A Team of Missionaries comprising of Brothers Johnson Okpo (Team Leader), Bobo Francois and Yves Ahomian were sent to Cote D’Ivoire on a Pastoral visit to address some conflicting issues affecting the progress of the Gospel in that Country. The visit took place between February 14 and February 28, 2024.
Below are the highlights of the visit:
1. |
To organize meeting with officials of the Church to address some conflicting issues - using the Ministers’ Manual. |
Meetings were held in Abidjan and in Yamoussoukro with Board Members, Management Team, Pastors, and Ministers to address some conflicting issues disturbing the progress of the Gospel in Côte d’Ivoire. |
There were reconciliations among these Church Officers. They had a better understanding of the role of a Leader, the importance of unity among Brethren, procedures to conflict resolutions, ministerial sexual misconduct policy, and so on as stated in the Ministers’ manual. |
2. |
To meet with the Youths in Cote D’Ivoire |
In Abidjan as well as in yamoussoukro the missionaries held meetings with the youths in order to listen to them, clarify some church policies with them and solve some conflicting issues. |
There were reconciliations among the aggrieved youth members too. They understood the operations of the Church about leadership, information dissemination through the social media, importance of unity in the Church, misconduct policies, and God’s expectations of the Youths in the Church, and so on. There was a prayer session-turned revival after the challenge. The meeting ended with a song: “Conquerors and Overcomers now are We”. |
3. |
To meet with Sunday School Teachers |
Using the Sunday School Teacher's Handbook, Brother François Bobo taught the Sunday school teachers of Abidjan while Brother Yves Ahomianh led it in Yamoussoukro on the duties of a Sunday School Teacher of the Apostolic Faith Church. Bro. Johnson Okpo also gave them guidelines on Sunday school lesson teaching methodology. |
The Sunday School Teachers had a better knowledge of their respective responsibilities as teachers. The lessons learnt on the method of effective delivery of the Sunday school lesson helped a lot in the delivery of the lesson the following Sunday. |
4. |
To remind workers of their duties using the Workers and Teachers’ hand book |
Brother Yves Ahomian, using the 'Gospel Worker’s Handbook', gave a teaching to all the workers. |
Workers had a thorough knowledge of their respective responsibilities as “workers together with God”. |
5. |
To hold a meeting with those having issues with the ministry. |
Some private meetings were held with those having issues with the ministry and the leadership. |
These people were admonished through the Word of God and the Ministers’ manual. Because of the better understanding, through the Word of God and the Ministers’ manual, they were happy and encouraged. We prayed together and they promised to be affective in the service of the Lord and to carry out any assignment as may be given by the leader. |
6. |
To address the issue of Cocody land. |
The missionaries met with the Leaders of the church in Côte d’Ivoire about the issue of Cocody land, which they were planning to sell because of a governmental decree relating to noise regulation policy. Some visits were made to Cocody Fire Chateau, Bingerville, Elokro and Agboville to see some lands the Church may acquire. |
The missionaries had a clear understanding of the situation. A feedback was to be given to the DS. He is to take the final decision on whether to sell or not to sell the land of Cocody, and to buy other places. |
7. |
To Conduct Sunday School sessions |
On Saturday, February 17, the Sunday School Teachers met to study lesson No. 424 of Book No. 33 (DANIEL'S PRAYER AND VISION), which was taught on Sunday, February 18 in a combined class, by Brother Yves Ahomian. Brother François Bobo reviewed the lesson. 2. On Saturday, February 24, the Sunday School Teachers met to study lesson No. 425 of Book No. 33 (CHRISTIAN PERSEVERANCE AND THE OVERCOMER), which was taught on Sunday, February 25 in several classes, according to languages and age groups. Brother Jérôme HIEN reviewed the lesson. Before the teaching of the lessons, the Sunday School Children presented short programs in Abidjan as well as in Yamoussoukro. |
The Teachers, divinely inspired, taught the lessons very well to the point of touching the hearts of the members. The audience was attentive and actively participated. After the review sessions, intense prayers were offered to God. The Children’s program brought inspiration and challenge to all. It reminded us of the old time power and faith in God exhibited by the veterans.
8. |
To Organizing Devotional Services |
On Sunday, February 18 (in Abidjan) and on Sunday, February 25 (in Yamoussoukro), Brother Okpo Johnson preached sermons respectively on the topics “The Power of Intercessory Prayer” and “Our names in the Book of Life” |
Many were touched in Abidjan as well as in Yamoussoukro by the messages. God's presence was felt during the altar services and diverse blessings received. |
9. |
To visit some branches |
The Team visited almost 20 branches and centers. Brother Johnson explained to the leaders the difference between Cottage meeting, Bible study center, Sunday School center, full branch church, Zonal headquarters, and so on. |
The missionaries had a general overview of the church in Côte d’Ivoire. After explanation of church establishment and upgrading procedures, the leaders understood what name to call each worship place. |
10. |
To Organise evangelistic outreaches |
Before evening services, groups of workers went out for evangelism. |
The people received the evangelists with joy. Several tracts and gospel materials were distributed. Some even followed the evangelists to the evening services. |
11. |
To Conduct evening services |
Evening revival services were organized in some branches: 1. In Abobo on February 19 (Preacher: Brother François Bobo); 2. In Port-Bouet on February 20 (Preacher: Brother Yves Ahomian); 3. In Brobo on February 22 (Preacher: Brother JérômeHien); 4. In Daloa on February 23 (Preacher: Brother Georges Kintin). |
Worshipers were revived and many blessings attended each of the services. A young French woman spoke in Yoruba language after receiving the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Another also spoke in Queens English. These women do not hear nor understand the languages they spoke. Many sick people were healed and Workers re-anointed. |
In Brobo, some students who were coming back from school met the evangelists. They were encouraged to attend the evening revival service. Some of them got into the Gospel van and attended the service. Two of them attended service on the following Sunday and were blessed. In Yamousoukro, a brother testified of God’s manifestation to the church after many months of no revival due to the crisis the enemy brought to the church. He prayed for God to have mercy on them by saving if it is only one soul on Sunday, but God answered and saved, sanctified and baptized many souls that Sunday.
General Comments
1. The mission was a huge success as many were revived after reconciliation.
2. The Ministry of the Church, the workers and the Brethren in general have shown great hospitality.
3. Ministers and Workers showed the spirit of humility, communion, and willingness to learn and work in Unity.
4. Ministers and Workers were eager to start full-blown outreach.
5. The altar services were fervent with workers helping seekers.
6. The Lord was present in all the meetings, as wounded hearts got reconciled with God and man. It was joy and testimonies of victory from the Brethren.
256 (Combine service in Abidjan), 333 (Combine service in Yamoussoukro) |
Salvation |
Sanctification |
Bapt. of H. Ghost. |
Re-Anointing |
Healing |
Others |
11 |
07 |
06 |
63 |
06 |
50 |
143 |

With workers in Yamoussoukro

Sunday School Children during their Program

From the Pulpit

The Choir and Orchestra during Services

The Missionaries visiting some branches

Visit of some plots of land
Reporting Officer: Yves AHOMIAN