Reverend Dwight Baltzell's Opening Speech

“We know that in the times of great loss that we have just gone through  with the passing on of Brother Soyinka, God will have us continue His  work. His Word tells us, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my  disciples indeed” (John 8:31).  

“God provides different strength for different times. Firstly, myself, the  Board or anyone else, has not taken this decision lightly. There has been  much prayer. The saints of God throughout the United States and  everywhere else have been praying for this situation. The Board has  worked very hard to be sure they are careful and in unity. 

“God makes no mistakes. It was no mistake back in 1906 when the Lord  poured out the Latter Rain Gospel back in Los Angeles. God promised that  and He has certainly performed it. There was no mistake that the Lord led  Sister Crawford to Portland, Oregon, to begin the work there. It was no  mistake that the Lord led her to emphasize the Gospel being spread  through literature.  

(L-R) Brother Paulsen and wife, Sister Baltzell and Brother Baltzell, Brother Paul Akazue, Sister and Brother Ajayi.

“There have been many marvellous things since through these years. My  uncle, Clifford Baltzell, worked in the printing plant under Sister  Crawford when it was starting, when he was 15 years old. He told me a  story that took place at the beginning of printing of the Apostolic Faith  literature. They needed a larger press but had very little money. So, they  purchased a printing press that was all in pieces. They had no instructions  on how to assemble it. There were only letters and numbers on each piece.  The most intelligent people in the Church had worked very hard to figure it  out but to no avail. Finally, they said, 'Well, it is time for church, so, let's  leave this for the Lord and let's go to church.'  

“At the close of the service, a man no one knew, sitting at the back of the  church, came forward to give his heart to the Lord in prayer. After he  prayed, they began to explain to him what they were doing and all things  about The Apostolic Faith. They ended up taking him downstairs and  showed him the press they did not know how to assemble. He began to  shout and praise God. He said, 'I recognize this!' He said, 'This was all the  way in Chicago at the convention. I am the one that disassembled it and  wrote these numbers!' That was no mistake either, was it? The man quickly  got to work and totally assembled the press! It is very probable that  literature of that very press came to Africa. There was no mistake when  honest hearts began to read that literature and heard what God could do  and gave their hearts to the Lord.  

“It was certainly no mistake when the Lord laid it upon the heart of Brother  George Hughes to pay a visit to Africa. No mistake at all that the Lord  raised up men and women here in Africa to uphold the Gospel. It is no  mistake at all either that we are here today. We do not know how many  moments we have left before the Lord returns. But the Lord does tell us to  occupy until He comes.

“After much prayer and everything considered, we feel that the Lord has  placed the mantle on Brother Paul Akazue. Brother Paul has proven  himself through these years as a faithful servant unto the Lord. The Lord  has helped him to be strong and to be a good leader in wherever his post has  been. 

“We know he loves the Lord and what The Apostolic Faith stands for. We  have of course shared this already yesterday with all of the ministers and  the workers. It was my intent after informing them what the decision was  to have them stand in support. But they beat me to it; they all stood in  unison before even I asked. So, I will be asking Brother Paul Akazue to be  coming up here and kneeling while the Board gathers around him to pray  over him. Following this, I would like Brother Paul to take the seat next to  myself.” 

(ORDINATION PRAYER) by the Board of Trustees.