A Missionary Team consisting of Brother James Olaleye, Sister Rachel Fakorede, Sister Martell Olaleye and Brother Yves Ahomian visited Libreville, Gabon between October 27 and November 02, 2022 for some missionary assignment.
Mission Evaluation
The delegates were welcome on Thursday October 27 in the Church by brethren in Libreville, after which Sister Rachel greeted them on behalf of the DS (Revd. Isaac Adigun) and the Saints in WECA. She gave a short exhortation which ended with an alter call. It was a great revival as people rushed to the alter to pray. Some pray through to their Christian experiences.

After the alter service, the team held a meeting with the Country leader and the ministers to evaluate the Administration, Mission and Worship activities and to let them know the objective of the mission. The team had a better understanding of how the work was going on. The country leader and the ministers were made to understand the reason for the mission and made up their mind to cooperate, so that the mission will be a success.
The visit to Essessa Branch
The Team proceeded to visit Essessa branch in spite of the heavy downpour. They was impressed by what they saw there and encouraged the workers who were present. The people there were very happy to have a visit from WECA Headquarters.
Special Revival Services
Two evening revival services were held in Libreville on Friday October 28 and on Monday October 31. The officiating ministers were respectively Sister Rachel Fakorede and Brother Yves Ahomian. People were touched by the spirit filled messages and prayed fervently after each service and received salvation, sanctification, baptism of the Holy Ghost, healing and even some workers were re-anointed.

Organization of Seminars for Sunday School Teachers and Gospel Workers
On Saturday, October 29, after Sunday School Teachers Conference, there was a seminar for Sunday School Teachers (handled by Sister Martell Olaleye) and a seminar for All Gospel Workers (handled by Brother Yves Ahomian). Sunday School Teachers and all other Workers were revived, edified and encouraged because they have been well equipped to carry out their God given assignment. They all made up their mind to faithfully, zealously and prayerfully do the work of the Lord.
Appointment of a new Leader of the Apostolic Faith Church in Gabon
After the seminars, Brother James Olaleye and Sister Rachel Fakorede announced to the workers that Brother John Oladiran, after 32 years of service in the vineyard of the Lord, has voluntarily retired from the active work in the Church as Pastor and Country Leader of the Apostolic Faith Church in Gabon on health ground. They then introduced to the workers the new acting Pastor and Leader of the work in Gabon, Brother Jollie Ilegbedion who will be assisted by Sister Mary Oladiran. All the workers stood up unanimously to show their approval of the choice made by the Ministry.
Conduction of a Sunday School Service
On Sunday, October 30, the Sunday school lesson ‘DIVINE LOVE’, Book 28, Lesson 355 was taught in different classes. After the teaching of the lesson in classes, Sister Rachel Fakorede made a review of the lesson. The teachers and the reviewer were backed up by the Spirit of God to the extent that the worshipers went on their knees to earnestly pray.
Conduction of a Devotional Service
During the Devotional Service, Brother James Olaleye preached ‘OH LORD, REVIVE THY WORK’. The hearts of many people were touched, and the Lord granted many souls the different Christian experiences.
Installation of the New Leader
During the announcements, the new acting Pastor and Leader of our work in Gabon, Brother Jollie Ilegbedjan, who will be assisted by Sister Mary Oladiran, was introduced to the congregation by Sister Rachel Fakorede and prayed for by Brother James Olaleye. They all stood up to show their approval.

Conduction of an Evening of Variety Singing
In the evening of Sunday, October 30, there was a special service of variety singing coupled with testimonies and a short exhortation given by Brother Yves Ahomian. The congregational singing coupled with the choir renditions brought great joy to all the worshipers. When the alter call was made, people rushed to the alter to pray.
Organization of a General Retreat
On Monday October 31, after the alter service, the review of the retreat lesson, ‘The Blessed or Happy Man’ was conducted by Brother Yves Ahomian. On Tuesday, November 1, the retreat was held. The lesson was taught in four different classes: French Elementary, Junior, Senior and English Senior. Through this lesson, members understood that money, houses, cars, certificates and other earthly possessions cannot bring true happiness. To be blessed and happy, one need to get saved and remain saved. He will then have rewards not only on this earth but also in Heaven. At the end of the review, they went on their knees to call upon God.

Organization of a Retirement Reception Program for Brother John Oladiran
In the afternoon of Tuesday, November 1, a reception program was held. It was made of choir songs, congregational singing, testimonies, an interview, a short exhortation, prayers, offering of gifts by Elementary Sunday School Department presented by the Church and WECA delegates to Brother John Oladiran. Family photographs were taken. There was great joy and excitement on each face. The guest - Brother John Oladiran, was particularly excited.

Setting up of a Management Team that will help the New Pastor
The team from WECA Headquarters helped the new acting Leader to appoint some members to form the Management Team to work with him. They will be meeting weekly with him for the progress of the work. Each of them was told what was expected of him or her. Having seen the importance and urgency of the work, they all promised to totally dedicate their life to the progress of the Gospel work in Gabon.
Other Activities
Visits were paid to Nigerian Embassy among others. We thank God for His manifestation in them all.
Pick Attendance: 105
Salvation |
Sanctification |
Bapt. of Holy Ghost |
Re-anointing |
Healing |
Others Blessing |
Total Blessing |
09 |
01 |
01 |
03 |
03 |
12 |
29 |
Reporting Officer: