David Olushola Adewuyi, the Alala of Ala, gave the vote of thanks. The choir song, “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder” ushered the congregants to the altar of prayer. There were 1,031 music enthusiasts at the evening of music concert.
The Children’s Service commenced at 8.30am and had 182 worshippers in attendance. The morning teaching titled, “Christian Forgiveness and Restitution” was handled by Brother Matthew Adewumi, the Administrative Secretary. The teaching exposes the necessity to forgive one another even as Christ forgave us, and the requirement that the blood of Jesus will not cover any wrong doing that God expects us to right. Attendance and blessings recorded are respectively 357 and 106.
The revival and evangelistic service for the day was opened with a prelude, followed by renditions from the choir. CGS 214,217,222 were taken. The preacher, Brother Kola Adediran, pastor of Ife Zone in Osun District, exhorted on the need to be prepared to receive the blessings God has in store for us. The attendance was 601, and 88 blessings were recorded.
The morning teaching opened with a prelude, followed by choice songs from the CGS. After the congregational prayer, a testimony service and the special song. Rev. Tayo Adejumo, the Oyo District Overseer, taught on “Sanctity of Marriage”. He referenced Gen 2:15, 23, and 24, 1 Cor 6:9, Mk 10:7-9, Mal. 2:14–17, Luke 16:18, Matt 19:7-9, Romans 7:2 and 3, 1 Cor 7:10 and 11, and some other passages while expounding on the topic. A rousing altar service followed.
The midweek Young People’s Service for the Camp meeting anchored by Brother Olanrewaju Olayinka, the Ibadan Regional Youth Leader, who charged on “POSSESSING OUR POSSESSIONS”. People prayed earnestly and 34 blessings were recorded. The revivalist for the revival and evangelistic service was Brother Shadrack Niniola, pastor for Offa Zone. At the close of the day, attendances were 501, 322 and 474, while total blessings were 33, 34 and 89 respectively.
A Children’s Service was conducted by teachers of the Elementary Sunday School Department.
The morning Bible teaching commenced with an organ prelude followed by choir renditions, and the congrerational songs. Rev. Sunday Fadipe, Kwara District Overseer, taught on “The Rapture of the Saints,” buttressing his point from 1 Thess 4:1–18, Rev 3:4–5, John 14:1-4, Rev 19:7, and Gen 18:32, among others. The teaching ended with an altar call.
The evening revival and evangelistic service commenced with songs from the choir, after which CGS 700 and 675 were taken. The revivalist, Brother Felix Olusi, a minister at Agbo-Oba church, exhorted the congregation on “Total Freedom,” with particular reference to Matthew 11:28–30. The service ended, and the people prayed. At the close of the day, attendances were respectively 165, 440 and 544. Total blessings recorded at the respective services were 15, 47 and 70.
Baptismal service was held to give new converts as well as other saved souls that have not had the opportunity for water baptism. The service started at 9:30am. Congregational songs were taken from CGS 421 and 583. Thereafter, a short sermon was preached before the water baptism proper. The preacher was Rev. Michael Sheidu, pastor of Jebba Zone. He took the text from Matthew 28:18–20. References were made to Romans 6:3-4 and Acts 8:36. At the close of the service, 110 saved souls, comprising 69 females and 41 males, were baptized in water. The attendance at the baptismal service was 581.
The ordinances of the Lord’s Supper and the Washing of Saints’ Feet were observed in the evening starting at 4pm. While exhorting on the Lord’s Supper, Rev. Abel Adedayo, Osun District Overseer, referenced Mark 14:22, 25, 1 Corinthians 11:22, Matthew 26: 26-29, 1 Corinthians 11:25-29,30 and stated that as the Israelites do keep the Passover in the Old Testament, to prepare them for Canaan, so also, we observe the Lord’s Supper to get ready for our eternal home.
Concerning the Washing of Saints’ Feet, Rev. Joseph Akanbi, pastor of Omu-Aran Zone, read from John 13:2-17 and stated that Jesus instituted the ordinance to teach His disciples humility, and love for the brethren. At the end of the exhortation, the females in the auditorium were requested to move to the basement for the ordinance. The congregation came together, and the meeting closed at about 9pm. Statistics for the meeting included 161 females and 134 males.
There was ‘Charity Day’ between 8am and 10am in which usable materials such clothes, shoes, suits and the like are made available for the less privileged. Several items collected by the Welfare Department were displayed, and campers interested were allowed to pick one or two items from the collection.
The second Sunday School Teachers’ Conference was held between 10am and 12am to review the Elementary Lesson 68 (The Good Man Goes to Heaven) and Adult Lesson 380 (The Gospel of the Son of God). The review was chaired by Rev. Funso Shobowale.
Between 1pm and 3pm, there was a meeting of students of institutions of higher learning, and corpers serving in the district. The meeting anchored by the Youth Development Department, deliberated on the prospects and challenges of these groups of young people.
In the evening, a variety programme was implemented, affording the campers opportunities to praise God for His blessings. Newly saved people and those who took part in water baptism were also able to offer their testimonies. Attendance at the programme was 442 and 46 blessings were recorded.
The Sunday school service continued with congregational songs 30 and 453 followed by prayer. Thereafter, the children from Elementary Sunday Schools in Omu-Aran Zone presented a farewell programme to encourage the brethren to face the task of spreading the Gospel of Jesus. This admonition was illustrated with the effort of Nehemiah who rebuilt the broken-down-walls of Jerusalem. Thereafter, the congregation was distributed into different classes which were taught in Yoruba, English and Igede languages. A review of the lesson was carried out by Brother Matthew Adewumi.
The sermon for the devotional service was preached by Brother Isaac Aremu, the District Head of Worship, on the topic: “The Millennial Reign of Christ on Earth.” According to the preacher, the Millennial Reign of Christ is to bring into fulfilment the plan of God that Jesus must reign on the earth, for the benefit of both the Jews and the Gentiles.
The last Young People’s Service was officiated by Brother Jide Adebayo who admonished the congregation from Mark 5: 1-8 on “SHACKLES BE BROKEN.” He opined that all kinds of Shackles originated from the spirit realm, and enjoined on the need to pray through to the three Christian experiences in order to get rid of shackles of life.
In the evening, a film on “Forty-Five – For Another’s Crime,” was screened. The film dwelt on the need to forgive others for Christ’s sake just as we would want Christ to forgive us.
Attendances and (blessings) recorded at the services are respectively 1,108, 1,013 (97), 390 (56), and 591 (23).
The statistics of blessings received are as follows: Salvation – 392, Sanctification – 107, HG Baptism – 38, Healing -268, Re-anointing 125, Others -396 Totaling 1,326
Rev. F.S. Fadipe
Kwara District Overseer






